News: Thor, Meryl Streep, Nicholas Sparks, Fox News, Tony Bennett

News: Thor, Meryl Streep, Nicholas Sparks, Fox News, Tony Bennett

Road A lawyer for several female celebrities involved in the mass celeb nude leak a few weeks back is reportedly threatening to sue Google for $100 million – accusing the company of “making millions and profiting from the victimization of women

Road George Clooney and Amal Alamuddin’s wedding bill clocked in at a whopping $13 million. 

Road ThorThe female Thor makes her debut

Road Tony Bennett’s duet album with Lady Gaga Cheek to Cheek has reached the top spot on the Billboard 200, breaking Bennett’s own record of being the oldest living artist to hit the no. 1 spot. 

Road Forbes list of the 400 richest people in America 2014.

Road The problems with ‘explainer journalism.’ 

Road RNC Chairman Reince Priebus unveils the GOP’s 11 Principles for American Renewal. Among them – VALUES: Our country should value the traditions of family, life, religious liberty, and hard work.”

Road Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez are “off” again. 

Road Once again, Fox News is sitting at the top of the most-watched cable news competition. 

 Road HRC’s Chad Griffin on why our next Attorney General should be LGBT – “Appointing an openly LGBT cabinet member would cement the Obama administration’s record of leadership on LGBT issues. But it would accomplish far more than that. It would tell an LGBT young person growing up in a small town in Wyoming or Mississippi — facing rejection in school, in church, even in their own home — that there is nothing in this world that they can’t grow up to achieve. It would show this nation that LGBT people have a vital role to play in helping all Americans secure justice.”

Nick griffinRoad Nick Griffin, the virulently homophobic leader of the British National Party, has been expelled for causing “disunity by deliberately fabricating a state of crisis”

Road Arkansas Gov. Mike Beebe has named Justice Cliff Hoofman’s special replacement on the Arkansas Supreme Cout in the lawsuit challenging the state’s gay marriage ban. Hoofman has recused himself from the case. 

Road Check out these new Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 1 promo photos.

Road Comedian Aries Spears says he “probably won’t be back” on ESPN after cracking Michael Sam gay joke on SportsNation.

Road Bestselling author Nicholas Sparks accused of being a racist, anti-Semitic homophobe in a lawsuit filed by the ex-headmaster of a Christian school Sparks founded.  

Road Family Research Council is twisting survey data to try and link the repeal of DADT with low troop morale. 

Road Survey finds women perfer watching gay sex than straight sex

Road Judas Priest’s gay lead singer was reportedly told by the St. Petersburg mayor’s office not to make any references to LGBT rights during a recent concert in Russia. 

Road Lena Dunham opens up about a college date rape experience she had while at Oberlin College. 

Into_the_woods_posterRoad Meryl Streep will reportedly be campaigned for Best Supporting Actress Oscar in Disney’s upcoming Into the Woods

Road The Justice Department is not expected to bring civil rights charges against George Zimmerman in the 2012 shooting death of Trayvon Martin. 

Road David Cameron reiterates support for marriage equality in BBC interview. “I believe in the family, I believe in marriage, I think it’s such a great institution, I think men should be able to marry each other and women should be able to marry each other…if I can kiss my wife in public, I don’t see why you can’t kiss your husband in public.”

Road Matt Bomer and Joe Manganeillo show us the goods on the Magic Mike XXL set. 

Road USA TODAY: Gay marriage, once inconceivable, now appears inevitable. 

Kyler Geoffroy

In Less Than A Minute, Roxane Gay Ends The Debate Over Beyoncé's Feminism

In Less Than A Minute, Roxane Gay Ends The Debate Over Beyoncé's Feminism
“Dear women who are against feminism: You don’t need to be and, in fact, you are probably very feminist.”

That’s how author and self-proclaimed “bad feminist” Roxane Gay starts her Now This Rant addressing women who think they aren’t feminists. She discusses how the feminist movement has actually allowed these women to have this “incorrect opinion” and that educating yourself on these topics is crucial.

