Liam Payne Says 'I'm 100% Not Homophobic…Also Not Gay' After Alleged Nude Photo Leak
Liam Payne Says 'I'm 100% Not Homophobic…Also Not Gay' After Alleged Nude Photo Leak
One Direction’s Liam Payne spoke out on Twitter on Sunday after a series of grainy photos taken from a video allegedly showing the singer nude on a bed engaging in sexual acts with another man were posted to the social network and quickly spread.
“Wow as if people think that weird photo going around is actually me lol think id rather tweet a full frontal than have people look at that🙈”
He added, in a second tweet:
“I’m 100% not homophobic. But I’m also 100% not gay so when somebody says I am I’m gunna say I’m not which does not make me a homophobe”
Wow as if people think that weird photo going around is actually me lol think id rather tweet a full frontal than have people look at that🙈
— liam (@Real_Liam_Payne) September 21, 2014
I’m 100% not homophobic. But I’m also 100% not gay so when somebody says I am I’m gunna say I’m not which does not make me a homophobe
— liam (@Real_Liam_Payne) September 21, 2014
As you may recall, Payne caused a stir on Instagram over the summer when he posted a blurred-out full-frontal of himself which later turned out to be a prank. He also faced the wrath of Twitter in January after a tweet he posted supporting Duck Dynasty’s Willie Robertson went viral.
Earlier this week:
One Direction’s Niall Horan ‘Cracks Up’ Over Gay Rumors After ‘Kissing’ Vine Surfaces
Andy Towle
14ª edição da Parada de Orgulho LGBT em Campinas
14ª edição da Parada de Orgulho LGBT em Campinas
Ugandan LGBT-rights Activist Granted Asylum
Ugandan LGBT-rights Activist Granted Asylum
Despite the repeal of Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Act, John “Longjones” Wambere and U.S. officials feel his home country isn’t a safe place for LGBT people — especially for activists, such as he, who have been evicted and threatened with violence.
Thom Senzee
Grindr Addresses Concerns Over Egyptian Police Using App To Arrest Gay Men
Grindr Addresses Concerns Over Egyptian Police Using App To Arrest Gay Men
Grindr has responded to claims that its popular networking application is being used by Egyptian police to target and arrest gay men. Reports of Egyptian authorities using apps like Grindr to locate, expose, and jail men for violating the country’s laws criminalizing public homosexuality first surfaced in August following a massive security leak that left most Grindr users location data open and exposed to the public. Grindr, which released a preliminary patch to the security flaw in early September, assured its users that the hack allowing third parties to triangulate a specific person’s location was not, in fact, an oversight on their part.
“Since October 2013, there has been a real manhunt for gay people in Egypt.” Samia A., an underground LGBT rights campaigner told France24, “The police aren’t just targeting well-known gay hangouts, they are increasingly raiding homes when they think there is an LGBT party going on.”
As of October, 2013, some 77 individuals have been arrested in Egypt thanks to the Egyptian police’s coordinated efforts targeting LGBT gatherings, something Grindr says it is trying to curtail.
“We monitor and review all reports of security issues regularly,” representatives for the social network assured The Advocate. “As such, we continue to evaluate and make ongoing changes as necessary to protect our users.”
Charles Pulliam-Moore
VOTE LGBT Fernanda Gabriella Costa Incluindo Direitos Exercendo Deveres
VOTE LGBT Fernanda Gabriella Costa Incluindo Direitos Exercendo Deveres
Fernanda Gabriella Costa Facebook Instagram Twitter
India Gets First Transgender TV News Anchor
India Gets First Transgender TV News Anchor
Just months after India’s Supreme Court decided to recognize transgender individuals as a third gender, Padmini Prakash is making history.
Diane Anderson-Minshall
Here's How A Terrorist's Son Became A Peace Activist
Here's How A Terrorist's Son Became A Peace Activist
When Zak Ebrahim’s father was arrested for his involvement in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, Ebrahim did everything he could to conceal his identity. Now, he’s sharing the story of how he turned away from his father’s ideology in hopes of convincing others to reject extremism.
In a March Ted Talk, Ebrahim recounted how his father exposed him to “a side of Islam that few people, including the majority of Muslims, get to see.” But through a college prep program and a job at Busch Gardens amusement park, Ebrahim said that he was exposed to people “from all walks of life.” He made Jewish friends and worked with gay performers after being taught his whole life that being gay was a sin. Ebrahim also credited Jon Stewart and “The Daily Show” with forcing him to challenge his beliefs and teaching him “that a person’s race, religion or sexual orientation had nothing to do with the quality of one’s character.”
When Ebrahim told his mother that his worldview was changing, she said something that Ebrahim said will stick with him for the rest of his life.
“I’m tired of hating people,” she said.
Now Ebrahim is telling his story with the hope that he can get others to change their worldview.
“So why would I out myself and potentially put myself in danger? Well, that’s simple. I do it in the hopes that perhaps someone someday who is compelled to use violence may hear my story and realize that there is a better way,” he said.
“Although I had been subjected to this violent, intolerant ideology, that I did not become fanaticized. Instead, I choose to use my experience to fight back against terrorism, against the bigotry.”
Watch Ibrahim’s full Ted Talk above.
South Africa Pro-Gay Mosque Draws Backlash
South Africa Pro-Gay Mosque Draws Backlash
Oxford University professor Taj Hargey’s open mosque in Cape Town, South Africa, has drawn the attention–and ire–of the local conservative Muslim community. In the past Hargey, who is the Director of Oxford’s Muslim Education Centre and Imam of the university’s Islamic Congregation, has taken controversial stances against burkas and Britain’s common practice mass processing meat by halal standards. The open mosque, which opened last Friday, is open to gays and non-Muslims, and invites women to lead prayers. Despite its seeming departure from policies traditionally associated with mosques, Hargey says that the his mosque’s openness is rooted in the core ideas of Islam.
“You go to churches and often see the sign ‘All welcome’. This is the single mosque in the whole country that sadly has the words ‘All welcome’ underneath it.” Hargey explained to Eyewitness News, an South African news outlet.
“I decided that being Cape Town-born I had to do something. We had a political evolution in this country 20 years ago and what we need now is a religious revolution, especially in the Muslim community. We wanted a mosque that reflects 21st century South Africans not some seventh century utopia that never existed.”
Response to the open mosque has been swift. The Muslim Judicial Council, an umbrella organization of the South African Islamic clergy, condemned the mosque, stating that Hargey’s establishment cannot be considered a true mosque given that it does not adhere to both the Qur’aan and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammed.
Though representatives from the MJC have expressed the organization’s refusal to recognize the mosque’s legitimacy and urged people not to attend. Protestors gathered during the mosque’s opening despite the MJC discouraging any type of organized demonstration.
“Being a religion of peace, Islam advocates amicable and peaceful solutions.” MJC media liason Nabeweya Malick said to iAfrica News. “The MJC has not called for any protest action against the establishment of the open mosque.”
Listen to Taj Hargey speak to Eyewitness News about the opening open mosque AFTER THE JUMP…
Charles Pulliam-Moore