Cardinal Raymond Burke Takes Break From Vatican Synod To Say Ugly Things About Gay Relationships

Cardinal Raymond Burke Takes Break From Vatican Synod To Say Ugly Things About Gay Relationships
Vatican court head Cardinal Raymond Burke took his opposition to gay marriage to a new low in an interview with LifeSite News on Wednesday, calling same-sex relations “intrinsically disordered” and dangerous for children to be exposed to:

“We wouldn’t, if it were another kind of relationship — something that was profoundly disordered and harmful — we wouldn’t expose our children to that relationship, to the direct experience of it. And neither should we do it in the context of a family member who not only suffers from same-sex attraction, but who has chosen to live out that attraction, to act upon it, committing acts which are always and everywhere wrong, evil.”

The cardinal is currently engaged in the Vatican’s Synod on the Family, at which a handful of couples and families were invited to present questions and arguments to the assembled bishops as they assess the Catholic Church’s stance on various family-related issues.

Ron and Mavis Pirola, former members of the Pontifical Council for the Family, delivered comments to the synod on Monday encouraging parishes to welcome gay couples. The Pirolas shared the example of a couple in their community, who struggled over whether to invite their son’s same-sex partner to a Christmas celebration, which they ultimately decided to do.

“They fully believed in the Church’s teachings and they knew their grandchildren would see them welcome the son and his partner into the family,” the Pirolas said, adding, “What a model of evangelization for parishes as they respond to similar situations in their neighborhood!”

Cardinal Burke did not agree, however, and told LifeSite:

“If homosexual relations are intrinsically disordered, which indeed they are — reason teaches us that and also our faith — then, what would it mean to grandchildren to have present at a family gathering a family member who is living in a disordered relationship with another person?”

Burke, along with German Cardinal Gerhard Mueller and three other conservative cardinals, released a book just days before the synod convened entitled “Remaining in the Truth of Christ: Marriage and Communion in the Catholic Church.” The book challenged apparent moves by more moderate Catholic voices to reassess church teachings on gay marriage, divorce and other key family-related topics.

In February Burke also warned against the “false praise” of those who read too much into Pope Francis’ iconic words, “Who am I to judge?”, when it comes to the church’s stance on gay relationships.

In response to Burke’s declaration that gay relationships are “intrinsically disordered,” National Catholic Reporters’ Michael Sean Winters called the cardinal “tone deaf” and said such statements “make the Church look foolish and mean-spirited.”

“This man’s inability to speak with even a whiff of human compassion is intrinsically disordered if you ask me,” Winters said.

Read more from RNS:

VATICAN CITY (RNS) From questions of welcoming a gay son home for Christmas to denying the sacraments for the children of gay and lesbian parents, an ongoing debate on the Catholic Church’s approach to homosexuality has raised the hopes of some LGBT advocates and provoked the ire of the church’s right wing.

At the two-week Synod on the Family convened by Pope Francis here, the issue of homosexuality is competing for air time with similar questions of denying Communion to divorced and remarried Catholics or how to respond to couples that live together outside of marriage.

But with a rapidly shifting legal landscape, and a pope who famously asked “Who am I to judge?”, the debate over homosexuality is eliciting personal and charged reactions from all corners of the church.

The controversial debate was unwittingly fired up by Australians Ron and Mavis Pirola, the parents of four and delegates to the church family summit.

The Sydney couple told nearly 200 bishops about friends who had invited their gay son and his partner home for Christmas.

“They fully believed in the church’s teachings and they knew their grandchildren would see them welcome the son and his partner into the family,” the couple told those assembled in the Vatican’s Paul VI hall. “Their response could be summed up in three words: ‘He’s our son.’”

American hard-liner Cardinal Raymond Burke shot back on Thursday (Oct. 9) that children should be protected from “exposure” to gay relationships, which he rejected as “evil.”

“If it were another kind of relationship — something that was profoundly disordered and harmful — we wouldn’t expose our children to that relationship, to the direct experience of it,” Burke, who oversees the Vatican court system, told LifeSiteNews.

“And neither should we do it in the context of a family member who not only suffers from same-sex attraction, but who has chosen to live out that attraction, to act upon it, committing acts which are always and everywhere wrong, evil.”

But that’s exactly the approach that sends gay and lesbian Catholics — and members of their extended families — running away from the church, said Marianne Duddy-Burke, executive director of the largest Catholic gay and lesbian rights group, DignityUSA.

“It is clear this ‘love the sinner’ but ‘hate the sin’ approach does not work,” she said from Boston. “It is inappropriate in dealing with gay people.”

In a Vatican briefing Friday, church leaders said the bishops and other delegates were considering the children who bear the “heavy burdens” caused by divorce or other “irregular situations” — code words for nontraditional families headed by unmarried parents, or gay and lesbian parents.

The synod has also been discussing ways of offering the sacraments to the children of gay couples, something Duddy-Burke said has been used as a “political weapon.” Though not widespread, some gay Catholics have reported obstacles in seeking baptism for their children, or enrolling them in Catholic schools.

