Bad Boxed Blondes: The Platinum-Haired Homophobes We Just Can’t Stand
Kathryn Knott (pictured) is the latest blonde-haired, blue-eyed Daddy’s girl to raise the ire of the gays. The alleged gay basher/blossoming alcoholic made headlines when she and two male sidekicks were accused of violently attacking an innocent same-sex couple in Philadelphia.
The 24-year-old party girl woman almost got away with the crime (conveniently, her dad is the police chief), until she was outed by a group of citizen sleuths on Twitter. Now, not only has she been publicly exposed for being, well, kinda trashy and a homophobe, but she’s also been fired from her job as an ER nurse. (Sorry ’bout your bad lucky, Kath.)
Of course, homophobes of any sort are deeply obnoxious stains on humanity, but something about blonde-haired, blue-eyed women who say and do disparaging things against gay people seems to get folks especially fired up. Why is that? What is it about homophobic blondes that makes their behavior exceptionally annoying? And are yellow-haired bigots unfairly targeted because of their choice of hair color? (Kidding!)
Here are five more boxed blondes the gays just can’t stand.
Amy Kushnir
The charming Texas “anchorwoman” was awkwardly thrust into the national spotlight after she stormed off a Dallas morning show in protest of Michael Sam kissing his boyfriend on ESPN earlier this year. Afterwards, the self-proclaimed “deeply-loving Christian American” appeared on FOX News to defend her childish behavior, where she painted herself out to be the paragon of piety and virtue. The next day, video of Kushnir giggling and flipping her blonde locks while being tossed around by two half-naked male strippers surfaced online and, with her tail between her legs, she quietly retreated back to “Midland.”

Paris Hilton
The aging heiress became public enemy #1 in 2012 when she called gay men as horny, disgusting, and AIDS-ridden. In a leaked audio recording, Hilton opined that “gay guys are the horniest people in the world. They’re disgusting. Dude, most of them probably have AIDS… I would be so scared if I were a gay guy. You’ll, like, die of AIDS.” After being exposed for the comments, Hilton released an official apology saying she was “so sorry from the bottom of my heart and I feel absolutely horrible.” But that wasn’t enough to stop Logo from pulling a planned documentary featuring the platinum-haired Valtrex spokeswoman socialite.

Ann Coulter
The leggy lanky 50-something blonde has built a career out of spewing her hate-filled nonsense at anyone who will listen. In 2012, she said, “It’s genuinely a pro-marriage position to oppose gay marriage.” She was also against the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, and in 2011 she went on the reality show A List Dallas and told her gay friend directly to his face: “The gays have got to be pro-life… As soon as they find the gay gene, guess who the liberal yuppies are gonna start aborting?” If that wasn’t bad enough, she also proposed National Coming Out Day be followed by National “Disown Your Son Day.”

Aaryn Gries
The yellow-haired reality starlet found herself in the hot seat after making some pretty vile comments last summer on Big Brother. 22-year-old Gries made a slew of racist and homophobic remarks directed at her fellow house guests. “Be careful what you say in the dark, might not be able to see the bitch,” she said of black houseguest Candice. “Go make some rice” she told an Asian houseguest. She also referred to a gay houseguest as “queer.” As a result, she was booted from the show and CBS had to issue an apology. She also solidified her place on the gays’ “Most Hated” list.

Carrie Prejean
The former Miss California made headlines during the 2009 Miss USA competition after her eloquent response to a question about whether she believed same-sex marriage should be legal. Said the blondie:
Well, I think it’s great that Americans are able to choose one way or the other. We live in a land where you can choose same-sex marriage or opposite marriage. And, you know what, in my country, in my family, I think that, I believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman, no offense to anybody out there. But that’s how I was raised and I believe that it should be between a man and a woman.
Afterwards, the disgraced beauty queen made the media rounds, appearing on a number of television and radio shows where she doubled-down on her position. Later that year, she released her memoir, written by a ghostwriter, which failed to make any bestsellers lists, before falling into obscurity, where she, like so many other homophobes, remains to this day.
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