Texas Fraternity Suspended For Allegedly Denying Gay Pledge

Texas Fraternity Suspended For Allegedly Denying Gay Pledge


Diwu Zhou/Facebook

The Lambda Phi Epsilon fraternity at the University of Texas has been suspended after being accused of withholding membership from a rushee because he was gay.

Civil engineering senior Diwu Zhou told the Daily Texan he rushed the Asian interest fraternity this fall and was asked a “derogatory question” during the interview process. He was eventually denied, and filed a complaint with the school after a fraternity member told him it was because he was gay.

“I feel like more people should know that stuff like this happens on campus,” he said.

Zhou further claims the decision was largely influenced by a group of individuals who unofficially ran the frat underground during a six-year period when it was banned from campus following the alcohol poisoning death of a pledge in 2005. He says the boys who ran the frat underground are still calling the shots even though the ban has ended.

Though the frat has only been suspended in the wake of Zhou’s allegations, a campus official says it “could face disciplinary actions” if they are true. The frat is currently on probation following it’s six-year ban, so a guilty verdict could potentially reinstate the ban.

Queerty Editor


Morrissey Says He's Been Treated for Cancer: 'If I Die, Then I Die…'

Morrissey Says He's Been Treated for Cancer: 'If I Die, Then I Die…'


Morrissey has revealed that he has undergone treatment for cancer in an interview with Spanish newspaper El Mundo.

The former Smiths frontman told the paper, in a response to a question about his recent hospitalizations:

“They have scraped cancerous tissues four times already, but whatever. If I die, then I die. And if I don’t, then I don’t. Right now I feel good. I am aware that in some of my recent photos I look somewhat unhealthy, but that’s what illness can do. I’m not going to worry about that, I’ll rest when I’m dead.

He added: “[I’m] now at an age when I should no longer be making music … Many composers of classical music died at age 34. And I’m still here, and nobody knows what to do with me.”

Andy Towle


Oklahoma: Plaintiffs Wed, But Doesn't Look Like Happy Ending to Governor

Oklahoma: Plaintiffs Wed, But Doesn't Look Like Happy Ending to Governor

The couple at the center of the Oklahoma marriage case expressed joy over the Supreme Court’s decision but also were “a little bit annoyed” that the court didn’t get directly involved.

read more

Lucas Grindley


Rebuttal to Mary Fallin's Response to SCOTUS

Rebuttal to Mary Fallin's Response to SCOTUS

“Today’s decision has been cast by the media as a victory for gay rights. What has been ignored, however, is the right of Oklahomans – and Americans in every state – to write their own laws and govern themselves as they see fit. Those rights have once again been trampled by an arrogant, out-of-control federal government that wants to substitute Oklahoma values with Washington, D.C. values.” — Governor Mary Fallin

Dear Governor Mary Fallin,

I re-introduced myself to you in an open letter I penned last September. I assume you might have a vague recollection.

I have been blessed enough to travel to amazing places. But, regardless of what new city I may see a sunset; Oklahoma’s remains the most beautiful to me.

I never know where my work may take me. But, if I want to go to the home of my heart, nothing is up in the air. I’ll be going to Oklahoma.

I applaud the Supreme Court’s decision to let the rulings of appeals courts stand in regard to same-sex marriage bans. While your action last year told me that my heart (and tax dollars) were not welcome in my home state, the Supreme Court declared that you do not get to decide that I’m not equal in my birthplace.

In your statement regarding this, you lambasted the “out-of-control” federal government for overlooking the will of Oklahoma voters, who did vote to outlaw gay marriage 10 years ago. States’ rights, you say, are being stomped by Washington D.C. arrogance, of which you were once a part.

Governor, you understand, that without the federal government taking the lead on the 19th amendment, women might not still be able to vote in some states, much less hold office. Was that “out-of-control?”

You can state that a majority of Oklahomans voted for a same-sex marriage ban in 2004 all you want. The fact is they did. However, the vast majority of Southerners supported the peculiar institution of slavery during the Civil War. That didn’t make it right, did it? And their support doesn’t make it any less over. If you will go on the record stating that the federal government is overreaching by striking down laws that create “separate, but equal” citizenry in individual states regarding marriage laws, will you now go on the record saying that Alabama should have been entitled to keep slaves because the majority supported it?