“It is absolutely wrong for the church to use its sacraments as a political weapon,” she said. “It is happening with baptisms, weddings and funerals. I have two kids. Our kids should be full members of the church like their parents.”

Francis has said the church must be more compassionate toward the gay community, although he has never argued for changing church teaching that homosexuality is “objectively disordered” or suddenly moved to allow gay marriage.

Nonetheless, the change in tone that Francis has called for — and which seems to be finding support at the synod — has given LGBT advocates reason for hope.

“People are angry that the bishops take the side of discrimination rather than equality,” said Francis DeBernardo, executive director of Maryland-based New Ways Ministry, a gay Catholic group that has long been at odds with the American hierarchy.

“(But) they think Francis sees them as brothers and sisters. They don’t feel they are outsiders anymore. Francis has changed the language, and in this synod we are seeing bishops calling for change in pastoral practice.”

The Rev. James Martin, a Jesuit priest at America magazine and author of “Jesus: A Pilgrimage,” said he, too, is encouraged.

“It is a huge step forward that the synod is hearing from people speaking warmly about LGBT people. And it’s a big step that many bishops now advocate a more pastoral stance to the community,” he said from New York. “Even better would be if the bishops heard from an LGBT person sharing his or her own experiences of being Catholic.”

Matt Barber Claims That By 'Blessing Sin' SCOTUS Will Incur 'The Wrath Of God': LISTEN

Matt Barber Claims That By 'Blessing Sin' SCOTUS Will Incur 'The Wrath Of God': LISTEN


Following the Supreme Court’s decision not to hear appeals of lower court rulings on same-sex marriage, many conservative pundits have taken to the airwaves to express their unceasing frustration. Matt Barber and Mat Staver from Liberty Counsel have been particularly peeved, warning Americans that we are “tempting the wrath of God” in a segment of their “Faith and Freedom” program.

Right Wing Watch reports:

On an episode set to run on Tuesday, Barber warns that “homosexual conduct is demonstrably and explicitly, throughout the Old and New Testament, called sin. And when you have a sin-centered redefinition of marriage and the government puts its official stamp on sin, you have the government blessing sin, well, sin cannot be blessed, it cannot be sanctified.”

By trying to do so, Barber said, America is “tempting the wrath of God.”

Thanks, SCOTUS, for recognizing how beautiful and equal our “sin” can be! 

Listen to the audio, AFTER THE JUMP

Joseph Ehrman-Dupre

Note In Clinton Doc Gives Grim Look At How Unthinkable Coming Out In The Military Used To Be

Note In Clinton Doc Gives Grim Look At How Unthinkable Coming Out In The Military Used To Be
WASHINGTON — In 1993, the head of the U.S. Marine Corps — known for his outspoken opposition to allowing gays to serve in the military — told President Bill Clinton that coming out as gay was the same as coming out as a member of the KKK, a Nazi or a rapist, according to notes released on Friday.

In a meeting of Clinton, Vice President Al Gore and other White House officials shortly after Clinton took office, Gen. Carl E. Mundy Jr. expressed his opposition to allowing gays to serve in the military in pretty stark terms.

See the note below:

clinton doc

The note reads:

Need to proclaim: I’m gay
same as — I’m KKK,
Nazi, rapist
Fractures teamwork
“I commit act” Amer. doesn’t accept

The Clinton administration, of course, would soon implement the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy, which banned openly gay individuals from serving in the military until it was repealed in 2010.

The document was one of almost 10,000 pages of records from Clinton’s time in the White House that were released by the William J. Clinton Presidential Library on Friday, the last in a series of document dumps that comes as Hillary Clinton is laying the groundwork for a potential 2016 presidential campaign.

Later notes indicate that “VP” — Vice President Al Gore — thought Mundy was “borderline” in his presentation but that “PC” — President Clinton — thought the meeting with military officials went well.

Army Gen. Colin L. Powell, who was chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and is now retired, also pops up in the notes, where he expressed his opposition to allowing gays to serve, a position he would reverse in 2010. The notes also indicate that Gore questioned Powell on whether he believed being gay was a choice, and Powell said he didn’t know but that it didn’t really matter to his argument. Gore reportedly replied that it made a big difference to him and that he believed the majority of gays were born with a predisposition.

Seven Totally Insane Celebrity Six Packs

Seven Totally Insane Celebrity Six Packs

greatest-celebrity-absThe secret to getting six pack abs is actually not a secret at all, but that doesn’t make the process of getting them the old-fashioned way any easier.

The perfect set of abs are attainable for just about anyone. There are literally thousands of professionals giving step-by-step ab instructions online, and there are entire magazines devoted to coaxing the details out of celebrities ab-splitting workouts. So why don’t we all have them?

