Gay Marriage News Watch: ID, AZ, AK, NC, SC, KS, FL – VIDEO

Gay Marriage News Watch: ID, AZ, AK, NC, SC, KS, FL – VIDEO


AFER’s Matt Baume reports on marriage equality arriving in Idaho, Arizona, and Alaska, new lawsuits in South Carolina and Kansas against those states’ marriage bans, NOM losing its court battle over claims the IRS intentionally leaked their tax returns, and more. 



Kyler Geoffroy

From Their Lips To God’s Ears: 21 Secret LGBT Struggles With Religion

From Their Lips To God’s Ears: 21 Secret LGBT Struggles With Religion

There’s an instinctual flinch in our community where sexuality and religious faith intersect. And for good reason. For many LGBT people growing up in strict religious households, rigid belief systems can mean the difference between acceptance and disownment.

It really boils down to whether or not someone takes the time to think things through on their own. If you only base your beliefs on what someone else tells you, there’s bound to be trouble.

In a video that went viral of a boy coming out to his religious parents a few months ago, the mother explains to her son that “you can deny it all you want to, but I believe in the word of God and God creates nobody that way. It’s a path that you have chosen to choose.” There’s nowhere to go from there, really — the boy gets kicked to the curb.

We were interested in hearing from more people caught in the conflict of religious prejudice, so we asked the team at Whisper to see what they could find.

The stories they came back with are powerful, telling and often tragic.

To see more stories shared confidentially, check out Whisper.

I just snuck out to have  gay sex while I'm on a Christian Mission trip.  I'm fucked

I'm a gay Christian. I'm always afraid to tell people, because everyone says the topics are oil and water: can't mix. But I feel they can fit together really well.

Sometimes I wish my Christian peers knew I'm gay. Just to show them that even a homosexual can be committed and loving to God.

I am a gay Christian... I just can't believe God would deprive me of love... When the very concept is based on love...

Being a gay muslim man, I love seeing ass at prayer time.

I'm a living contradiction. I'm a gay Christian who is a scientist.

As a gay kid, I love seeing gay-hating Christians. It makes me realize I really am the good Christian!

So my pastor told me that the only way to be gay and a Christian is to basically: stay single, and never have sex. Celibacy is the only way. I cried.

i finally got the nerve to come out as gay to my very christian, very conservative parents. they just hugged me and said "sweetheart, we've known since you were little."

I am Gay Muslim and I struggle so hard not to tell anyone as I know this will be my death sentence...  I just wished I could just put an end to this....  I didn't choose to be like this

 I am a pansexual teenager living with very religious parents. I watched the "how not to react to your son being gay" video and now I am even more terrified than I was before

I don't know who I am. I am confused, lost, and tired of trying to be a Christian. The only thing my faith does is kill who I am in side. I am gay, I like guys. I cannot change who I am to please the world. Jesus tried and he died on a cross. What is my end?

I came out to my mom a while ago who is an insane born again Christian (she's even in a cult) and she just kinda ignored it. Today I was snooping in her room and saw a book on how to accept your child being a lesbian, I cried for 20 mins

I am gay and a Catholic. I'll respect the choices and lifestyles of gay people who do not share my faith, but in return I hope they can respect my choice to be celibate and live by my faith.

I want to come out to my family, but they're so religious that they shut off the tv when anything that supports being gay is on.  I'm terrified of them hating me and kicking me out.

My dad is a very devout Christian. I was terrified of coming out to him because of his views. He said "God hates the sin, not the sinner."  I'm so proud.

My mom sent me to and all girls Christian school cuz I'm gay. Let's just say I've had more sex here then at my old school.????

I'm 27 yr old guy from Saudi Arabia, Muslim of course. I became a refugee two yrs ago in Canada because I am gay, thinking things will be much easier. Yet, it's not less complicated.

Today I came out to my religious family. I couldn't believe they said they would still love me no matter what. I cried so hard because I never expected that.

When I came out to my parents as bisexual they said "what did we do wrong?"  I hate religious homes.

I told my catholic mom I was gay at 16. She disowned me and I left home. I'm 20 now and she wants me back as a son...I don't know how to react...

Dan Tracer

Some State Officials Are Still Refusing to Issue Marriage Licenses

Some State Officials Are Still Refusing to Issue Marriage Licenses
Despite clear signals from the Supreme Court that it’s unconstitutional to withhold marriage licenses from gay and lesbian couples, officials in at least two states are continuing to enforce marriage bans.

South Carolina and Kansas are both covered by district court rulings that overturned marriage bans. In South Carolina’s case, the ruling was in a case that originated in neighboring Virginia; and for Kansas, the cases came from Utah and Oklahoma. Even though those cases referred to marriage bans in other states, the decisions apply broadly to other states in the same circuit.

The situation in both states is complicated. Initially, some Kansas officials instructed counties to issue licenses after the US Supreme Court upheld the lower court decisions overturning bans in Utah and Oklahoma. But then the Kansas Supreme Court put those orders on hold, pending a hearing on November 6.

Similarly, a few clerks issued licenses in South Carolina after the US Supreme Court decision. But then further marriages were put on hold, pending further briefs and possible oral argument sometime after next month.

Gay and lesbian couples are fighting back in both states, filing suits against state officials. With the intense focus that the latest Supreme Court decision has brought to marriage in conservative states, we’re likely to see a resolution in both states within the next few weeks, and marriage starting not long after.


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