New Clinton Papers Reveal Just How Bad The Discussions Leading Up To DADT Were. (Hint: Gay = Nazi)

New Clinton Papers Reveal Just How Bad The Discussions Leading Up To DADT Were. (Hint: Gay = Nazi)

rotc_dadt-360x248A new batch of White House documents from the Clinton presidency have just been released, and they confirm what was long suspected: the discussions that ultimately resulted in the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy were rife with homophobia.

As his first act in the White House, Clinton promised to lift the military’s ban on gay service personnel. Instead, he ran into a military buzzsaw. In a meeting held in the White House just five days after Clinton moved in, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, led then by Gen. Colin Powell, rejected Clinton’s decision out of hand.

“Homo[sexuality] is a problem for us,” Powell said, according to the notes taken at the meeting. He also recited all the same bogus fears that led to DADT, including the old predator canard; the notes say Powell was “concerned about forced association and immaturity of 18-year-old.”

The most offensive remarks came from Marine Commandant Carl Mundy, who 16 years later was still urging the president (now Obama) not to repeal DADT.  According to the notes, Mundy said that the statement “I’m gay” was the “same as I’m KKK, Nazi, rapist.” Coming out “fractures teamwork” and tells the world “I commit [an] act Amer[ica] doesn’t accept.”

Mundy wasn’t moved by the experience of other nations either. “It doesn’t matter what the Dutch have done,” he said. “We’re the best.”

Clinton was prone to stereotypes as well. “People I would like to keep [in the military] wouldn’t show up at a Queer Nation parade,” the president said, referring to the activist group.

The person who comes across best in the meeting is then-Vice President Al Gore. Gore challenges Powell directly when Powell insists that race is just one of several “benign characteristics” while “sex[uality] is different.” (Powell did come around, supporting the repeal of DADT in 2010 and the legalization of marriage equality in 2012.)

Gore objected. “Assuming you have a soldier born w/ [a] predisp[osition] + patriotic…if that person sep[arates] due to status then that person in a way is discriminated against in a way similar to black[s.]”

After the meeting, Gore also told Clinton, Secretary of Defense Les Aspin and the other White House attendees that Mundy was “borderline” in his remarks, taking particularly offense at the Nazi comparison. No one else was as pointed in their criticism–at least not in the notes.

Just one more reminder of how the first decade of the century might have been different if Gore had become President.

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Celebrate National Coming Out Day With These Inspiring Video Tributes: WATCH

Celebrate National Coming Out Day With These Inspiring Video Tributes: WATCH


Today marks the 26th anniversary of National Coming Out Day – a day of celebration and self-acceptance for the LGBT community and its allies. To mark the special occasion, check out these videos highlighting some of the celebrities and everyday people who have stood up, spoken out, and joined the “out” ranks. 





Kyler Geoffroy

Gay GOP Congressional Candidate Accused Of Masturbating In Front Of Male Staffer

Gay GOP Congressional Candidate Accused Of Masturbating In Front Of Male Staffer

carldemaioBeing a hands-on politician is generally a good thing. Not so in Carl DeMaio’s case. The openly gay Republican nominee for Congress in San Diego is being accused of distinctly un-Congressional behavior: masturbating in front of a male staffer.

The staffer, Todd Bosnich, claims that DeMaio repeatedly made unwelcome sexual advances toward him. It all began one evening after DeMaio drove Bosnich to his car following a staff get-together.

“We were making small talk on the way back. And when he pulled up to my car, he reached over into my lap and grabbed my crotch. And I flipped out. And I pushed his hand away,” Bosnich told CNN. “I just was shocked because I’d never had anyone do something like that to me, especially in a position of authority and trust. And, at the time, I just figured, well, maybe he was drunk and blew it off.”

But Bosnich, who is also gay, says that the behavior escalated, reaching a climax (so to speak) last April. DeMaio called Bosnich to his office. What Bosnich says he saw there was not the usual political glad-handing.

“I came over to his office, door was open. And he was masturbating,” Bosnich said. “I saw his hand, his penis in his hand and he had a smile on his face. And as soon as I came over he was looking at me.”

Bosnich says he talked to DeMaio’s campaign manager, Tommy Knepper, about the behavior. Bosnich says Knepper responded, “That’s just the way Carl is.”

Bosnich claims he eventually confronted DeMaio about his behavior. Soon afterwards, Bosnich was fired, but not before he says he was offered a new position and $50,000 if he would sign a confidentiality agreement.

DeMaio is offering an infuriated rebuttal. “This is an individual that was let go by our campaign manager for plagiarism,” DeMaio says, claiming that Bosnich subsequently broke into the campaign office and smashed computers.

“He’s clearly troubled,” DeMaio says of Bosnich. “He got caught for the damage that he did to the campaign and now he’s manufacturing in essence a cover story to explain away his actions.”

DeMaio says that Bosnich is currently under police investigation and offered to share documents with CNN to prove Bosnich was lying and had broken into the campaign office. But DeMaio only let CNN look at the documents without reporting on their content. CNN’s succinct (and damning) summary: “On its own, the material did not appear to refute Bosnich’s claims.”

