Philly Attack Is Important Reminder of Need for Updated State Hate Crime Laws

Philly Attack Is Important Reminder of Need for Updated State Hate Crime Laws

An attack on two gay men in Philadelphia highlights the need for laws protecting LGBT people from crimes motivated by hatred not only in Pennsylvania, but at the state level across the country.

Gay Club Promoters Sexualize Terrorist Group ISIS In Deeply Disturbing New Ads

Gay Club Promoters Sexualize Terrorist Group ISIS In Deeply Disturbing New Ads

Dreck-IsisWe just threw up in our mouths a little.

Drek, a gay club based in Tel Aviv, has begun circulating publicity pictures that sexualize the beheadings of James Foley, David Haines and Steven Sotloff to promote their latest circuit party. Because nothing’s sexier than a homoerotic reinterpretation of the brutal murders of three innocent civilians.

One of the images shows a half-naked man in a desert kneeling in the sand with a black-clad man looming over him with his hand on his shoulder. The poster features the “black flag” of Isis in the top left hand corner and text running below in the style of Isis’ grisly propaganda videos.

A second image shows a topless man flying a black flag symbolic of Islamist extremism.

Adding further insult to injury, the word Drek, Ynet reports, is Hebrew for “stubborn” but can also mean “hard-necked.”

The images were posted to the club’s Facebook page — where one of them can still be seen, despite public outcry.

Amiri Kalman, co-founder of Drek, said the group was merely “reacting to current events.”

“This is satire,” he added, “and our way of showing our contempt of them and their videos.”

But not everyone found the images satirical.

“Disgusting!” one commenter wrote. “Getting a laugh off of the murder of innocent victims.”

As New York Magazine pointed out, it’s worth noting that “Drek” is also Yiddish for “trash.”

Graham Gremore

SCOTUS Justice Elena Kagan Officiates Her First Gay Wedding

SCOTUS Justice Elena Kagan Officiates Her First Gay Wedding

KaganAt a Maryland ceremony for her former law clerk and his husband, Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan officiated a gay wedding for the very first time, the AP reports:

Kagan presided on Sunday over the wedding of former clerk Mitchell Reich and Patrick Pearsall in the Washington suburb of Chevy Chase, Maryland.

Supreme Court spokeswoman Kathy Arberg said Monday that the same-sex ceremony was the first at which Kagan officiated.

Both retired Justice Sandra Day O’Connor and current Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg have officiated at gay weddings in the past. 

Kyler Geoffroy

Take A Peek Under The Tent & Meet The Cast Of 'American Horror Story: Freak Show'

Take A Peek Under The Tent & Meet The Cast Of 'American Horror Story: Freak Show'
The freak show is getting nearer, and we finally have a good look at its wild cast of characters.

In new cast photos for “American Horror Story: Freak Show,” we meet Jessica Lange’s character, Elsa Mars, and her troupe of freaks, along with a handful of others. The only characters missing from this new set of photos are Gabourey Sidibe and Patti LaBelle, the terrifying Twisty the Clown and, of course, Pepper. Without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, freaks of all shapes and sizes — welcome to the freak show:

“American Horror Story: Freak Show” premieres Oct. 8 at 10 p.m. ET on FX.

Federal Courts Enter Frustrating Standoff Over Freedom To Marry

Federal Courts Enter Frustrating Standoff Over Freedom To Marry

Supreme_Court_US_2010We’ve been waiting years for the U.S. Supreme Court to make a decision about marriage, and now an off-the-cuff comment from Ruth Bader Ginsburg has just provided a hint that the Supreme Court might’ve been waiting for us this whole time. Somehow, marriage equality has turned into a lame chicken-and-egg joke.

Here’s the problem: there are a bunch of marriage cases that are ready for the Supreme Court to take. But the Supreme Court might not want to take it (RBG hinted last week) because all of those cases agree that marriage bans are unconstitutional, and the court would prefer to wait until lower courts disagree with each other.

So far, only one federal judge has upheld a marriage ban since the Windsor decision, and he’s at the bottom of the ladder: a District Court judge. Before that case gets to the U.S. Supreme Court, it has to pass through an appellate court, which could take years.

So if Ginburg’s comment is any indication, the Supreme Court might not take a case for years. Or maybe it will take a case next week! There is literally no way to know what the hell they’re going to do, other than wear robes and look solemn.

Making things even more complicated: some courts (but not all courts) are afraid of stepping on the Supreme Court’s toes, so they’d decided to freeze their marriage lawsuits until the Supreme Court rules. But the Supreme Court might not want to make a decision until those cases advance further. And that means that the whole legal system’s in a traffic jam, waiting for someone to get out of the way and figure out where they’re going.

And that, apparently, is now important issues are settled here in the land of the free.

matt baume

Indonesian Sharia Province May Punish Gay Sex With 100 Lashes

Indonesian Sharia Province May Punish Gay Sex With 100 Lashes

Caning aceh indonesia

Politicians in Aceh province, Indonesia, are considering passing a new law that will punish gay sex with 100 lashes, reports Malaysian Digest.

Aceh is the only part Indonesia to enforce Islamic Sharia law, which is has been slowly implementing since 2001.

The draft law, which also punishes adultery with 100 lashes of the cane, would criminalize anal sex between men and “the rubbing of body parts between women for stimulation.” It would also apply Islamic laws and punishments to non-Muslims.

Aceh Party’s Ramli Sulaiman, who heads the commission that drafted the law, said:

“We have studied the implementation of sharia in countries like Saudi Arabia, Brunei Darussalam and Jordan to draft this law and we are happy with it.”

Amnesty International has expressed concern over the bylaw and has said that caning goes against international laws on torture and rights, as well as Indonesia’s own constitution.

Jim Redmond


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