LGBT Live@5Nside The Ladies Room
Raven-Symoné: Don't Label Me 'Gay' Or 'African-American' (VIDEO)
Raven-Symoné: Don't Label Me 'Gay' Or 'African-American' (VIDEO)
At 28 years old, Raven-Symoné has a very clear sense of who she is — and isn’t. The former “Cosby Show” actress and star of “That’s So Raven” recently sat down with Oprah and opened up about her strong sense of self, including her sexuality.
Raven has been relatively quiet about her personal life, but last year, when the Supreme Court ruled the ban on same-sex marriage unconstitutional, Raven tweeted a status that many saw as her way of coming out:
I can finally get married! Yay government! So proud of you
— Raven-Symonè (@MissRavenSymone) August 2, 2013
When Oprah asks if this was her way of saying she is gay, Raven gives a careful answer.
“That was my way of saying I’m proud of the country,” she says. “But, I will say that I’m in an amazing, happy relationship with my partner. A woman.”
Raven’s reluctance to open up about her private life is something she has practiced since her early days as a young star, under her parents’ guidance. “People in my family, they’ve taught me to keep my personal life to myself as much as possible. So, I try my best to hold the fence where I can,” Raven says. “But I am proud to be who I am and what I am.”
The actress says she has known who she is before she was even a teenager. “In that topic of dating… I knew when I was, like, 12,” she tells Oprah. “I was looking at everything.”
Still, the Louisiana native never felt the need to define her sexuality and doesn’t want anyone else to do it for her.
“I don’t want to be labeled ‘gay,'” Raven says. “I want to be labeled ‘a human who loves humans.'”
In fact, Raven tells Oprah that she rejects the notion of labels completely in all areas of her life. “I’m tired of being labeled,” she says. “I’m an American. I’m not an African-American; I’m an American.”
The remark seems to catch Oprah off guard. “Oh, girl,” Oprah says, shifting in her chair. “Don’t set up the Twitter on fire… Oh, my lord. What did you just say?”
“I mean, I don’t know where my roots go to,” Raven explains. “I don’t know how far back they go… I don’t know what country in Africa I’m from, but I do know that my roots are in Louisiana. I’m an American. And that’s a colorless person.”
“You’re going to get a lot of flak for saying you’re not African-American. You know that, right?” Oprah asks.
Raven puts her hands up. “I don’t label myself,” she reiterates. “I have darker skin. I have a nice, interesting grade of hair. I connect with Caucasian, I connect with Asian, I connect with black, I connect with Indian, I connect with each culture.”
“You are a melting pot in one body,” Oprah says.
“Aren’t we all?” Raven asks. “Isn’t that what America’s supposed to be?”
“Oprah: Where Are They Now?” airs Sundays at 9 p.m. ET on OWN.
Windy City Times, True Colors Forty to None homeless LGBT youth summit , 12 of 12
Windy City Times, True Colors Forty to None homeless LGBT youth summit , 12 of 12
Windy City Times, True Colors Forty to None homeless LGBT youth summit , 12 of 12.
Towletech v.126: Mars Colony, Windows 10, Drone Battles, Lost
Towletech v.126: Mars Colony, Windows 10, Drone Battles, Lost
A weekly round-up of the best tech, science, and geek-related news from around the web.
Space X CEO Elon Musk reiterates the importance of establishing a human colony on Mars. “I think there is a strong humanitarian argument for making life multi-planetary…in order to safeguard the existence of humanity in the event that something catastrophic were to happen, in which case being poor or having a disease would be irrelevant, because humanity would be extinct. It would be like, “Good news, the problems of poverty and disease have been solved, but the bad news is there aren’t any humans left.”‘
Microsoft has finally unveiled it’s next operating system – Windows 10. The OS is a hybrid of the tablet-like Windows 8 and the more traditional Windows 7 and isn’t being called Windows 9 because some speculate Microsoft is trying to distance itself from the notoriously user-unfriendly Windows 8.
Check out this cool video of Disney using blank fondant and projection mapping to create one of the coolest cakes ever for one lucky couple’s Fairy Tale Wedding.
Check out the Olive – the Fitbit-esque bracelet that helps you manage your stress levels by having it track and analyze your physical indicators and habits that contribute to the strain of life.
A Google Glass app that provides real-time closed captioning for everyday conversations.
Speaking of Google, the company is reportedly developing displays that can connect like Legos to form one big, seamless picture.
Hacker puts Windows 95 on a smartwatch…just because.
A DIY Survival Guide for a zombie apocalypse.
A NASA-backed study looks into the option of putting astronauts into a deep sleep (or “torpor”) during a human expedition to Mars. “Economically, the payoff looks impressive. Crews can live inside smaller ships with fewer amenities like galleys, exercise gear and of course water, food and clothing. One design includes a spinning habitat to provide a low-gravity environment to help offset bone and muscle loss.”
It’s all led up to this – Jimmy Fallon vs Tyler Perry in a drone battle.
The best places to trade-in your old phone for an iPhone 6.
Check this out: Alcatraz reimagined as the lavish fortress home of a powerful tech mogel.
The world’s first genetically modified babies will graduate high school this year.
Education, military and 3 other areas that will be transformed by 3D printer technology.
NASA has revealed details of its mission to redirect an asteroid to orbit the moon and send humans to explore it in the 2020s.
A visualization of the ebola spreading rate compared to HIV and other diseases.
Lost showrunner Carlton Cuse thinks the show’s return is “inevitable” – “It’s like the Narnia chronicles. There are [seven] books, they were all written by CS Lewis, but they all visit Narnia at different times and different configurations and different ways. Someone is going to come up with a way to tell another Lost story. I think it’s inevitable. I don’t know what it is or how it would work, but I can’t imagine something else won’t be done with the franchise.”
