EDCI243 Gender Norms LGBT
Australia paper finally says sorry for 'she-male' headline
Australia paper finally says sorry for 'she-male' headline
An Australian newspaper has finally apologized for its sensationalist coverage of a transgender woman’s murder after public outrage and several complaints to the Press Council.
[Vietsub] Yêu không đổi thay [LGBT] [Thailand]
[Vietsub] Yêu không đổi thay [LGBT] [Thailand]
Full [Pun vs No] : www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiZiegF4eSr_9AjrBVjgxyumaSpQnqFZz Njt FACEBOOK : www.facebook.com/TheWizardKute?ref=tn_tnmn Full Film …
Dallas Airport Fight Caught On Video As Crowd Takes Down Angry, Ranting Homophobe
Dallas Airport Fight Caught On Video As Crowd Takes Down Angry, Ranting Homophobe
An angry man was caught on video last week attacking a fellow passenger at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, apparently because he thought the man was gay. But then, a group of bystanders, including a man in a cowboy hat, quickly took action to bring the man down, according to the video.
WARNING: The video, and description below, contain some NSFW language.
Before the fight, the man in the cowboy hat tries to intervene.
“What are you upset about?” he asks.
“Queers is what I’m upset about!” the homophobic man shouts, gesturing wildly at a traveler wearing a pink shirt. “This faggot right here.”
Then, as shown in the video, he kicks and hits the traveler in the pink shirt as the crowd springs into action.
Once the ranting man is pinned down, airport police take over.
At one point, the suspect smiles and laughs while he lies on the ground as the officers cuff him. At another, he apparently tries to explain himself.
“Let me tell you the reason why I did it: Because this is America, that’s why,” he tells the two black officers, adding something that sounds like “the same reason you get to live and breathe and walk black.”
He also repeatedly threatens the traveler in the pink shirt, even as he’s being cuffed.
DFW confirmed the arrest but offered no details to the Dallas Morning News. WFAA said it was unable to obtain a police report in which the man is identified.
“That guy was crazy, absolutely crazy,” says the person who recorded the video and identified himself as Andrew Kennedy, “just in case this goes viral.”
Then Kennedy asks his brother, Neal Kennedy, to weigh in on what they saw.
“We saw a very troubled man,” Neal Kennedy says. “We hope that he was under the influence of some kind of substance — because if he wasn’t and that’s his true personality then he’s going to have a very long road in front of him.”
(h/t Raw Story)
Fiancé of slain trans woman faints while trying to leave Philippines
[Vietsub] Chuyện tình của một tomboy [LGBT]
[Vietsub] Chuyện tình của một tomboy [LGBT]
Full [Pun vs No] : www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiZiegF4eSr_9AjrBVjgxyumaSpQnqFZz Njt FACEBOOK : www.facebook.com/TheWizardKute?ref=tn_tnmn Full Film …
The Taking Tree
Gallery of Geek: Robby Cook
Gallery of Geek: Robby Cook
Out cartoonist Robby Cook combines the cute and the heroic to create amazing mash-ups.
Brian Andersen
Towletech v.129: Stephen Hawking Joins Facebook, Space Dive, Virtual Reality Horror, Gamergate
Towletech v.129: Stephen Hawking Joins Facebook, Space Dive, Virtual Reality Horror, Gamergate
A weekly round-up of the best tech, science, and geek-related news from around the web
Stephen Hawking joins Facebook, accepts the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.
Google has introduced a new email service called Inbox that hopes to ease the clutter and confusion from your regular Gmail account. Facebook also rolled out a new app called “Rooms” which allows users to create mobile forums about any topic you want.
Google’s senior vice president Alan Eustace beat Felix Baumgartner’s free fall record on Friday, plummeting from the edge of space nearly 26 miles in the air in a custom space suit. Check out a cool video on the jump below:
CVS is the latest company to join the growing list of retailers who will not be accepting the Apple Pay mobile payment system over competing investments in a separate mobile wallet company.
Director Joel Schumacher is reportedly working on a 12-issue comic that will complete the Batman trilogy he began with the camp-tastic Batman Forever and Batman & Robin.
At a MIT talk on Friday, Tesla and Space X founder Elon Musk reiterated his warning about the dangers of artificial intelligence, calling it our “biggest existential threat.” Said Musk: “I think we should be very careful about artificial intelligence. If I were to guess like what our biggest existential threat is, it’s probably that. So we need to be very careful with the artificial intelligence. Increasingly scientists think there should be some regulatory oversight maybe at the national and international level, just to make sure that we don’t do something very foolish. With artificial intelligence we are summoning the demon. In all those stories where there’s the guy with the pentagram and the holy water, it’s like yeah he’s sure he can control the demon. Didn’t work out.”
Banshee Chapter, a 2013 horror film produced by Zachary Quinto, has now been adapted for Oculus Rift – opening the door to a world of frightening possibilities in the future of immersive, virtual reality experiences. Check out a video of the cast and crew talk about the new edition below:
China has launched the first privately funded mission to the moon.
Tech company Dexta Robotics has launched a Kickstarter campaign for its new Dexmo glove that uses force feedback to enable users to touch objects in virtual reality.
Take a tour of the Minecraft city that took two years to build.
DC is looking for a female director to helm its upcoming Wonder Woman film.
Former NFL-er, LGBT ally, and creative wordsmith Chris Kluwe takes the “slackjawed pickletits” who support #Gamergate to task for their role defending misogyny and the harassment of women in the video game industry.
Apple will reportedly be relaunching it’s newly acquired Beats Music streaming platform as part of iTunes sometime next year.
The surprising science behind Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar.
Kyler Geoffroy