'Faces Of Faith' Explores Religious Perceptions Of LGBT People In Uganda

'Faces Of Faith' Explores Religious Perceptions Of LGBT People In Uganda
When we talk about the rights of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community in Uganda, it tends to always be in terms of religion-based oppression, violence and murder.

However, are the voices that often rise to the top when same-sex attraction in Uganda is discussed truely representative of religious leaders as a whole in this African nation? This is the question documentary photographer Daniella Zalcman sought to explore through her new portrait series “Faces of Faith.”

Zalcman’s previous feature on HuffPost Gay Voices, titled “Double Lives,” elevated the images of activists working tirelessly in Uganda to change perceptions surrounding LGBT identity. The photographer notes that while not many (if any) religious ledaers in the East African country will vocally support rights for queer individuals, it’s important to understand that not everyone shares the sentiment of some of the country’s most vocal anti-LGBT voices.

The Huffington Post chatted with Zalcman about this last week.


The Huffington Post: How did the project come about?
Daniella Zalcman: I’ve spent more than three years documenting the LGBT rights movement in Uganda, focused entirely on the dedicated community of activists who have been fighting so hard to challenge anti-gay legislation and widespread homophobia in their country. On Aug. 1 of this year, Uganda’s Constitutional Court struck down the infamous Anti-Homosexuality Act on a procedural technicality. I went back to Kampala immediately, and tried to figure out what the next chapter was in this story.

While it’s critical that the law has been declared unconstitutional, many activists argue that the real struggle is in figuring out how to shift public opinion, which is decidedly homophobic; 96 percent of Ugandans say they don’t support sexual minorities. And it seems like the origins of that sentiment are based in ideologies supported and transmitted by religious institutions. Many of the fiercest proponents of the Anti-Homosexuality Act are members of the clergy, and a speech delivered to Ugandan Parliament by American evangelical activist Scott Lively is thought to be what prompted MP David Bahati to author the first iteration of the anti-gay bill in 2009. This series is an attempt to identify and engage with the root of homophobia in Uganda.


The Huffington Post: Why did you want to highlight anti-LGBT subjects?
Uganda is both an incredibly religious country and an incredibly religiously diverse country. While the majority of the population is Catholic or Church of Uganda (Anglican), American-style evangelism is growing in popularity and there are significant numbers of Muslims and Hindus as well.

But when Western media outlets report on the latest update from Uganda, we only ever hear from a small group of militantly anti-gay pastors, usually Evangelical, who don’t really represent the full scope of religious thought and leadership in Kampala. I’m not claiming that there are many Ugandan pastors and priests who support the LGBT rights movement (one bishop who famously stood up for LGBT rights was rapidly excommunicated by the Church of Uganda), but from my interviews it’s clear that many of them are much more thoughtful and measured in their discussions of sexual and gender identity than we’re led to believe. With this series, I hope that I’ve created a more thorough and accurate cross-section of what Ugandans hear in their places of worship every week.


The Huffington Post: What do you hope viewers take away from this project?
I think that these perspectives are vital to the evolution of the LGBT rights movement. They are beliefs that are widely held — not just in Uganda, and not just in the 80-odd countries worldwide that criminalize homosexuality, but throughout the Western world as well. On some level, humans are programmed to avoid cognitive dissonance — we surround ourselves with news and opinions that tend to reinforce our own views because it’s more comfortable than trying to reconcile conflicting ideas. More than anything, I hope this work encourages people to start a conversation.

See more images from the series below and for more from Daniella Zalcman, visit her official website here.


Grindr Accuses Dutch Artist of 'Entrapment' for Luring Users into Public Art Exposé: VIDEO

Grindr Accuses Dutch Artist of 'Entrapment' for Luring Users into Public Art Exposé: VIDEO


Dries Verhoeven, a gay Dutch artist, is making a public spectacle of himself in a busy Berlin intersection and angering quite a few Berliners in the process. His art project is called ‘Wanna Play?‘ and he describes it, in part, like this:

DriesverhoevenThe Dutch artist Dries Verhoeven is going on a search for answers, taking his own gayness as the starting point. For 15 days he is living in a glass space, visible to anyone who passes by. He is communicating with the outside world exclusively by means of Grindr and similar apps. The men that he meets online will be invited to join him to meet each other’s non-sexual needs. Anyone who downloads the dating app can see the profile shown here on his mobile phone. All photos will be represented without identifying marks. All chats will be rendered anonymous.