The federal government stepped in and saved many Oklahomans with 1937’s New Deal. I know you are depending on elderly voters. I would love to hear you denounce that as an overreach. You are, after all, counting on senior citizens to turn out in your re-election bid. And while you are correct, “that decision has been cast by the media as a victory for gay rights.” But more than a victory for gay rights it is a victory for so many whom have been told their love is wrong. It’s a civil rights victory for the nearly 200,000 Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender people who live in the great state of Oklahoma.

This was a win. It was a win for anyone who believes in the golden rule. Within Christianity that rule is to treat others as you would like to be treated. Within America, that rule is that we all are created equal.

I don’t condemn you for your divorce. I actually think it is cool that your first marriage proposal was at Hugh Hefner’s Playboy Mansion.

Gov. Fallin, I can’t wait to return home to Oklahoma and attend the weddings of many of my gay friends, or maybe someday the wedding of one of my two gay brothers. And maybe, just maybe, you will have come around and will officiate your first marriage that resembles equality. While denying political gain and campaign contributions but treating others as Jesus would have, with Love and Respect.

Love conquers all.

Today love won.


Nick Carter Revives Your Teenage Crush By Modeling Tiny Blue Thong

Nick Carter Revives Your Teenage Crush By Modeling Tiny Blue Thong

Screen Shot 2014-10-07 at 2.34.32 PM18 years after releasing his hugely successful debut album as one fifth of the Backstreet Boys, former teen idol Nick Carter is walking down a hallway, and then lying down on a table, in a tiny blue thong. On national television. Isn’t fame a funny thing?

Nick’s beautiful blue thong came out on a recent episode of VH1’s I Heart Nick Carter after Nick calls himself a “Fatstreet Boy.” He’s wearing it because he’s visiting a doctor to talk about non-invasive procedures to help him shed extra weight, and this is apparently the outfit you have to wear while that procedure is performed.



Nick has obviously gained some weight since posing for that photo you hung in your middle school locker, but he’s not fat by any means. Perhaps he hasn’t heard that bigger bellies make better lovers, or that 99 percent of gay men* (if he swung that way) still wouldn’t kick him out of bed?

He doesn’t need a “fat-zapping” procedure, and we’re glad he ended up deciding against it. On a superficial level, it at least provided some great shots of Nick getting all sweaty in the gym. Nick, more of this, please.

Watch more from the episode below:

And check out some super sexxxy photos from his Instagram:



View on Instagram

*Not an actual statistic, but we’d say it’s pretty accurate.

h/t Attitude

Queerty Editor


Fresno Mayor Ashley Swearengin Is Once Again a Marriage Equality Supporter

Fresno Mayor Ashley Swearengin Is Once Again a Marriage Equality Supporter

Swearengin_pageBio2Ashley Swearengin, a Republican candidate for California’s state controller office, has doubled back on her views about gay marriage, asserting that she’s–once again–a supporter of LGBT equality. During her initial bid for the mayorship of Fresno in 2008 Swearengin expressed her belief that marriage consisted of a union between a man and a woman. Swearengin also threw her support behind California’s Proposition 8 ban on gay marriage, a fact that she addressed while speaking to a local chapter of the Log Cabin Republicans.

“Like most Californians, I believe it is time to move beyond this issue,” she explained to a gathering of lesbian and gay conservatives. “[We need to] focus our public policy energies on addressing the mountain of debt and outstanding liabilities that threaten the financial future of the next generation.”

“She told us, ‘I support marriage equality,'” said Kevin Gilhooley, president of the Orange Country Log Cabin Republicans. “That’s what she said, verbatim. It was such a powerful statement for our group to hear, she got a great round of applause. We were very appreciative.”

Swearengin’s platform this time around, according to her campaign manager Tim Clark, is focused squarely on righting California’s mounting economic woes and promoting job creation. Swearengin insisted that despite her past with homophobic legislation, the office of controller has no real bearing on social issues like marriage equality, and the evolution of her views was a reflection of her new-found political goals.

“As state controller, I wouldn’t have any influence over this issue. But I am very concerned about the legacy of debt and outstanding obligations that we’re leaving for our children and our grandchildren. I will do everything in my power to try address those two most important issues. That’s what my campaign is about, and as mayor that’s what I’m focused on as well.”

Charles Pulliam-Moore



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