On Notice: Brian Brown and Sharon Slater are Taking Their Hateful Missions Worldwide

On Notice: Brian Brown and Sharon Slater are Taking Their Hateful Missions Worldwide

Today HRC is putting Brian Brown and Sharon Slater on notice.  These Americans are part of a network of extremists working tirelessly to undercut LGBT people around the world at every turn.


Philly’s Gay-Bashing Gang Of “Well Dressed” Straight Assholes Has Been Identified

Philly’s Gay-Bashing Gang Of “Well Dressed” Straight Assholes Has Been Identified

Screen Shot 2014-09-17 at 9.53.52 AMPhiladelphia police are thanking a few random good samaritans on Twitter this week for helping identify the gang of heterosexuals who shouted homophobic slurs while severely beating a gay couple in an unprovoked attack in Center City last Thursday.

We reported yesterday that two victims, 26 and 28-year-old boyfriends, were approached by a large group of “visibly intoxicated” and “well dressed” assailants while on their way to dinner last week. The victims and several witnesses told NBC Philadelphia that at least two men and six women from the group called the victims “dirty fags” before launching a disgusting physical attack on both.

Both victims were released from the hospital with multiple facial fractures, one had severe bruising on his face and will be required to have his jaw wired shut for two months.

The group of assailants miraculously got away but were caught on surveillance cameras nearby. Using that footage, a handful of random sleuths on Twitter last night were able to identify the group through tweets and Facebook check-ins because, well, did you really expect the police to do anything about it?

Here’s the surveillance video released by the Philadelphia police:

Gawker has the full scoop:

A Twitter user named Greg Bennett posted a photo of a group posing at a restaurant who look an awful lot like some of the suspects in the video:

Philly hate crime: pic.twitter.com/i3PBprO9nn

— Greg Bennett (@GreggyBennett) September 17, 2014

Bennett tweeted that he’d gotten the photo from “a friend of a friend of a friend,” but didn’t know where it was taken. That’s where another Twitter user stepped in: FanSince09, a diehard Eagles fan who apparently lives in South Jersey. Fan retweeted the photo; almost immediately, he got a torrent of responses from people telling him the restaurant was La Viola, an Italian place in Center City. He tweeted that he ID’d most of the people in the photo by checking their Facebook check-ins:

@RealGlenMacnow found them all at la viola, some of them checked in on FB, compared FB pics

— FanSince09 (@FanSince09) September 17, 2014

If you’re going to gay bash don’t fill your FB profile with gay slurs and also delete that resturant check in from earlier

— FanSince09 (@FanSince09) September 17, 2014

Joseph Murray of the Philadelphia PD also tweeted a rough confirmation that the group in these photos is, in fact, Philadelphia’s “Intoxicated, Well Dressed” Gang Of Violent Heterosexuals.

This is how Twitter is supposed to work for cops. I will take a couple thousand Twitter detectives over any one real detective any day.

— Joseph Murray (@PPDJoeMurray) September 17, 2014

Here’s how Twitter user FanSince09 figured it out:


According to ABC 6, members of the group have already retained lawyers though no arrests have been made.

On a related note, openly gay Representative Brian Sims is now advocating for straight-bashing on Facebook:

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You know, because fighting violence with violence is really the best way to handle this.

Queerty Editor


MIT Researchers Create Robotic Cheetah: VIDEO

MIT Researchers Create Robotic Cheetah: VIDEO


Researchers at MIT have been trying to understand animal locomotion and thanks to the development of a recent “bounding” algorithm, those researchers are now making great strides. They have created a robotic cheetah which they hope will simulate and ultimately match the abilities of an actual cheetah. Currently the MIT robot cheetah can run up to 10 mph and jump over a 33 cm high obstacle. The goal of this research?

“Recently we are focusing on quadrupeds, or four-legged animals and we try to understand how they efficiently run in the field and nature so that we can take that inspiration and then use it in our engineering world. So for example we can create prosthetic legs out of that technology and you could even make new transportation replacing cars so that you don’t need the road in our world.”

 Watch a video of Robo-Cheetah in action, along with interviews with the researchers, AFTER THE JUMP…

Sean Mandell


Sean Hannity Believes Parents Should Be Able To Teach Their Kids That 'Being Gay Is Not Normal'

Sean Hannity Believes Parents Should Be Able To Teach Their Kids That 'Being Gay Is Not Normal'
Sean Hannity is giving parenting advice, so listen up.

The Fox News host argued on his radio show Tuesday that parents have a “right to instill” their personal beliefs in their children, including the belief that homosexuality is not normal.

Hannity made the comments during a discussion on Minnesota Vikings running back Adrian Peterson, who recently said that he doesn’t “believe in” gay marriage. Peterson is also currently under investigation for beating his four-year-old son.

Despite the issues of domestic violence at play, Hannity’s biggest concern seemed to be more that liberals are too involved with interfering in how parents want to raise their children.

“This is my problem with liberals,” he said. “You guys want to tell parents what they can and cannot do. For example, is it going to become illegal if a parent teaches the politically correct view that being gay is not normal?”

Listen to the audio for the clip.

(h/t: Media Matters)


Muslim Academic Receives Death Threats Over Plans For Gay-Friendly Mosque – VIDEO

Muslim Academic Receives Death Threats Over Plans For Gay-Friendly Mosque – VIDEO


Death threats have been sent to organizers of a planned women- and gay-friendly new mosque in Cape Town, South Africa, reports The Telepgraph.

According to Taj Hargey, the director of the “forward thinking” organization Muslim Educational Centre of Oxford, his Open Mosque will welcome all genders, religions and sexual orientations when it opens in Wynberg, a Cape Town suburb, on Friday.

6a00d8341c730253ef01a73e17c457970d-800wiHargey, who previously called for Muslims in Britain to ban the burka, said that he has received many positive responses to the mosque but confirmed that he has also received “a lot of death threats.”

Explaining the mission of the mosque, he said:

“You go to churches and often see the sign ‘All Welcome’. This is the single mosque in the whole country that sadly has the words ‘All Welcome’ underneath it. I decided that being Cape Town-born I had to do something. We had a political evolution in this country 20 years ago and what we need now is a religious revolution, especially in the Muslim community.

“You enter the mosque, do I ask you the question who did you sleep with last night? No. It’s not my business who you slept with.

“Women will enter the same doors as men, women will take part in the service. This is the first time you’ll see men and women praying together. We wanted a mosque that reflects 21st century South Africans not some seventh century utopia that never existed.”

However, the Muslim Judicial Council (MJC), a non-profit religious advocacy group, is “in the process of investigating the policy and objectives of the mosque”.

Last week, the MJC’s deputy president Riad Fataar said:

“We see and feel the anxiousness in our community. We see in the newspaper clippings and the messages that this is a place of worship but we can’t call it a mosque. But again we cannot make a complete statement until we have all the facts.”

In November 2012, a gay-friendly mosque opened in Paris, France.

Watch a report on Hargey’s call for a burka ban in the U.K., AFTER THE JUMP…

Jim Redmond



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