In fact, CNN tried for over a week to get DeMaio’s campaign to respond to specific allegations. Instead, the network was led on a merry chase through fields of obfuscation and obstruction. Politico, which originally broke the story,

Unfortunately for DeMaio, this is not the first time that he’s been accused of pressing the flesh inappropriately. Last year, Ben Hueso, who serves with De Maio on the San Diego City Council, says he twice caught DeMaio playing with himself in a restroom stall.

Councilwoman Marti Emerald ran into Hueso right after he left the men’s room. “He said DeMaio was in there (masturbating),” Emerald said. “And I said do you want to grab a police officer and have him arrested? Because this is a violation of the (city) code. He said no, but he was pretty upset.”

DeMaio denied that allegation too, telling CNN that he took a polygraph test that proved his innocence. Still, he wouldn’t provide the polygraph results to the network.

DeMaio is in a tight race to unseat freshman Democrat Scott Peters–or at least it was tight until Bosnich’s story became public. DeMaio had been anointed a “new generation Republican” by the party establishment, which is desperate to shed its ultra-right image. He’s received checks from House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

In fact, Boehner is scheduled to hold a fundraiser for DeMaio today. He may want to consider bringing along some hand sanitizer.




Hopeful Romantic Matt Zarley's Ship Has Come In: VIDEO

Hopeful Romantic Matt Zarley's Ship Has Come In: VIDEO


Try to find an ounce of cynicism in pop singer-songwriter Matt Zarley’s preview of his upcoming musical short film hopefulROMANTIC, and you won’t. “I Just Knew” is relentlessly, musical theatre-style upbeat. Whether there are bumps in this road we’ll just have to wait and see. But for now, the honeymoon is way on.


You may recall some of Mr. Zarley’s previous offerings – his tribute to Whitney Houston, his Dating Game homage, and his political imbroglio “Trust Me”.

Andy Towle

Coming Out Against 'Conversion Therapy'

Coming Out Against 'Conversion Therapy'
Today, on National Coming Out Day, countless lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) people around the world will find the courage, through one another, to tell the world who they really are. But this day is more than a just a celebration of the freedom to be ourselves. It commemorates the 1987 National March on Washington, a grassroots protest against the Supreme Court decision in Bowers v. Hardwick, which upheld criminal sodomy laws, and the Reagan administration’s refusal to acknowledge the AIDS epidemic. At a time when our nation’s leaders were trying to stigmatize us out of existence, silence wasn’t just death. Speaking was survival.

Today, much of the landscape is markedly different. In the United States, we celebrated two major marriage equality victories this week alone, and, in more and more communities, coming out is becoming an accepted rite of passage for LGBTQ adolescents. Sadly, however, the privilege of authenticity is neither secure nor universal. Only 16 years ago tomorrow, Matthew Shepard died following a brutal beating for being openly gay. For many queer youth, the risk of violence and the struggle to survive are still daily realities. This National Coming Out Day, thousands of kids will come out only to face an impossible choice: try their luck on the streets or change the unchangeable.

As far as equal rights have come in the last few years, up to a third of LGBTQ people are still subjected to “conversion therapy,” among the most damaging forms of psychological abuse a person can endure. Conversion therapy encompasses a range of dangerous and discredited practices aimed at changing a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity. Based on the false premise that being LGBTQ is a mental illness that can and should be cured, it can include everything from talk therapy to exorcisms to “orgasmic reconditioning.” Shockingly, it is still legal for licensed therapists to practice conversion therapy on children in 48 states. The result is lifelong damage that can include depression, substance abuse, and even suicide.

The conversion therapy industry preys on the confusion and anxiety of families who don’t know what to do when they discover that their child is LGBTQ. With few exceptions, parents don’t subject their children to conversion therapy out of hate or malice. Tragically, they are almost always motivated by love and concern for their children’s well-being and have no idea what they are risking. When Jane Shurka’s son, Mathew, came out, she and her husband worried that his future would be bleak. A conversion therapist told them he could turn Mathew straight in six weeks. Over the next five years, she watched in agony as her bright young child fell apart. He struggled with anxiety, his grades suffered, and he became seriously depressed. It took five years of turmoil before Mathew was able to embrace his true self. Earlier this year, Jane and Mathew testified together before members of the New York Senate in support of a bill that would protect youth under 18 from conversion therapy. That a licensed professional convinced her to try and change her son, she told legislators, was a tragedy not just for him but for their whole family. But, like so many brave conversion therapy survivors, Mathew didn’t just survive. He went on to dedicate his life to making sure no one else has to go through what he did.

NCLR is working with legislators and LGBTQ leaders in New York and more than a dozen other states to bring similar protections to young people across the country. We’ve already succeeded in California and New Jersey. Although most of these bills are still in the early stages of the legislative process, there is reason for optimism. When anti-conversion therapy laws come up for a vote, they receive broad bipartisan support from lawmakers and enjoy overwhelming backing from mental health practitioners, faith leaders, youth advocates, reproductive justice groups, and civil rights organizations. Protecting our kids from quack medicine is simply not a controversial issue.

