Angela Bassett Really Doesn't Want To Sing On 'American Horror Story: Freak Show'

Angela Bassett Really Doesn't Want To Sing On 'American Horror Story: Freak Show'
“American Horror Story: Freak Show” features a fantastic ensemble of talented actors, but this season puts them in some of the most challenging and visually dynamic roles the series has ever attempted. Which brings us to Angela Bassett, who plays Desiree Dupree, or the three-breasted woman. Bassett sat down with HuffPost Entertainment to tell us that she really doesn’t want a musical number this season and how her intersex character is in for a very big self-discovery:


We just met Desiree in Episode 2 and found out a little of her backstory. What more can you say about her past and what we’ll see next from her?
It was up to me where she’s from. Is she from the South, is she from Detroit, or migrated North from the South? In my mind, she travels around a lot. Like, what do I want her to sound like? What’s a Detroit accent in the ‘50s? I was trying to do this kind of research.

So she met Dell at one of the carnivals. In that world, it’s less about who you are and what you look like, black or white, or this or that. You really are sort of on the outskirts, outcasts or abnormal or different or unique. You know, the most creative and most embracing of people. So these two strange individuals come together and try to forge some sort of normalcy, as husband and wife. And her dreams and desires for being normal were so huge because she was for a period of time. And then with hormone changes and this and that.

Are we going to learn more about that and Desiree being, as she describes herself, a “full-blown hermaphrodite”?
Yes, yes. That’s going to come out because she’s going to go see a doctor and she’s going to find out something about herself that she hasn’t known. She just accepted who she was and being an outcast from her family and having to make her own family, which was Dell.

She seems so confident compared to the rest of the people in the Freak Show. Do you think she sees herself as a “freak”?
I think [she’s] embraced herself. Stares and whispers, that’s just a part of being different. I think with Desiree, and what I’ve noticed with one of my other castmates, is that I know you’re gonna talk so instead of waiting for you to talk I’m gonna come out big, bold, brazen and act assured so you can’t hurt me.

Some of the crew and I have gone to see one of our cast members, Mat Fraser, do burlesque. He also does burlesque and he’s a taekwondo black belt, and he sings. He’s amazing! He just comes out at you, just bold and fun. He kind of calms you down — here, stare, you’re invited to.

Last season, your character, Marie, was such a force and butted heads with Kathy Bates’ and Jessica Lange’s characters. Are we going to see that with this season?
I will a little bit. I don’t know where it’s going, but we’ve shot up to a point where I do take matters into my hand. I have a lot of fun doing it. I enlist the other women and we do it ourselves, exact our revenge. But not as much as last year. We’ll see where we’re going.

So you don’t know yet how the season will end yet?
I don’t. I’m just up to Episode 9 and it’s getting good now. But what happens after that, I don’t know.

bassett chiklis

There’s been so much about Twisty and the fear of clowns. Are you afraid of clowns personally?
I [am not]. I’ve met [actor John Carroll Lynch] out of costume, and he’s a really, really nice guy. When I’m getting my boobs and stuff applied, I’m sitting right there staring at Twisty’s half face next to me. It’s a work of art, really.

What’s it like wearing that prosthetic piece?
I’ve gotten used to it now because they’ve changed it up a bit. The first incarnation was really uncomfortable, heavy and drooping. They changed it and I think it’s silicone now and it’s much lighter. But the initial one I thought, [sighs] This is gonna be bad. And if you don’t have to see it, then I just put a T-shirt with it on, or now we just cut off a third one and stick that on [laughs]. We’ve got about three different ways to go with it.

The musical numbers are great this season. Are you going to have a song of your own?
I hope not! I hope I can dodge that bullet. But if anyone was going to, it’d probably be Desiree.

This season is a lot less scarier than “Asylum” and less campy than “Coven” was. What would you say is the message or theme of this season?
I don’t know what [Ryan] has in mind, but I think it is about being more considerate and accommodating of the differences of individuals, whether they’re physical or emotional. Whether it’s who they choose to love or what choices they make, just having more compassion towards others. It’s interesting, you have the boobs, the arms, half a body, or you’re 20 inches tall — we can’t even deal with color! [Laughs] But it’s wonderful to work with our special cast. I really wish my kids had more time to come down and be on the set and have that experience, just as a point of growth and exposure.

What about Season 5? Do you think you’ll return?
I don’t know anything yet. They probably have some idea what Season 5 will be. We’re just trying to figure out how we’ll wrap this one up.

The above interview has been edited and condensed.