Researchers discover Egypt-sized cyanide cloud over Saturn’s largest moon Titan.
Kyler Geoffroy
Same-Sex Marriage Ban Violates 'Fundamental Right,' Alaska Attorneys Say
Same-Sex Marriage Ban Violates 'Fundamental Right,' Alaska Attorneys Say
JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) — Attorneys for the gay couples challenging Alaska’s ban on same-sex marriage say the right to marry is fundamental and due to all individuals.
They take issue with the state saying the U.S. Supreme Court has never held that there is a fundamental constitutional right to same-sex marriage. The plaintiffs’ attorneys, in a court filing Friday, said the high court has upheld a broad definition of marriage. They said it is unnecessary to parse out certain classes of individuals for whom marriage should apply.
In this case, “the issue is not whether there is a constitutional ‘right to same-sex marriage,’ but whether excluding people from a fundamental right that belongs to all individuals violates due process,” attorneys Allison Mendel, Heather Gardner and Caitlin Shortell say in the filing.
The state’s approach has been tried and rejected by courts in other parts of the country, they said.
The lawsuit was brought by five same-sex couples — four married outside of the state and one unmarried couple — seeking to have Alaska’s ban on gay marriage overturned as unconstitutional. Voters in 1998 approved an amendment to the state’s constitution defining marriage as between one man and one woman.
A federal judge is scheduled to hear arguments in the case on Friday.
The state, in a filing last month, said the question of whether to define marriage to include gay couples should be decided by citizens, not the courts. The state also argued that Alaska laws prohibiting recognition of same-sex marriages from other states or countries do not violate the plaintiffs’ constitutional rights.
“It is well established that a state is not required under the federal Constitution ‘to apply another state’s law in violation of its own legitimate public policy,'” attorneys for the state wrote.
The plaintiffs’ attorneys countered that the U.S. Supreme Court “has never held that a law’s democratic enactment constitutes even a rational basis for its existence.”
They also said the state’s interest in the democratic process is not advanced by excluding gay couples from marriage or by refusing to recognize same-sex marriages legally performed elsewhere.
“Discrimination must be justified by more than a desire to discriminate,” they said.
PHOTOS: Brent Corrigan And Friends Star At Austin’s LGBT Film Fest
PHOTOS: Brent Corrigan And Friends Star At Austin’s LGBT Film Fest
Actor Sean Paul Lockhart (otherwise known as Brent Corrigan) brought his sex appeal to the Austin Gay & Lesbian International Film Festival last month turning out for the premier of one of his latest non porn film The Dark Place. We all know what was on people’s mind during the meet and greet, though.
Check out Queerty’s guide to the best films that came out of the festival this year. Plus a photo sneak peek from the festival’s screening parties and cocktail hours.
Photos: Heather Kennedy, Red Eye Photobooth
The Queerty photo booth at work. View all the photos here.
Directors Antonio Santini and Dan Sickles presented their trans doc, Mala Mala.
Sean Paul Lockhart and friends
Oscar Raymundo
Pesquisa sobre Direitos da LGBT e Casamento Gay
Pesquisa sobre Direitos da LGBT e Casamento Gay
Construção do vídeo/trabalho: Nathalia Miolo Alves.
'SNL' Warns White People Won't Be Calling The Shots For Long
'SNL' Warns White People Won't Be Calling The Shots For Long
White people of the United States, get ready. Because your reign is coming to an end.
The satirical Saturday Night Live segment aired Oct. 2nd with guest host Sarah Silverman, and prompts white people from all white walks of white life to come together to celebrate their last days of white racial dominance.
Because let’s face it: when minorities become majorities, the world becomes a more equal place. Dun dun dun!!!
But for now, white people can soak it up with plenty of hiking and camping.
“Whites: still calling the shots till 2050. 2060 tops.”
“Saturday Night Live” airs Saturdays at 11:30 p.m. ET on NBC.
Trade Boycotts Force Ugandan President to Reconsider Anti-Gay Laws
Trade Boycotts Force Ugandan President to Reconsider Anti-Gay Laws
There’s a special place in hell for Anita Bryant for helping to popularize the myth that the gays are after the world’s children to recruit them to the cause, like some fabulously well-dressed militant regime. This fueled one of the cries – and lies – spread ’round the world that people and governments are anti-gay because they just want to protect the children. We’ve seen it in Russia, the U.S., and of course Uganda.
The “protecting the children” rational is a lie through and through, of course, and Uganda at least is proving it to be as such. Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni claimed that he signed on to his country’s viciously anti-gay laws to ostensibly protect children and prevent them from being “recruited” into the deviant homosexual lifestyle, but either he never really believed that or the “recruitment of children” isn’t that big of a deal as Museveni is now backtracking on those laws.
Though the author of the anti-gay laws said that any international backlash would be “worth it“, President Museveni is singing a different tune, saying that his country could endure aid cuts, but that trade boycotts would be devastating:
It is about us deciding what is best for our country in the realm of foreign trade, which is such an important stimulus for growth and transformation that it has no equal.
He still takes a chance to make a nasty stab at homosexuals and still blame them for his country’s troubles, however:
It is now an issue of a snake in a clay cooking pot. We want to kill the snake, but we do not want to break the pot. We want to protect our children from homosexuality, but we do not want to kill our trade opportunities. That now forces us to disassemble this whole issue.
How about just leaving the snake alone, knowing that it always was and always will be a snake, and letting everyone live in peace?
Christian Walters
2014 NYC St. Patrick's Day Festival LGBT protest pt. 2
2014 NYC St. Patrick's Day Festival LGBT protest pt. 2
Live performance.