Fem Guys Treated “Like Royalty” And Other Shocking Revelations From A Gay Inmate

Fem Guys Treated “Like Royalty” And Other Shocking Revelations From A Gay Inmate

jail-guys-2A few weeks ago, we got a crash course in gay prison sex. Not the porn version (save that for a rainy day) or what you see in movies and TV, but the real, gritty day-to-day behaviors of men in lockdown.

You can read that account here. But as thorough as it is, the author writes from his experience as a straight inmate, and we were curious to hear the perspective of an openly gay prisoner.

Luckily you can find just about anything on the internet. YouTuber Jacob Kohinoor has a six-part interview series with gay former inmate Devin about his experiences in the slammer. Since we’re guessing you don’t have the hour or so it would take to actually watch them all, we broke it down into some educational tid-bits.

These are his first hand account:

  • “In prison, you have all levels of homosexuality…whether you’re open with it, or you’re on the down low, or you’re discreet,” but basically don’t think you’re going to hide anything from anyone, because being surrounded by long-term inmates and other gay prisoners, the truth is going to come out, and quickly.
  • “If I’m a girl — and yes they call us girls in there…in prison, we are their wives…This is what they get, this is all they have. You know you have a lot of them who lie and say they have sex with the female guards, but not all of them can do that. You have more homosexuality than what you probably believe.”

How are gay guys treated in jail?

  • “Open homosexuals are treated with respect. We run the prison. You can come to me in prison and tell me I’m gay, I’m a sissy, I’m a faggot. I would have you murdered that same hour. You have men in there who are never going to see home, never going to go back to women…Out in the real world you can get away with calling me a fag…In prison we are their wives. We are what they want.”
  • Also, trans women are called “titty girls” (even RuPaul won’t go near that word). “They’ve had operations, they’ve been taking hormones, so they have big booties…They’re treated like royalty.”
  • Guys think that if they aren’t bottoming, it’s not really “gay.”
  • Rape occurs, but not as often as it used to. Or it’s used as currency. If someone owes you something and can’t pay it back, you can “take their ass as payment.” (Yikes.)

Dan Tracer


Pat Buchanan and Linda Harvey Call for 'Civil Disobedience' In the Fight Against Gay Marriage: AUDIO

Pat Buchanan and Linda Harvey Call for 'Civil Disobedience' In the Fight Against Gay Marriage: AUDIO


Former MSNBC host and “culture warrior” Pat Buchanan and right-wing nutbag Linda Harvey appear to have synced up their bigoted calendars this week – as both are now calling for Christians to rise up in mass “civil disobedience” against the Supreme Court’s gay marriage decision Monday. 

Writing over at World Net Daily, Buchanan explains how the Supreme Court’s decision this week is really just part of its wider agenda imposing the religion of “secular humanism” on the American public:

The Supreme Court has ordered the de-Christianization of all public institutions in what was a predominantly Christian country. Christian holy days, holidays, Bibles, books, prayers and invocations were all declared to be impermissible in public schools and the public square.

Secular humanism became, through Supreme Court edict, our established religion in the United States.

And the American people took it.

Why was there not massive civil disobedience against this anti-Christian discrimination, as there was against segregation? Why did Congress, which has the power to abolish every federal district and appellate court and to restrict the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court, not act?

Similarly, Linda Harvey warned on her radio show yesterday:

This is attempted theft of what God has ordained and our Lord will not honor this lawlessness. Allowing homosexuality to become normal in America may certainly be part of God’s judgment on our once-Christian nation for our irresponsible sexual practices and for turning our back on what the Lord has taught us. Even so, God will at some point allow the consequences of such defiance to play itself out and that will be a very tragic day indeed for those who have thumbed their noses at the Lord as they celebrate sin…pray friends for how God would use you as we enter a time of possible civil disobedience. We must not serve the interests of sin and darkness. 

Listen to the segment, AFTER THE JUMP

Kyler Geoffroy


Artist Resolves To Insert Trans Women Into The Canon Of Art History

Artist Resolves To Insert Trans Women Into The Canon Of Art History
The history of representation in Western art is unfortunately a pretty narrow one, consisting almost exclusively of white, cis men and women.

