Robbie Rogers Closes Deal On 'Men In Shorts' ABC TV Series

Robbie Rogers Closes Deal On 'Men In Shorts' ABC TV Series
We’ve missed Robbie Rogers. Thankfully, he’ll soon be coming to a TV near you — sort of.

The openly gay soccer player recently closed a deal for “Men In Shorts,” a single-camera comedy set to air on ABC that reportedly stems from the gay athlete’s coming out story.

Rogers, who came out in 2013, was the first openly gay player in a North American sports league.

According to Out, the “Men In Shorts” storyline involves a young soccer player who makes the decision to come out of the closet and Rogers has signed on as a producer. Entertainment Weekly notes the show “follows a young pro soccer player who takes one small step out of the closet and one giant leap into the spotlight.”

Really excited to be part of this…Comedy Inspired By Robbie Rogers Lands @ABCNetwork @craigzadan

— Robbie Rogers (@robbierogers) October 14, 2014

Little more is known about this comedy currently in the early stages, but stay tuned for more from your favorite hunky soccer player!

ABC Confirms “Men In Shorts”, New Gay Soccer Sitcom Inspired By Robbie Rogers

ABC Confirms “Men In Shorts”, New Gay Soccer Sitcom Inspired By Robbie Rogers

1369628325000-USP-MLS-Seattle-Sounders-at-Los-Angeles-Galaxy-1305270021_4_3ABC announced this week it will move forward with production on “Men In Shorts”, a new sports comedy inspired by the life of openly gay LA Galaxy star Robbie Rogers.

The 27-year-old Olympian, who became the first openly gay man to play in a major North American professional league sport in May 2013, tweeted he’s “really excited to be a part of this” last night.

Though the project is still obviously in early pre-production, writer Claudia Lonow and producers Craig Zadan and Neil Meron have already revealed a loose storyline. According to their release, “Men In Shorts” will center on “a young pro soccer player who takes one small step out of the closet and one giant leap into the spotlight.”

Deadline has much more:

Men In Shorts will combine elements of a family and workplace comedy. “To me, a sports team locker room is a workplace we haven’t seen before,” [Lonow] said. Like in real-life, the protagonist comes from a conservative family. The project naturally takes liberties — on the show, the guy’s parents are still together, and, while Rogers’ father had been completely supportive and accepting, the soccer dad on the series “has more of a journey to go,” Lonow said. The comedy will chronicle how the soccer player’s teammates and friends interact with him after his coming out and how they start evaluating their own secrets that are keeping them from “being happier and more authentic.”

Now that it’s official, we should probably discuss possible lead actor options.

Matthew Tharrett

Seattle Teen Assaulted By Robbers At Bus Stop, 'Outed' To Mother By Text

Seattle Teen Assaulted By Robbers At Bus Stop, 'Outed' To Mother By Text

Southwest Barton Bus Stop

A 16-year-old in Seattle was waiting for a bus on October 7th at around 4pm when a random group of thugs approached him, beat him up, and stole his phone and backpack that he dropped while trying to defend himself. To make life even more complicated, the teen found once he got home that his mother had received a text from his phone:

I’m gay, you know that

Which…is a weird prank for thieves to pull, but people un-evolved enough to be muggers tend to be the kinds of people that find calling other people “gay” to be both an insult and funny. The teen evidently had a past connection with at least one of the alleged attackers who was a former classmate of the victim. The teen didn’t recognize and was unable to describe the other assailants, just that the group of four were all male.

Christian Walters

Here's One Way To Get People To See Art — Promise A Giant Orgy (NSFW)

Here's One Way To Get People To See Art — Promise A Giant Orgy (NSFW)
Warning: If the terms “orgy” and “NSFW” didn’t tip you off already, this post contains some rather explicit nudity. Do not press play on the following video unless you are prepared for some debauchery.

Sometimes, it’s difficult to get people to look at art. So difficult, in fact, that museums have to resort to tactics used in the advertising world. As the age-old addage states, “Sex sells.” So can we really blame the Musée d’Orsay for tempting visitors with a 52-second video of a full on orgy?

Yes, yes we can.

The teaser is meant to lure people to the new exhibition, “Sade. Attacking the Sun,” an homage to the “veritable legend” Marquis de Sade. And it does so with flesh and lots of it. The Musée d’Orsay loves it some nudity.

H/T Artnet

Big Bellies! Jars Of Penises! Botched Circumcisions! Help Us Pick The Wackiest News Story Of The Year

Big Bellies! Jars Of Penises! Botched Circumcisions! Help Us Pick The Wackiest News Story Of The Year

Screen shot 2014-10-14 at 12.51.06 PMWe’ve done our best to keep you informed on all the wacky news stories happening around the world this year. Now it’s your turn to choose which one was the wackiest of them all in the 2014 Queerties.

Whether it’s pastor Bert Farias proclaiming that gay people are possessed by “fart demons” so stinky they have the power to drive pigs to suicide, or Mischa Badasyan, the gay performance artist who vowed to have sex with a different man every day for an entire year, crazies have definitely dominated the news cycle.

Penises, too, have been quite a hot topic. A Malaysian fellow became enraged when he ordered a penis enlarger online and instead received a magnifying glass in the mail. A man in Croatia was arrested after police found jars and jars of human wieners soaking in formaldehyde in his apartment. And a guy in Alabama who alleged he went into a hospital for a circumcision and woke up castrated. Yes, castrated.

But it was a groundbreaking study out of Turkey that found men with bellies last an average of five minutes longer in the sack than guys with six packs that got you readers the most excited.

So which was the Wackiest News Story of them all? You tell us.

VOTING IN THE QUEERTIES IS EASY: Just head over to the ballot page and click on your favorite nominees. We promise it’s a lot easier than voting in the November elections — and we’ve got sexier candidates, too.

You can come back and vote once every day until the contest closes on November 02, 2014, at midnight Eastern.

Graham Gremore


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