She explains that things aren’t always cut-and-dry when it comes to feminism because it’s a complex movement that — after the basic principle of equality — is a very nuanced identity that each person defines for themselves and in their own lives.

“I’m a bad feminist because I openly acknowledge that I’m a feminist,” she says. “I’m proud to be a feminist, but I’m not always great at it.”

Gay uses Beyoncé as an example of someone whose feminist credentials have been questioned, stating that she’s “no longer entertaining the question, ‘Is Beyoncé a feminist?’ because I have nothing relevant to say about that topic. [Beyoncé]’s a feminist because she says [she’s] one.”

At the end of the day, a woman is a feminist because she wants to identify as one. Whether someone likes or doesn’t like her particular brand of feminism shouldn’t take away from the work she’s doing to achieve gender equality.

As Gay points out, Beyoncé’s a “great feminist” who “happens to be sexy” and no longer wears pants. It’s all about freedom of choice, right?

HRC President Chad Griffin: An LGBT Attorney General “Isn’t About Symbolism”

HRC President Chad Griffin: An LGBT Attorney General “Isn’t About Symbolism”

With Attorney General Holder’s annoucement he will step down, the Obama Administration must now seize the opportunity to appoint the nation’s first openly LGBT cabinet member.

EJ Johnson Debuts New Bod After Shedding 50 Pounds With Surgery

EJ Johnson Debuts New Bod After Shedding 50 Pounds With Surgery

Screen Shot 2014-10-02 at 12.59.12 PMMagic Johnson’s fabulously flamboyant gay son EJ has lost 50 pounds after undergoing gastric sleeve surgery five weeks ago.

Johnson shared the news in an interview on Entertainment Tonight this week, revealing that he sought advice from Star Jones before going under the knife.

“She told me that it was definitely a tool for a whole new life,” he said. “It was not something that was the easy way out by any means. This is not something that you do and then all of a sudden everything is gone and you’re skinny and you’re a new person. It’s definitely a tool and something that you have to work at.”

In an interview with People, the 22-year-old up-and-coming fashion icon said “weight is something that I’ve been struggling with for pretty much all of my life,” and that shedding the pounds so quickly is “really exciting.”

Johnson says he first considered weight loss surgery two years ago after several popular diets failed to help him lose weight. “Nothing was working, and I wanted to make a more permanent decision to get back on track,” he said.

Johnson said he’ll discover his ideal weight on his weight loss journey, and hopes he’ll achieve his desired result within a year. He plans to adjust his lifestyle accordingly by eating a balanced diet daily, cutting out breads and alcohol, and because this man couldn’t possibly be any more fabulous, taking dance cardio classes five days a week.

“Being able to take control of my life again, take control of what I’m eating and my fitness is enlightening and empowering,” he said.

Check out EJ’s ET segment below:

Queerty Editor

Check Out This Michigan Candidates Awesome Response to Anti-gay Bigotry: READ

Check Out This Michigan Candidates Awesome Response to Anti-gay Bigotry: READ

Josh derke 2

Josh Derke, a Democratic candidate for state representative from Michigan’s 93rd House District, has made public an awesome pro-LGBT letter he sent to anti-gay listed hate group Public Advocate of the United States (PAUC) having received a survey from the group, reports The Advocate.

Derke says that when he received the “2014 Michigan Family Values Survey” – which he refers to as “a pile of excrement” – from the Michigan-based PAUC, his jaw dropped.

The survey demanded that candidates “pledge to refuse any donation from the Homosexual Lobby or their allies — especially from Tim Gill or Paul Singer” or face being accused of supporting the “Anti-Family Agenda.”

Writing on his blog, Derke said:

“I have received some pretty outrageous letters and surveys before, but I just couldn’t be silent about this. I chose not to participate in their survey. I couldn’t. … I elected instead to send a letter. Their survey was hurtful; I have family, and many friends, that are LGBT. They’re not immoral, and they’re not seeking special privileges.”