Artists like Kehinde Wiley and Mickalene Thomas have retroactively inserted black bodies into the art historical lexicon, thereby widening the range of portraiture’s scope. Queens-based artist Janet Bruesselbach is broadening the scope further, through a series of full-length oil portraits depicting trans women. The project, titled “Daughters of Mercury,” aims to provide trans individuals with an artistic visibility they don’t yet possess, through a series of loving portraits.

Alice, oil on canvas, 37x29in, 2014

“This series was inspired by my love for the trans women I have met online and my sympathy with the struggles they have being seen as women and people,” Bruesselbach explained to The Huffington Post. “As an artist, if I’m close to someone I will inevitably try to paint a portrait of them. This started with Maddie, but I met more and more beautiful women that I felt were not often the subjects of classical oil portraits, and whom I wanted to earn, as models, some of the money they needed toward ongoing expenses, and to offset pay and hiring discrimination.

The venture’s title, “Daughters of Mercury,” stems from the idea of alchemical transformation. “I’m not much of a romantic or mystic,” Bruesselbach says on Kickstarter, “but arguably, the painting process is one of transmutation of pigment into life. Its negotiations of representation parallel the continual aesthetic and cultural decisions trans women are often forced to make.”

Maddie, in progress, oil on canvas, 48x24in

Although she cites Baroque painters and representational modernists as influences, Bruesselbach’s true artistic inspiration comes from interacting with her subjects and exploring the complex process of visual representation. “I hope to communicate that trans female bodies are female bodies, and that there is a huge diversity among trans women in gender presentation, sexuality, profession, class, ability, race, and body type. I want to bring attention to the lives and work of my subjects. But I also just want to make gorgeous paintings people want to look at.”

Bruesselbach is currently raising funds for her project on Kickstarter, hoping to collect $20,000 by October 26 to purchase supplies and pay her models. She hopes her vision will appeal to those outside the trans community who can help make this long overdue artistic intervention a reality. “While I’ve only gotten positive responses to the series so far, many of the people I talk to consider the audience to be niche, and expect only the trans community to support it… Trans women are everywhere, but until recently have been marginalized by the invisibility enforced by the intensification of misogynist violence toward them. It is up to cisnormative society to stop questioning their femininity, embrace their beauty, and counter the disadvantages they have just by being themselves.”

Visit the “Daughters of Mercury” page to learn more.


Ellen Gives “Magic Mike XXL” Dancer Stephen Boss A Full Body Wax

Ellen Gives “Magic Mike XXL” Dancer Stephen Boss A Full Body Wax

Screen Shot 2014-10-10 at 11.38.46 AMTo follow four wonderful appearances from Ellen’s shirtless gardener “Nick” last month, Ellen’s guest DJ Stephen “tWitch” Boss stripped down to his underwear Wednesday to get a full body wax on camera, thus continuing the great new weekly tradition of objectifying Ellen’s male friends.

The 32-year-old dancer/actor and So You Think You Can Dance alum revealed he’s been cast in the upcoming Magic Mike XXL sequel. He says he enjoys showing off his body but isn’t excited to get “waxed from neck to toe,” a requirement for the job.

“I’m really nervous about that,” he said. “I didn’t know that’s what I was signing up for.”

Check it out below, and prepare yourself to see him in even tinier underwear when Magic Mike XXL comes out next August:

Matthew Tharrett


The Economist Looks At the Rapidly Changing American Attitudes Towards Gay Marriage: VIDEO

The Economist Looks At the Rapidly Changing American Attitudes Towards Gay Marriage: VIDEO


With the Supreme Court bringing gay marriage to a number of new states this week, The Economist looks back at how (and why) the U.S. public has warmed to the idea of two people of the same gender falling in love, marrying, and creating a family. 

From Lawrence v. Texas to the growing tide of gay marriage support among Millennials, the video examines some of the many interlocking pieces that have come together to bring us where we are today in the fight for LGBT equality. 

Check it out, AFTER THE JUMP


Kyler Geoffroy



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