University Of Texas Fraternity Suspended For Anti-Gay Discrimination – VIDEO

University Of Texas Fraternity Suspended For Anti-Gay Discrimination – VIDEO

Lambda Phi Epsilon

The University of Texas (UT) has temporarily suspended a fraternity following reports that a student had been denied a bid due to his sexual orientation, reports The Daily Texan.

The UT Austin chapter of Lambda Phi Epsilon is under investigation by its national board after civil engineering senior Diwu Zhou said he rushed for the fraternity this fall but was asked a “derogatory” question in the initial interview process. He said that the interview panel included members of the official UT chapter along with members who ran an “underground” chapter that operated while the organization was banned from campus 2005-2011.

6a00d8341c730253ef01bb0794b2d4970d-800wiThe seven year ban came about after Phanta ”Jack” Phoummarath, a freshman pledge at the fraternity, was found dead after a fraternity house party.  His body had been defaced from head to toe with tags including “FAG,” “I’m gay” and “I AM FAT.”

The fraternity restarted at UT in fall 2013 and is on probation this year.

Zhou said that when he was told he did not receive a bid, a member of the fraternity told him the reason he was not selected was because he is gay.

Charles Andrean, the fraternity’s national president, said:

“We have received a complaint about the undergraduate chapter, and our priority right now is a full investigation and finding out everything that potentially could have occurred here.”

Phil Butler, sorority and fraternity life advisor for the Office of the Dean of Students, confirmed that Lambda Phi Epsilon is currently banned from conducting any activity on campus but added that he is not aware of an “underground” fraternity organization.

David Chen, business graduate student and officer and media contact for the UT chapter, declined to comment on behalf of the fraternity.

Back in April, a student at the Central University of Florida claimed that he was rejected by the Beta Theta Phi fraternity because he is gay.

As part of their legal settlement following the death of Phoummarath, fraternity members participated in the production of an educational anti-hazing video which you can watch, AFTER THE JUMP…

“Enough is Enough” from imoJ on Vimeo.

Jim Redmond

Idaho Files Motion To Recall Mandate Allowing Same-Sex Marriages To Begin

Idaho Files Motion To Recall Mandate Allowing Same-Sex Marriages To Begin
The state of Idaho has filed a motion to recall the mandate allowing same-sex marriages to begin immediately in the state.

KTVB reported Idaho Attorney General Lawrence Wasden’s office confirmed the emergency motion Wednesday morning. According to the Idaho Statesman, Thomas C. Perry, counsel for the governor, wrote in Wednesday morning’s filings that the state is prepared to take the matter to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy entered a temporary stay against gay marriages in Idaho, asking the opposing side to file a reply by Thursday at 5 p.m.

A federal appeals court declared gay marriage legal in both Idaho and Nevada on Tuesday.

Below, more from the AP on the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals’ ruling:

Judge Stephen Reinhardt wrote for a unanimous three-judge panel that laws that treat people differently based on sexual orientation are unconstitutional unless there is a compelling government interest. He wrote that neither Idaho nor Nevada offered any legitimate reasons to discriminate against gay couples.

“Idaho and Nevada’s marriage laws, by preventing same-sex couples from marrying and refusing to recognize same-sex marriages celebrated elsewhere, impose profound legal, financial, social and psychic harms on numerous citizens of those states,” Reinhardt wrote.

He rejected the argument that same-sex marriages will devalue traditional marriage, leading to more out-of-wedlock births.

“This proposition reflects a crass and callous view of parental love and the parental bond that is not worthy of response,” Reinhardt wrote. “We reject it out of hand.”

The appeals court panel did not rule on a similar case in Hawaii, which legalized gay marriage in December. Hawaii’s governor had asked the court to toss out a lawsuit challenging the state’s ban and an appeal to the 9th Circuit filed before Hawaii lawmakers legalized same-sex marriage.

All three judges on the panel were appointed by Democratic presidents. President Bill Clinton appointed Judges Marsha Berzon and Ronald Gould. President Jimmy Carter appointed Reinhardt.

The court also has jurisdiction in three other states that still have marriage bans in place: Alaska, Arizona and Montana. Lawsuits challenging bans in those states are still pending in lower courts and have not reached the 9th Circuit.

This Drag Queen’s Juice Cleanse Went Memorably Wrong

This Drag Queen’s Juice Cleanse Went Memorably Wrong

Jezabellewhiteby Thomas Evans Photography

[The following excerpt is from The Harlot’s Guide to Classy Cocktails, which is now available nearly everywhere books are sold.]

It was Friday night, and I was bar-hopping all of the establishments in New York City’s West Village. By the time I left the last watering hole, I was feeling as fabulous as I looked! After all, I had just completed one of those torturous ten-day juice cleanses that had me drinking my weight in spicy lemonade in order to look as svelte as Twiggy.

As I made my way down Seventh Avenue, a crowd began to form. People started to point and yell out how much they loved me. In my delightfully inebriated state, I could not help but revel in the attention! All of that starvation was clearly paying off, as my slender figure was sending forth a siren’s call to the adoring masses.