Although regulating licensed therapists is an important way to protect LGBTQ youth, not all conversion therapy takes place in a doctor’s office. Some fringe religious leaders still engage in the unregulated practice of conversion therapy in schools and houses of worship. When Jeff White came out at 14, his parents sent him to a religious school that promised it could change his sexual orientation. For three years, he endured weekly counseling sessions at the hands of a teacher who routinely raped and sexually assaulted him to convince him that being gay was more painful than suppressing his sexual orientation. He kept his experience hidden from those closest to him, afraid that speaking out would place him and his family in danger. This August, NCLR helped him report the abuse he endured, and, 15 years later, a formal investigation has finally been launched. Like Mathew, Jeff didn’t just survive; he went on to found the Mississippi Gulf Coast Rainbow Center, where he serves kids all over the state who are struggling with intolerance.

In June, NCLR launched #BornPerfect, a campaign to end conversion therapy in five years by passing laws across the country like the one Jane and Mathew advocated for in New York, fighting in courtrooms to ensure the safety of kids like Jeff, and helping other survivors speak out about the devastating effects of these practices. By National Coming Out Day 2015, the state of conversion therapy in the United States could look very different.

But today, we recommit to fighting for those who cannot come out without placing themselves in serious danger at the hands of those who would rather change them than love them for who they are. We recognize the sacrifices many of our youth have made over the years, from Matthew Shepard to Mathew Shurka. We celebrate those who find their way out of the closet and honor those who must protect themselves by staying inside. And, most of all, we celebrate our community’s history of survival, whether by breaking the silence or by braving it.

Five Ways You Definitely SHOULDN’T Come Out

Five Ways You Definitely SHOULDN’T Come Out

Screen shot 2014-10-09 at 10.02.25 AMHappy National Coming Out Day! Gay men and women across the country and breaking down their closet doors and proclaiming their sexual orientations to the world.

National Coming Out Day is celebrated each year on October 11 because that’s the anniversary of the 1987 National March on Washington, when gay rights activists gathered to demand the government offer them the same rights and privileges as everyone else. Over 200,000 people turned out for the march.

With same-sex marriage now legal in more than half the states in the U.S., and with a new celebrity or public figure coming out seemingly every other day, society has come a long way since 1987 in its acceptance of gay people. But that doesn’t mean coming out has necessarily gotten easier. It can still be totally awkward and uncomfortable, even if your family is cool with it.

There are lots of great ways to come out to your family. But here five ways you definitely shouldn’t do it…


At your Great Aunt Winifred’s funeral

From a practical standpoint, coming out at your Great Aunt Winifred’s funeral may seem like a great idea. After all, the entire family is gathered in the same place, so you can just make one sweeping announcement to everyone all at once, rather than sitting them each down individually. But from a realistic, more human standpoint, coming out at your Great Aunt Winifred’s funeral could prove to be absolutely disastrous. People will already be upset and emotional. You don’t want to add to their stress by suddenly saying “Surprise! I’m gay!” Not to mention, it would be discourteous to overshadow Aunt Winnie’s final send-off with your own big news.


In a moving vehicle

Think about it: High speeds. Close quarters. Potentially shocking news. Not a good combo. If, for some odd reason, you’re absolutely intent on coming out in your parents’ car, at least do it while the vehicle is parked.



In a text message

There are some things that are just better said in person rather than in a text. Informing someone of the death of their beloved pet, for instance. Or breaking up with them. Also, coming out.

Picture your mom standing in line at the grocery store. All of a sudden she gets a text. She opens up her phone and sees the words: “Hey, Ma. I’m gay. Love you! XOXO.” Even if you have the coolest mom in the world, she’s probably not going to appreciate having that kind of news sprung on her while she’s out running her daily errands.


At your crazy cousin Connie’s wedding reception

Similar to your Great Aunt Winifred’s funeral, refrain from coming out at your crazy cousin Connie’s wedding reception mainly out of respect. And because she’s crazy. There’s no telling how she might respond. Let the woman have her day. Unless, of course, you want her to hate you for the rest of her life, scowling at you from across the room at every future family get together, because you’re the jerk who ruined her dream wedding by stealing her spotlight, damn you!


By simply introducing your folks to your boyfriend

Seriously, it’s just rude. Not only are your parents going to have to quickly absorb the news that their child is gay, but then they’re going to have to sit and make small talk with someone who, up until five minutes ago, they didn’t even know existed. And your poor boyfriend! Meeting the folks is nerve-racking enough, but to then be used as a surprise coming out tool is just disrespectful, and could very likely result in him no longer being your boyfriend by the day’s end.


Related stories:

16 Of The Best And Worst Coming Out Stories From Anonymous Sharing App “Whisper”

12 Toothsome Cakes And Cards For Coming Out Of The Closet

10 Great Coming Outs Of 2014 And It’s Only June


Graham Gremore


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