(read full ‘about’ page HERE)

Except that it has turned out to be not so anonymous for those who interact with Verhoeven, Same Same reports:

One particularly annoyed Grindr user wrote on Facebook that the artist had not mentioned to him that he was doing a project, and when he turned up to the square he was shocked to find his messages had been shown in public.

“Consider what it would feel like,” he wrote, “to walk into a public space looking for an address of a person you are meant to have a private encounter with, only to see your picture and your words projected onto a wall with a large group of people watching and reading, many of them pointing and laughing. People called my name!”

Another annoyed commenter added: “This is completely disgusting and not related to art at all.”

A third: “Your project is extremely exploitive and cynical, putting people’s privacy and safety at risk.”

BerlinVerhoeven’s project seems to have sprung from an addiction to and subsequent dissatisfaction with the shallow social scene resulting from the rise of hook-up apps. He writes, on the project’s “about” page:

I realized that many times it wasn’t sex that I was looking for, but more the affirmation that I got from the sex. The sounds of the various apps had the effect of a slap on the back, an incoming message meant interest. I felt like a teenager who needs the approval of his classmates and so conforms to their rules and their jargon. In less than half a year my texts had been reduced to simple headlines like “Hey there” and “Whats up?”, my photos did not show the man that I was, but rather a bad imitation of the typical torso photos…. The men that I met then were the trophies of my digital hunt. The more their outward appearance fit my ideal image, the higher their value in the imaginary ranking that I kept of them and of my own accomplishments. The sex was not the final goal, but it was a pleasant occupation while maintaining our Grindr market value. I felt like a superficial illustration of myself, a man that could fulfill many sexual fantasies, but who rarely went to the movies with a stranger. I hadn’t brought anyone home to the family for Christmas in years. Grindr kept me from dealing with my single life. A feeble surrogate, but good enough not to feel lonely. I decided to delete the various apps from my mobile phone.

2_verhoevenGrindr objects to the project, and its spokesman told Same Same:

“While Grindr support the arts, what Dries Verhoeven is doing by luring Grindr users under false pretenses is entrapment. This is an invasion of user privacy and a potential safety issue. “We encourage other users to report his profile by using the ‘flag’ function on our app, so we can take action to ban the user. Together, we will work to keep these users out of our Grindr community.”

Verhoeven yesterday posted a response to the outrage on Facebook:


Today, he added: “Up for meeting up someone who questions my project in real life. I hope to meet on a non violent basis, in an approach to mutually understand each others point of view. (Things you post here are visible to the audience. Just consider if you are ok with that)”

The project is scheduled to continue for 11 more days. You can view a livestream of Verhoeven’s “Box” HERE.

Watch an interview with him, AFTER THE JUMP

Andy Towle


Nude Olympics Lets It All Hang Out On San Francisco Beach (NSFW)

Nude Olympics Lets It All Hang Out On San Francisco Beach (NSFW)
SAN FRANCISCO — On your mark. Get set. Get naked!

Nudists and curiosity seekers are invited to storm Baker Beach near the Golden Gate Bridge on Saturday to participate in foot races, javelin throwing and beach volleyball for the city’s first nude olympics since 2008.

The question, some say, isn’t really who’d want to undress and compete in Greco-Roman wrestling in a national park; it’s who wouldn’t?

“On a nice day, who would want to wear clothes on the beach,” George Davis, one of the organizers, told HuffPost. “It’s better to be natural and free.”

There will be tug of war “if someone shows up with a suitable rope,” organizers said in a press release.

San Francisco banned public nudity in some areas in February 2013. Davis has filed a lawsuit to overturn the ban and his lawyer believes the games are legal.

“They shouldn’t expect any problems from city and county of San Francisco because they’re not on city and county land,” lawyer Gill Sperlein told HuffPost. “i wouldn’t expect them to be in trouble.”