After several photos, hugs, and handshakes, I was blowing kisses to the crowd when I overheard two men nearby engaged in conversation. With a look of confusion, one man turned to the other and asked, “Who the heck is that chick that everyone is going crazy over?” As I cocked my head back preparing to declare my name, the second man blurted out with certainty, “It’s that fat actress….Melissa McCarthy!” I let out an audible gasp. At once I realized that every photo-op I had just enjoyed was only a case of mistaken identity. After days of relentlessly squeezing fresh lemons into a guaranteed pound-shedding concoction, I was being confused with one of the chubbiest actresses on the planet! I put a smile back on my face and laughed with the crowd until the last picture was taken.

Then, I pursed my lips, adjusted my boobs, and stormed off in a Miss Piggy huff down the street to the nearest diner, where I drowned my diet in a trough of greasy food. Hell, if after not eating a solid morsel for close to two weeks I was still serving-up full-figured Hollywood starlet, why in the fuck would I continue to deny myself that cheeseburger and fries?!

Watch the trailer for the book below.

First Comes Love Project Trailer from B. Proud on Vimeo.

unnamedAs an added bonus, here are a couple of cocktail recipes from Jeza Belle, who reminds us, “These recipes are meant to be super easy….just like the girls, so lots of simple twists on classics.”

Pink Panty Dropper

12 ounce container frozen pink lemonade concentrate

12 ounces vodka


Lemon twists

Pour container of frozen lemonade concentrate into a blender filled with ice. Fill the empty container with vodka and add to blender. Cover and blend until the consistency of a slushy. Pour into glasses and garnish with lemon twists. Serve immediately.

The Tuck

1 bottle dry red wine

32 ounces orange soda, such as San Pellegrino

¼ cup brandy

¼ cup orange juice

1 apple, cored and cut into pieces

1 orange, sliced thin

1 lime, sliced thin

Lime twists

Combine ingredients, except lime twists, in a large pitcher and refrigerate for a minimum of two hours. Pour into glasses and garnish with lime twists

Photo credit: Thomas Evans Photography

Jeremy Kinser

Utah Lawmaker Files Bill To Officially Refer To Gay Marriages As 'Pairages'

Utah Lawmaker Files Bill To Officially Refer To Gay Marriages As 'Pairages'

PowellIn the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision not to hear the 7 petitions it was considering on the question of same-sex marriage, effectively overturning bans on same-sex marriage in 5 states including Utah, a Utah lawmaker has introduced a bill that would officially refer to marriages between same-sex couples as “pairages.” The New York Times reports:

Just hours after a curt order from the United States Supreme Court on Monday opened the door to same-sex marriages in 11 states, State Representative Kraig Powell, a Republican opponent of same-sex marriage, opened a bill file in the Utah legislature to revise marriage statutes. He suggested rewriting the law to refer to same-sex marriages as “pairages” — an idea that one openly gay Utah lawmaker, State Senator Jim Dabakis, dismissed as so discriminatory that it represented “apartheid marriage.”

But Mr. Powell said the legislature might need to change its laws to reflect what he called the innate differences between a straight couple who are both the biological parents of a child and a same-sex couples who are not. And he said that even the heading that groups the state marriage laws — “Husband and Wife” — would now need rethinking.

“It’s going to start from the very title page,” Mr. Powell said. “If anyone thinks that’s just a technical process, changing wording here and there, they’re mistaken.” He added: “The differences between a same-sex relationship and an opposite-sex relationship are large enough that maybe we ought to recognize the difference between them.”

You’ll recall that Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes promised to uphold the 10th Circuit Court’s ruling after the Supreme Court decided not to weigh in on the challenge to Utah’s marriage ban. Said Reyes on Monday, “We are a state and a people who believe in upholding the law of the land and that has been determined for us today in a way that may be not satisfactory for some, but it is the law of the land.” 

[Photo via Facebook]

Sean Mandell

As PrEP Becomes More Available, Couples With One Poz Partner Consider Treatment

As PrEP Becomes More Available, Couples With One Poz Partner Consider Treatment

Serodiscordant relationships, in which one partner is negative and the other is positive, seem like an ideal situation to use PrEP, but many couples are forgoing the treatment. Why?

read more

Daniel Reynolds

PHOTOS: The Boys Of Summer Are Still With Us

PHOTOS: The Boys Of Summer Are Still With Us


We hate it when summer slips between our fingers as much as you do. However, we have a few models from underwear brand Diëtz that can help us reminisce on those hot glory. From hanging by the pool to lounging after a long day of work, these boys took advantage of the long summer days and loved every second of it, knowing we we’re enjoying them just as much. But once summer is over, hopefully the models will stick around and the boys of summer are not gone. Strisce-boxer-underwear Elegance-sunga-gray-swimsuit Sunga-white-swimsuit-black-white-1

For more information, go to The Underwear Expert.

Photo Credit: Diëtz

Underwear Expert


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