Colby Keller Announces Plan To Film Gay Porn With Artists In Every State

Colby Keller Announces Plan To Film Gay Porn With Artists In Every State

Screen Shot 2014-06-15 at 11.46.14 AMTwo months after the gentrification of his Baltimore neighborhood forced him out on the street, celebrated gay porn star, artist, writer, and intellectual Colby Keller has decided where life will take him next.

As you recall, Colby turned his unceremonious eviction into a celebration of art. In April, he held a “POT-latch” at which he literally gave away everything he owned, including his clothes, his cell phone, and his wallet. He justified the massive lifestyle change by turning his possessions into art — everyone who took a piece of Colby Keller was awarded an official note and a photo with Colby himself.

On Friday, Colby announced his next venture. Free from the weight of material possessions, he wants to buy a van, a mattress, a few cameras, and film gay porn with the good people of North America. He plans to shoot in every U.S. state, as well as each Canadian province.

“I like to fuck. No secret there,” he says, “and I’d like to fuck this great nation of ours, and Canada too. Since I’ll be starting from scratch, I’ll need a lot of help along the way.”

Colby has valued his Eat Pray Bang year at $35,000. According to the Indiegogo campaign he launched this week, here’s how he’ll spend it:

My plan is to buy a van, a mattress and a camera and travel across the country.  I’ll meet all my amazing fans, blog my adventures, collaborate with other artists and make videos in every state.  Remember when Sufjan Stevens said he wanted to make an album for every state?  Well, I plan to make a porn in every state (and whatever they call states in Canada-jk! jk!). . . and I’ll do it in less than a year.

So I need:

  • A van. Used but in good condition for some heavy mileage.
  • A mattress for the back of the van to serve as my bed and indoor studio.
  • A fancy camera, so you can see all the gritty details as clearly as possible.
  • Gas, food, mobile bandwidth so I can stay fueled and keep the transmissions cumming (oops, I meant coming!!!).
  • A hotel room in each state so I can take a shower and vary the up the filming locales.

Colby is a true giver, so he’s offering some very up-close-and-personal rewards for big contributors. Small donations up to $500 will get you a postcard, original illustrations, and t-shirts, while donations over $1,000 will get you a personal visit and spanking.

Contributors willing to shell out $10,000 can make their dreams come true by directing a Colby Keller porno of their own. Colby doesn’t specify whether a potential $10,000 donor would have the honor of joining the porno they direct, but everything’s negotiable when you’re locked in the back of a van on a mattress with Colby Keller and a camera, right?

With 29 days left, the Indiegogo campaign had reached nearly $5,000 of its $35,000 goal. Check out Colby’s plea below, and head over to Indiegogo to help support his dream.

Matthew Tharrett

New Senate Bill Would Create Special Diplomatic LGBT Envoy, Promote Equality Abroad

New Senate Bill Would Create Special Diplomatic LGBT Envoy, Promote Equality Abroad

A bill introduced to the Senate on Thursday by Massachusetts senator Ed Markey (D, right) aims to create an LGBT envoy to promote equal rights abroad. The bill is backed by over twenty other democrats, and although it faces a difficult approval process, it is an exciting step toward LGBT-related diplomacy, particularly given the recent upswing in anti-gay violence in countries ranging from France to Uganda. The official title of the bill is “The International Human Rights Defense Act.”

EdMarkeyBuzzfeed reports:

“For the United States to hold true to our commitment to defending the human rights of all people around the world, we must stand with the LGBT community in their struggle for recognition and equality everywhere,” Markey said in a statement to BuzzFeed. “By fostering a coordinated effort across the federal government and relevant agencies, we can meet the enormous challenge before us and work to ensure equality for all people around the globe.”

In addition to creating the envoy’s office, the bill would direct the State Department to “devise a global strategy” to prevent discrimination and violence against LGBT people and coordinate with LGBT-rights advocates in other countries and in international organizations.