“American Horror Story: Freak Show” airs on Wednesdays at 10:00 p.m. ET on FX.

Cartoon Network Airs First Gay Characters Only After Making Sure They Aren’t Too Gay

Cartoon Network Airs First Gay Characters Only After Making Sure They Aren’t Too Gay

Screen Shot 2014-10-27 at 1.42.45 PMThere are tons of gay cartoon characters, you just don’t see any aimed at children. The Griffins have gay neighbors on Family Guy, and South Park has Big Gay Al after all, but they’re intended for adult audiences.

Of course, there have always been lots of coded gay characters — too many to count, in fact. Just look at Disney alone: There’s Ursula in The Little Mermaid (AKA Divine), Jafar reads totally gay in Aladdin, and Simba’s uncle Scar doesn’t exactly come off as straight. Come to think of it, which Disney villain doesn’t send the gaydar dial bouncing a bit? But that’s another post entirely.

Cartoon Network recently aired an episode of Clarence that features a (very) brief appearance by two gay characters, and it very well may be the first time it’s happened on the network (if we’re wrong about that, we’d love to know of any past examples).

The characters aren’t relevant to the plot in any way, and really only serve to be the punchline of a pretty tired joke. Woman waits for blind date. Attractive man shows up. Woman gets excited. Man turns out to be meeting his gay lover. Woman is forever alone.

Here’s the scene:

And yet the fact that they appear at all seems significant. They aren’t presented as characters to laugh at, but just as normal people.

But apparently the smooch only barely made it to air. A revealing Tweet from series voice actor and writer Spencer Rothbell suggests the network was uncomfortable broadcasting the same-sex affection.


Rothbell also had this to add on his blog:

It’s such a minor throwaway moment but I guess it’s better than nothing. Maybe one day the main character can be gay and it won’t be a big deal.

h/t Observation Deck

Related stories:

Batman Is Finally Asked ‘Are You Gay?’ In New Comic Book

98 Characters In The Marvel Universe That Were Gay Before Anderson Cooper

Dan Tracer

Benedict Cumberbatch to Play Doctor Strange In Upcoming Marvel Superhero Film

Benedict Cumberbatch to Play Doctor Strange In Upcoming Marvel Superhero Film

Doctor strange

It looks like Marvel Studios has found there Sorcerer Supreme in 38-year-old English actor Benedict Cumberbatch, Deadline reports:

The news comes after talks with Joaquin Phoenix around the time of Comic-Con went south, and Marvel went back to the drawing board. With names like Jared Leto and Tom Hardy also in the mix, this is obviously a coveted role. […]

Scott Derrickson is directing Doctor Strange and Jon Spaihts is writing the script for the pic (the first draft was penned by Thomas Dean Donnelly and Joshua Oppenheimer). Doctor Strange was hatched by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko during that Marvel Comics heyday of the early 1960s. He’s a neurosurgeon who becomes Sorcerer Supreme, protecting Earth against magical and mystical threats with powers of sorcery, mysticism, and martial arts. Marvel’s Kevin Feige is producing.

A release date for the film hasn’t been announced, but you can catch Cumberbatch as gay World War II codebreaker Alan Turing in The Imitation Game out November 14.

Kyler Geoffroy

Dolly Parton Chastises Christians For 'Judging' LGBT Community

Dolly Parton Chastises Christians For 'Judging' LGBT Community
Dolly Parton never seems to let us queers down.

In a recent interview with Billboard, Parton opened up about her love for her gay fans — as well as her feelings towards Christians that feel the need to “judge” the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community.

When questioned about why she thinks that she reached icon status within the queer world, Parton told Billboard:

They know that I completely love and accept them, as I do all people. I’ve struggled enough in my life to be appreciated and understood. I’ve had to go against all kinds of people through the years just to be myself. I think everybody should be allowed to be who they are, and to love who they love. I don’t think we should be judgmental. Lord, I’ve got enough problems of my own to pass judgment on somebody else.

Parton elaborated on this further when Billboard questioned the singer about Dollywood and its appeal to the LGBT community (which some questioned after a controversial incident in 2011) — as well as churches groups.

It’s a place for entertainment, a place for all families, period. It’s for all that. But as far as the Christians, if people want to pass judgment, they’re already sinning. The sin of judging is just as bad as any other sin they might say somebody else is committing. I try to love everybody.

Read the full interview with Parton here.

Parton has been a long-time ally to queers, having spoken out a number of times in favor of the right to marry for same-sex couples. The singer has previously discussed a dance album specifically for her gay fans and joked about having a drag queen name.


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