Davis expects about 20 entrants — many of them self-professed advocates for body freedom — and a smattering of spectators thanks to ample coverage in Bay Area media. Due to the limited turnout expected, the National Park Service says it’s likely it would only intervene if they receive complaints about the olympians’ behavior.

“As long as there are no lewd and lascivious acts, the nude part is not the problem,” Golden Gate National Recreation Area spokeswoman Alexandra Picavet said in an interview. “They’re everyone’s public lands… We try to find an understanding among people.”

The au naturel athletics are intended to raise awareness about clothing optional compatriots in Malaysia who were threatened with prison for staging a similar event. Earlier this year, six men received 30-day sentences after pleading guilty to “public obscenity,” according to Agence France-Presse.

The forecast calls for glorious conditions as Saturday’s temperature mildly dips following Friday’s heat advisory . The National Weather Service predicts that it will be sunny with a high temperature of 77 degrees. A “light and variable” wind will blow eight to 11 mph beginning in the afternoon. Apply some sunblock, especially to sensitive regions. The UV index stands at 6, which falls in the high range.

Registration begins at 11 a.m. and events start at noon. Look for “the Olympic torch and flame” in the park, organizers say.

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Colorado Woman Says Boy Scouts Refused to Hire Her Because She's Gay: VIDEO

Colorado Woman Says Boy Scouts Refused to Hire Her Because She's Gay: VIDEO


A Colorado woman is claiming that the Boy Scouts of America offered her a job only to rescind the offer after finding out she’s gay, Denver’s FOX 11 reports

After being offered the position of Director of the New Adventure Center, Yasmine Cassini sent an email to the organization asking whether her being an “openly gay woman” would be an issue for the BSA, which still has a discriminatory policy banning gay adults from serving in leadership roles. It seems it was an issue, as the BSA told Cassini in a follow-up phone call that she no longer met the minimum qualifications for the position and would not be hired. 

The Boy Scouts would not talk to FOX31 Denver on camera, but the organization released the following statement:

“As this is a personnel matter, we are not at liberty to discuss details. But, during the employment process, this individual brought it to our attention that she did not meet the requirements for employment.” […]

Yasmine Cassini says she though the Boy Scouts recent youth membership modifications would provide the perfect spot for progress. “I want to raise awareness that discrimination is not OK – and it’s something that is still occurring and it has to stop, something needs to change and that change needs to happen now,” she says.

Watch a FOX 11 news report on the story, AFTER THE JUMP


Kyler Geoffroy


La. Church Evicts AA, Fearing It Would Be Forced to Host Same-Sex Weddings

La. Church Evicts AA, Fearing It Would Be Forced to Host Same-Sex Weddings

Church officials say they’re worried that making space available to AA means it would have to accommodate any and all, including same-sex weddings. But their fears are unfounded.

read more

Trudy Ring


#StandForEgyptLGBT Embassy Protests Slated For October 18th

#StandForEgyptLGBT Embassy Protests Slated For October 18th

EgyptLast month eight gay Egyptian men were arrested and “tested for homosexuality” after appearing in a video in showing a gay marriage. Though homosexuality is not explicitly illegal within the country, authorities cited “inciting debauchery” as their reasoning behind bringing the men to trial.

Queer-rights supporters have rallied in response to the men’s arrests, organizing coordinated both physical and online protests on various social networking platforms around the hastags  #StandForEgyptLGBT and #SolidarityWithEgyptLGBT.

“We invite you to participate in the demonstration that will take place on 18 October 2014 in front of every Egyptian embassy around the world [if accessible] to protest against human rights violations committed by the Egyptian government,” Solidarity With Egypt organizers wrote in an online statement. “relying on unlawful and unethical media tools, towards those of differing sexual orientations and gender identities.”

#StopBlueCoat, a third hashtag protesters are rallying behind is a direct reference to Blue Coat Systems, an American security firm based in California that is responsible for providing Egypt with much of its surveillance technology. Blue Coat recently began the process of distancing itself from its Egyptian business connections facing backlash following a Buzzfeed article.

Charles Pulliam-Moore



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