If the bill were to pass, it would be a firm indication of a shift in American diplomacy, away from the George W. Bush era, when the U.S. blocked prioritization of LGBT rights in the UN. Though President Obama does not have the best track record with the LGBT community, including a continued refusal to sign the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, he could have the chance to create the envoy post without a congressional vote. 

Currently, twelve human rights organizations are endorsing the bill, including the American Jewish World Service and the Council for Global Equality. 

We will keep Towleroad readers posted as the bill is discussed in Senate.

Joseph Ehrman-Dupre

Gay Marriage Proposal Of The Day: Ryan And Clayton

Gay Marriage Proposal Of The Day: Ryan And Clayton

Powell’s, the largest independent bookstore in the world (located in Portland, OR), became the site of an adorable same-sex marriage proposal this week. Towleroad reader Clayton told us that he thought he was going to a friend’s book signing when, lo and behold, now-fiance Ryan got down on one knee.

Powell’s tweeted this Instagram picture with the caption: “Today’s best thing. #Repost from @malexonthego — It was so special getting to witness Ryan propose to Clayton. I love love! #hesaidyes.”


Congrats to Ryan and Clayton! 

Joseph Ehrman-Dupre

'TransCuba,' Mariette Pathy Allen Photography Book, Showcases Transgender Life In Cuba

'TransCuba,' Mariette Pathy Allen Photography Book, Showcases Transgender Life In Cuba
TransCuba, from photographer Mariette Pathy Allen, documents the lives and experiences of transgender individuals living and working in Cuba.

Allen has been documenting transgender culture on a global scale for more than 30 years and previously won the Lambda Literary Award for The Gender Frontier. Published by Daylight Books, this compelling new work from Allen serves as a monograph of transcoder culture specifically within Cuba, with 80 color photos accompanied by personal essays and interviews.


“The people who comprise what we understand as transgender have always existed, but the understanding of who they are and how they can participate in society is new,” Allen notes in TransCuba. “As the Cuban population as a whole gains greater personal freedom, it will hopefully continue to be reflected in the treatment of sexual minorities. I can envision a future time when mainstream society will be so free of judgment and prejudice that gender-variant people will be appreciated as teachers who show the rest of us how to liberate ourselves from the rigidity of gender roles and find alternative ways of integrating mind and body. For now, though, I just want to celebrate the inherent beauty, artistry, and humor of the Cubans I was so fortunate to meet.”

Check out a slideshow of images from TransCuba below and head here for more information about Allen.

PHOTOS: Gay Daddies And Their Sexy Sons Together On Father’s Day

PHOTOS: Gay Daddies And Their Sexy Sons Together On Father’s Day

Screen shot 2014-06-13 at 1.27.07 PMThis Father’s Day there’s no shortage of events happening for gay daddies and their admirers all around the country: Daddy’s Day Pool Party in Fort Lauderdale, Come to Daddy in Brighton, Leather Daddy at Numbers in San Diego, Disco Daddy at the Eagle in San Francisco, Daddy Bearz Tea Dance at Club Cafe in Boston.

Intergenerational romances are nothing new, especially in the gay community, where there are fewer social barriers to dating outside one’s own peer group. In fact, lots of guys prefer hooking up/dating men who are different in any number of ways, including life chronology. And why the hell not? There’s something sexy about an older daddy mentoring his younger son (or vice versa, in some cases), both inside and outside of the bedroom.

Scroll down to see photos of gay daddy-os. And let us know what you think in the comments section below: Is age really just a number?


Photo credit: Mega Daddy Issues

Photo credit: Sodahead

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Photo credit: Obey Your Father

Photo credit: Homo Erotica


Photo credit: Father / Son

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Photo credit: Fuck Yeah Boy Love

Photo credit: Washington Blade

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Photo credit: Dadsnsons


Photo credit: Horny Jock Dad

Photo credit: Grabbigtparsoker

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Photo credit: In Charge Dad


Photo credit: Boy Kiss Love

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Photo credit: Colungafrank

Graham Gremore


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