Blame it on genes, carbs, lack of discipline or free time; then head directly to Dr. Steinbrech at Male Plastic Surgery New York for ab resculpting. (No joke — high-def ab re-tooling is an actual thing, and all the rage–and creating a set of “boot camp-quality” abs worthy of a gladiator is one of Dr. Steinbrech’s most frequent requests from men).

Check out some of the greatest and most chiseled celebrity abs below, and rest easy knowing you actually don’t need good genes or a gym membership to get your dream physique:


Zac Efron

Summer 2014 will forever be remembered as the summer of Zac Efron’s abs. They invoked a standing ovation at the MTV Movie Awards, they went on an adventure with Bear Grylls, they hit the beach, they vacationed in Italy — what did Zac Efron’s abs not do this summer?

Zac’s stomach is probably largely influenced by his genes; he has the kind of impossible stone-cutting abs that make grooves, ditches, and you-know-whats when he lies down. But if you’re willing to try, you can read about his trainer-required workouts and incredibly strict diet plan at Men’s Health.


Ryan Reynolds

Ryan Reynolds movies typically make a lot of money at the box office because they prominently feature Ryan Reynolds’ abs. They became a pop culture topic in 2005 with the release of The Amityville Horror, and in 2010’s Buried, they managed to make an appearance even though the entire movie was filmed inside a coffin.

In 2010, Ryan told Men’s Health that his glorious physique was a result of excellent nutrition. No carbs, no sugar, and plenty of “L-glutamine, conjugated linoleum acid 9 (CLA), whey, and a multivitamin.” Piece of cake!



Usher has consistently stayed on top of the music industry since the beginning of his career, and luckily for us, his abs have remained just as consistent. Don’t act like you don’t remember his oft-shirtless performances during the late 90s, or any one of the videos he’s gone shirtless for since.

Usher revealed a detailed breakdown of his intense circuit training back in 2012, but he’s taken up boxing more recently, posting photos of his training sessions often on Instagram.


Chris Pratt

The most amazing thing about Chris Pratt’s abs are how quickly they spawned out of thin air (just kidding, we’re sure he worked very hard for those things).

The 34-year-old Guardians of the Galaxy star transformed from his adorably dorky Parks & Rec character into a massive, heaving muscle man this year and capturing our hearts in the process. In July, he told Men’s Health he dropped 60 pounds in six months by eating right, lifting heavy, and skipping the beer.


Aaron Schock

You can discuss your disapproval of Illinois state Representative Aaron Schock’s anti-gay political history and whether he’s as gay as the New York Times says he is until you’re blue in the face, but there’s no denying the incredible eight pack on this young Republican is something to be admired. We’d call it the greatest set of abs to ever hold public office.

Some could even say it was Shock’s incredible six pack that started the incessant gay rumors that still haunt him. He’s had a hard time claiming his heterosexuality since they appeared on the cover of Men’s Health, all over Instagram, and most recently, deep in a pool with some male West Point cadets.


Tom Daley

It would almost be sacrilegious to create a list of incredible abs and snub ab king Tom Daley. Sure, the 20-year-old Olympic diver may have had a lot of help crafting his perfectly flat stomach throughout the years, but there’s no doubt he’s got one of the finest set of abs around. Tom’s abs are so famous, their mere mention depresses roughly 80% of people commenting on any Queerty post about Tom Daley’s abs.

We’re sure that he’s got a very sound workout routine, not that he’d ever share that with us common folk. We’re afraid if you want abs like Tom Daley, you’d simply have to be Tom Daley.


Mehcad Brooks

It’s strange that Mehcad Brooks doesn’t have a more successful acting career, because if there’s one thing we’ve learned from this list, it’s that six pack abs are usually a one-way ticket to superstardom. This man’s torso is so physically flawless, we’re not surprised he began his showbiz career as a Calvin Klein underwear model.

In 2013, he dished to paparazzi about what makes his body so perfect. The secret, apparently, is proper nutrition and healthy eating. We’re starting to notice a pattern here…

Matthew Tharrett

Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt Asks State Supreme Court to Halt Gay Marriages

Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt Asks State Supreme Court to Halt Gay Marriages

SchmidtKansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt has asked the state Supreme Court to stop gay marriages from taking place in Johnson County – the state’s most populous county.  

At least one marriage license has been issued to a same-sex couple since a district judge ordered the Johnson County District Court clerk’s office to begin issuing marriage licenses to gay couples on Wednesday.

Buzzfeed reports:

“The Johnson County Court’s decision is an outlier,” Schmidt said in a statement accompanying his filing. “Numerous other Kansas Courts have concluded, as I have, that the law in Kansas remains unchanged and same-sex marriage remains unlawful unless and until a Court of competent jurisdiction, deciding a properly presented case or controversy, holds otherwise as a matter of federal constitutional law. Because that has not happened, I have concluded the Judge’s decision to order the issuance of licenses is unlawful and I now have no choice but to ask the Kansas Supreme Court to set it aside.”

Kansas falls under the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals, which has already ruled Utah’s same sex marriage ban unconstitutional. 


Kyler Geoffroy


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