Republican Governor Asks Republican Legislature To Pass LGBT Protections By The End Of The
Republican Governor Asks Republican Legislature To Pass LGBT Protections By The End Of The Year.
Federal Judge Strikes Down South Carolina's Marriage Ban
Federal Judge Strikes Down South Carolina's Marriage Ban
U.S. District Judge Richard Gergel ruled South Carolina’s marriage ban unconstitutional, but placed his decision on hold until November 20.
Jorge Rodriguez-Jimenez
Brazil Legislator Pastor Isidório liga Blames Pride Parade For Catastrophic São Paulo Drought
Brazil Legislator Pastor Isidório liga Blames Pride Parade For Catastrophic São Paulo Drought
The population of São Paulo has already heard about a number of “culprits” to blame for the dramatic drought and water shortages in the state this year. But one legislator in Bahia, Brazil’s fourth most populous state, claims to have unraveled the mystery surrounding the real reason for the lack of rain in São Paulo: the Gay Pride Parade.
Sounds like a joke, right? Well, the lawman in question, Pastor Sargento Isidório, decided to immortalize his “argument” on video to banish any doubt that he TRULY does believe it. And he quoted Bible passages to back him up.
“When the skies close up and there is no rain, because the people have sinned against you– here I’m talking about the big Gay Pride Parade that takes place in São Paulo. The largest Gay Parade in the world is there (…). It’s the first sign of the spilling of the chalice of God’s wrath due to homosexuality in our Brazil,” says Isidório pompously.
Isidório then invited people of all religions to pray for five days, on behalf of São Paulo residents, because, according to him, it is extremely important for the development of the country, and the inhabitants must not pay for the “sin” of the gay population.
The legislator, who was the second most voted-for in this year’s elections and intends to be president of the Bahia Legislative Assembly in 2015, asks those who are not gay (and “non-sinners” according to him) to pray for the sin of homosexuality to be forgiven so that rain will at last fill São Paulo’s reservoirs.
According to Bahia Notícias, the president of the Bahia Gay Rights Group (GGB-BA), Marcelo Cerqueira, says the pastor’s allegations only speak to his “ignorant voter base.”
“I believe that for one who claims to have Biblical knowledge to say something this outrageous can only lead us to believe he is a false prophet, sowing lies and errant interpretations of the Bible,” Cerqueria said.
Isodírio tends to be a fan of controversy. In Brazil’s recent elections he caused a commotion from atop his campaign float wherever he went. The parliamentarian describes himself as an “ex-homosexual, ex-junkie and ex-thug.”
For all those who agree with Pastor Isodirio and his supporters, we’ll leave you with this: when the drought started, Brazilian YouTube troupe Põe Na Roda responded with a social media campaign encouraging users to #DoucheYourAssWisely in order to solve the water crisis. In a video, they declared, “Gays are doing their part to save water… are you?”
BBC to air film about trans teen on children's TV
BBC to air film about trans teen on children's TV
‘I just want people to finally see me the way I see myself’
HRC to Launch Blog Series Honoring Transgender Day of Remembrance
HRC to Launch Blog Series Honoring Transgender Day of Remembrance
Over the next week, HRC will raise up the voices of transgender community leaders and advocates to bring attention to the continued fight for a safer and better future for all members of our community.
Man Who Proclaimed 'I'm Not Gay No More' Gets A Funky Remix: VIDEO
Man Who Proclaimed 'I'm Not Gay No More' Gets A Funky Remix: VIDEO
You may recall the story we brought you of an ex-gay man who proclaimed to his Missouri mega-church, “I’m not gay no more”:
“I’m not gay no more. I am delivered! I don’t like mens no more. I said I like women. Women women women women! I said women! I’m not gay! I would not date a man! I would not carry a purse! I would not put on make-up! I will, I will love a women.”
Now, thanks to YouTube, what was once a sad statement on repression is now a funky tune.
Check it out, AFTER THE JUMP…
Sean Mandell
forum sur l'intimidation, interventions des organismes LGBT
forum sur l'intimidation, interventions des organismes LGBT
forumintimidation #LGBT.
Bette Midler Is Ready For 'Hocus Pocus 2,' So 'Inundate' Disney With Your Demands
Bette Midler Is Ready For 'Hocus Pocus 2,' So 'Inundate' Disney With Your Demands
SISTAHS! Let the witch hunt for the Disney executives who have yet to bring us “Hocus Pocus 2” begin.
Bette Midler said during a recent Reddit AMA that she’s ready to make a sequel to the Halloween favorite — and so are Sarah Jessica Parker and Kathy Najimy, who played the other two Sanderson sisters in the 1993 original.
Midler was asked several times throughout the Q&A session whether she’d do a sequel. “You have to go to send in your cards to the Walt Disney company,” she said. “The ball’s in their court.”
That ball was rumored to be picked up by Tina Fey earlier this year when reports indicated she was developing a sequel with Disney. That turned out to be false, which left “Hocus Pocus” advocates still searching for a virgin to light the movie’s candle.
But Midler, who also revealed she kept Winifred’s teeth as her souvenir from the set, ended the AMA with a clear directive for everyone who wants to see “Hocus Pocus” cast a spell again: “Inundate the Disney company, because I have canvassed the girls and they are wiling to do it, but we have no say in it, so if you want a HOCUS POCUS 2, ask the Walt Disney company. You have been SO adorable. This has been most enlightening. SISTAHS!”
HuffPost Entertainment loaded a cauldron with blood of owl, dead man’s toe and green newt saliva to confirm Parker’s and Najimy’s interest with their reps. As of yet, we’re still waiting for it to boil. We’ll update you if it does.