Anderson Cooper Destroys Pat Robertson's 'Towels Have AIDS' Warning

Anderson Cooper Destroys Pat Robertson's 'Towels Have AIDS' Warning
Anderson Cooper tore straight into conservative Christian media personality Pat Robertson on Tuesday night for his ridiculous and offensive claims about AIDS.

While responding to a “The 700 Club” viewer, Robertson cautioned traveling to Kenya, not because of Ebola, but because “the towels could have AIDS.”

During the latest edition of the “Ridiculist” on “Anderson Cooper 360,” the visibly infuriated host set the record straight:

“Just to be clear, if, like Pat Robertson, you somehow missed all the evidence, all the research, the depth and breadth of all the knowledge garnered about HIV and AIDS over the past three decades, you cannot get HIV if you share towels,” Cooper said.

The CNN host went on to tease that maybe the best thing for all of us to do is to just stay in the United States and not travel at all.

“Except steer clear of San Francisco,” he added. “Because that’s of course where all the gay people live and Pat Robertson thinks they have an ingenious way of giving you ‘the stuff.'”

Cooper for the win.

Antoine Dodson Unveils Butch New Look, Sticking By That Whole “Ex-Gay” Story

Antoine Dodson Unveils Butch New Look, Sticking By That Whole “Ex-Gay” Story

Screen Shot 2014-10-22 at 11.40.13 AM“Human rape whistle” Antoine Dodson became somewhat of an underground gay celebrity with his “Hide your kids, hide your wife” platform, until May of last year when he revealed he was “no longer into homosexuality” and had become a Black Hebrew Israelite. It’s a natural progression.

He’s also accepted paychecks and the hope of more fame by appearing on Tosh.0 multiple times, where he knows he’s repeatedly subjecting himself to national ridicule. Anything to sell T-shirts, we guess.

Here’s some highlights from his most recent interview:

Tosh: How has your life changed from being on my show?

Antoine: A whole lot. I have a girlfriend.

T: That’s very confusing. What’s his name?

A: (Haha.)

T: Have you told your family you’re back in the closet?

A: When I told my family I was back in the closet, they kind of believed it.

T: I hope you become gay again.

You can watch all the awkwardness here:

Get More: Comedy Central

Dan Tracer

Pat Robertson: Gay Rights Advocates 'are Terrorists…Radicals…and Extremists' — VIDEO

Pat Robertson: Gay Rights Advocates 'are Terrorists…Radicals…and Extremists' — VIDEO


Last week, the right-wing freaked out over subpoenas sent to Houston area pastors for “all speeches, presentations, or sermons related to HERO, the Petition, Mayor Annise Parker, homosexuality, or gender identity prepared by, delivered by, revised by, or approved by you or in your possession.”

HERO, is Houston’s LGBT-inclusive Equal Rights Ordinance and the subpoenas, which were acknowledged to be too broad by Mayor Annise Parker and were issued by outside attorneys working for the city pro bono, were being used to find out if there were specific instructions from area pastors to their congregations about how to fill out the petitions for putting the ordinance up for public referendum.

Of course this fit well into the right-wing’s religious persecution meme, and here’s how Robertson reacted (again) on his show today, Right Wing Watch reports:

It’s one thing to want to persuade somebody to believe like you do, that’s what Christianity is about, to bring the Gospel message and say this is good news and we’d like you to accept it. It’s something else to take the arm of the government to force somebody to do something that is against, contrary to their religion, and that’s what these homosexuals are trying to do. They are trying to force people who are Christians to marry them or else face jail, to make cakes honoring them or else go to jail and give their sermons over and divulge their innermost thoughts or go to jail, that’s the kind of thing we’re dealing with.

These people are terrorists, they’re radicals and they’re extremists…

Added Pat: “What’s being done in Houston is a gay—the woman they elected is a homosexual, she’s a lesbian, and she’s trying to force pastors to conform to her beliefs.”


Andy Towle

A Message for My Little Boy Who Likes to Wear Tutus

A Message for My Little Boy Who Likes to Wear Tutus
I have a little boy

A little boy who likes to wear tutus. A little boy who likes to dance. A little boy who loves to paint and a little boy who hums happy tunes all day long.

A comment came.

A comment too riddled with prejudice for me to repeat. A warning to me to be careful. A warning to not encourage such things or I’ll regret it later.

And so to this person I say nothing. For my words to her will change nothing. But to my little boy I say this, for my words can change everything.

I say dance. And not just hip-hop dancing — wear that blue tutu that you love and twirl and twirl.

I say wear whatever clothes you want. Wear blue because you like blue, not because it’s a boys’ color. And if you like pink, well, wear pink. And if you want to wear your sister’s dress, then heck, go ahead and do that too.

What’s that? Well of course you can wear fairy wings. Oh, and a firefighter’s hat too? Sure. And you know what? I’ll wear one too. And we’ll all head out for a walk, dressed in our glad rags, laughing and giggling.

Shall we play with clay today, Mommy? Sure. Shall we add some sparkly beads? Sure. And why not? Are pretty things that sparkle only to be enjoyed by girls?

Do you want to play soccer, Mommy? Sure do, buddy. But let’s play it because it brings you joy, not because it’s a boys’ sport. And maybe after we finish we can go inside and finish that tea party we were playing this morning?

I have a little boy.

He is a boy. He is a child. He likes to play. He builds blocks and plays house. He plays soccer and dances on tippy-toes.

He really couldn’t care less if he uses a pink toothbrush or a blue one. And neither could I.

And neither should you.

I have a little boy.

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