Dolly Parton: Anti-gay Christians are 'sinners'
‘I think everybody should be allowed to be who they are, and to love who they love.’
Dolly Parton: Anti-gay Christians are 'sinners'
‘I think everybody should be allowed to be who they are, and to love who they love.’
Airline Passengers Take Down Violent Homophobe At Dallas Airport
Here’s a video that’s been circulating the interwebs from the Dallas Airport.
You’ll see a man (presumably under the influence) approach another man (in a pink shirt) and argue with him about something. We don’t know what happened immediately prior to the video being filmed, but it looks like the guy in pink is taking a cellphone picture of the other man.
The oddest thing is that even though all the other people in the frame begin to pay attention as the conflict is obviously escalating, there’s not a security guard in sight. On second thought, one does walk into the frame, approach the desk, and then leave. All while there is trouble brewing. And this is an airport?
Things finally reach a tipping point and kicks and punches are hurled towards the guy in pink. When asked what the instigator is so upset about, he replies, “Queers is what I’m upset about! This faggot right here!”
He is quickly subdued by other airline passengers, until airport officers finally get to the scene.
Dan Tracer
Brian Brown Robocalls Against Gay GOP Candidate Carl DeMaio, Asks Voters to Consider Pro-LGBT Democrat: AUDIO
Well this is new…
So great are Brian Brown’s fears about LGBT infiltration in the Republican ranks, he is now robocalling California’s 52nd congressional district to warn that embattled, openly gay GOP candidate Carl DeMaio could “damage” the Republican Party “for decades” if he’s elected to Congress.
Said Brown:
I’m calling to urge all Republicans who support traditional marriage and human life to oppose fake Republican Carl DeMaio in the upcoming election. Having someone like Carl DeMaio in Congress would be extremely damaging, giving him a platform to advance his flawed ideas of remaking the Republican Party into a party that supports the redefinition of marriage and abortion on demand. I urge you to make sure you do not vote for Carl DeMaio and consider for voting for Democrat Scott Peters…
Listen to the full robocall, AFTER THE JUMP…
Kyler Geoffroy
John Cameron Mitchell LGBT History Month October 27, 2014
'The Disgustings' Short Film Premieres Starring Drew Droege
What’s it like to be somebody that hates everybody and everything?
That may be a bit of an exaggeration, but we all at least have parts of ourselves that get easily irritated and fed up with the incompetence of other people. In this hilarious short film called “The Disgustings,” starring Drew Droege and written, directed and starring Jordan Firstman, we get a look at two jaded gay men dealing with their day to day lives and the struggle of living in Los Angeles.
We absolutely love this film and chatted with the pair this week about their inspiration, the characters they play and the overall message they’re attempting to communicate through “The Disgustings.”
The Huffington Post: Why did you decide to make the film?
Jordan Firstman: The film was conceived when I realized that I had access to one of the smartest, funniest, most talented people I’ve ever met in my life. And I also knew Drew Droege. So that was a great start. No, I’m just joking. Isn’t humor wonderful? Really, I had been friends with Drew since I moved to L.A. and we’ve been in so many situations where we’ve seen the true definition of garbage people saying and doing horrible things. I think we have a power where we just attract crazy people. So I decided to write about it. And to be honest — sometimes we were the horrible people. Not all the time, but sometimes. So I wrote it as an homage to the crazies and an apology on behalf of the worst parts of my personality.
Do you think this film speaks to cultural attitudes among some queer people?
There is this weird archetype of gay men who can’t see beyond their insecurities but also would never admit that they have insecurities. So when they see anyone who seems to have their shit together, or anyone who shows even the slightest signs of happiness, they just go into attack mode. But also, I don’t think of it as a solely gay quality. I see a lot of young people in general who cannot rejoice in the success of others if things aren’t going well for them. But that’s a bad way to live. So, I’ll say it. I AM PROUD OF YOU LENA DUNHAM YOU ARE DOING GREAT.
Do you identify with the character?
Drew Droege: I identify with aspects of him. I think he’s genuinely disappointed in people around him — I completely understand that, especially when I’m at my worst and super exhausted and pulled in a million directions, and I walk into a coffee shop and someone’s trying to pay with a check. I find myself screaming, “Oh, why can’t you be a better person?” inside my angry head. Or when I overhear people talking about how hashtag blessed they are. It’s everything in me not to grab them and shout, “Nothing about you seems blessed!” But I don’t. Thank God I get to exorcise my demons through my characters. My character has no awareness or sense of humor about L.A., which is a tragedy to me. Everyone’s ridiculous and everyone’s doing the best they can. He cannot see that. But yes, the world irritates us in the same way. I just think I’m lucky to be surrounded by wonderful friends and a job that I love — two things that my character does not possess.
What about the film spoke to you?
Drew Droege: Jordan and I have been witnesses to awful human speech and behavior — our ears are lint traps for terrible selfish hilarious one-liners. So when he approached me with it, I immediately got it. I think he is insanely talented and unafraid of writing truly damaged gay people. I include gay people because many many gay writers are afraid to show that worst parts of who we can be and who we all are at times. We love to write terrible women and flawed straight people, but many of us are hesitant to portray the broken side of us — and make it funny. That’s a very rare storm of brilliance, and that is Jordan Firstman.
What are you currently working on?
Drew Droege: I’m doing lots of live theatre/comedy shows/podcasts in L.A., as well as developing two scripted projects for television. I’m going to be on “2 Broke Girls” and “Kroll Show,” the upcoming Paramount film “Scouts Vs. Zombies,” as well as returning to next season’s “Drunk History.” There are more Chloe videos in the can and we’re going to shoot season two of “Not Looking.” Jim Hansen and Jeffery Self’s upcoming gay mumbergore slasher comedy, “You’re Killing Me,” will hopefully be completed and in festivals next year. And yes, I would happily be in a feature version of “The Disgustings.”
A Day in the Life of Ben Panico, the Only Openly Transgender Staffer on Capitol Hill: VIDEO
22-year-old Ben Panico is living his dream working with Rep. Jared Polis and the LGBT Equality Caucus in Washington D.C. But as Fusion points out, Panico also happens to be the only openly trans staffer currently working on Capitol Hill – a reality not lost on him.
Said Panico:
I think it’s very important for trans people to be represented on The Hill so that people can represent their community and can really provide an extra voice, add something to the discussion. I have had unique experiences that no one on The Hill can speak for.
Check out his incredible story, including how he deals with some of the more vocal anti-LGBT foes on Capitol Hill, AFTER THE JUMP…
Kyler Geoffroy
Michigan Pastors: We'll Go To Jail Rather Than Obey Proposed LGBT Rights Law
Michigan Pastors: We’ll Go To Jail Rather Than Obey Proposed LGBT Rights Law.
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