Derke’s letter, directed to PAUC’s Eugene Delgaudio – who was recently censured by the Republican party for misuse of county funds – is one of the best and most entertaining replies to anti-gay bigots that are likely ever to read.

PhotoLast year, Delgaudio’s group was sued for stealing a New Jersey couple’s wedding photo  for use in an anti-gay political mailing [pictured right].

Apologizing to Delgaudio for his lack of support of the homophobic agenda, Derke says that the gays have “already dug their fabulously manicured claws into me, and I am afraid to report that I have been brainwashed into mindless support of the Homosexual Agenda.”

Worth quoting at length, the letter makes clear to the hate group that the “homosexual agenda” is “a phantom of your own creation”:

“Would that it were that your erudite survey had reached my desk earlier, ere I succumbed to their influence, my mind might yet be unshackled from the horrible idea that all people deserve equal treatment and dignity.

“Let me tell you what pro-family is, Eugene. Pro-family is standing by your gay brother for merely being who he is. Pro-family is accepting your cousins, your friends, and homosexual parents across the globe for who they are. It is recognizing that all credible studies that have explored the issue of gay and lesbian parents have shown that they raise well-adjusted children who are just as successful as those raised by straight parents. Pro-family means that you’re not going to rip established families apart because you can’t see through the veil of your own self-defeating prejudices.

“Pro-family is not demonizing and dehumanizing people because they’re different than you are. It is not labeling a group of people immoral because you don’t understand human sexuality.

“I am far from silent on pro-family issues. I am, in fact, vociferous. I imagine that it is a voice you’d rather be silent. The truth is that there is no homosexual agenda. There is no homosexual lobby. There are only people — men, women, transgendered, and others — who deserve equal treatment under the law, and equal respect in our society. Human beings with dignity, who love and are loved, in return.

“You signed the letter as “HON. EUGENE DELGAUDIO,” but there is nothing honorable about your letter, your survey, or your conduct. You and your group should be ashamed of sending this pile of excrement. And I hope that if there is even a shred of humanity within you that you feel a twinge of guilt and shame for comparing loving couples and parents to pedophiles.”

Josh Derke now has a fundraising page up at Read the cover letter to the survey he received from the PAUC, AFTER THE JUMP


Jim Redmond

Here's Where To Buy The World's Cheapest Pot (INFOGRAPHIC)

Here's Where To Buy The World's Cheapest Pot (INFOGRAPHIC)
It’s no secret that drug costs vary from country to country, but the price differential can be amazing.

For instance, the average price of a gram of marijuana in the west African country of Guinea is only one cent, according to the United Nation’s 2014 World Drug Report.

However, that same bud would cost a whopping $110 in the United Arab Emirates.

On the other hand, a gram of cocaine that sells for $483 in New Zealand will only cost $2 in Panama.

To see which countries are close to be drug-free and which ones are closest to offering free drugs, check out the infographic below, compiled by, a website that provides information about drug and alcohol abuse.

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Nick Jonas Drops Pants, Grabs Crotch, Breaks Hearts

Nick Jonas Drops Pants, Grabs Crotch, Breaks Hearts

Screen Shot 2014-10-02 at 11.33.49 AMAny gay men that Nick Jonas failed to swoon in his recent ab-fueled campaign to build a giant and unwavering gay fan base will surely be hooked after seeing him drop his pants and grab his crotch for Flaunt magazine.

The 22-year-old singer properly acquainted us with his abs by flashing them at gay clubs around New York last month, and before that, knocked us out with his enormous biceps in Out.

To kick off his debut solo album’s press tour, he spoke with handfuls of different media outlets about how much he loves and wants to satisfy gay men.

Today, he’s taunting the gays to come deeper into the Nick Jonas pool by posing with his pants around his ankles, bulge in hand, and revealing his ass crack for the first time ever.

On behalf of all gays everywhere, we accept your invitation, Nick.

Check out some photos from Nick’s latest shoot for Flaunt below (see a few more at Just Jared), and hang tight on the Nick Jonas bandwagon because this ride is clearly just beginning.





Queerty Editor


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