Stage being set for La. gay marriage rulings

Stage being set for La. gay marriage rulings
NEW ORLEANS (AP) – A federal judge has set a mid-July deadline for filing briefs on multiple issues involving gay marriage in Louisiana. U.S. District Judge Martin Feldman has already heard arguments on some of those issues regarding Louisiana’s refusal to …

Sponsorship of gay pride parades on the rise

Sponsorship of gay pride parades on the rise
SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — In between muscular men in speedos gyrating to thumping dance music and drag queens decked out in formal gowns, Salt Lake City’s gay pride parade also featured a few, more conventional participants: Some of America’s most well-known …

Veterans who identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual may benefit from mental health professionals

Veterans who identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual may benefit from mental health professionals
In 2011, the United States Military repealed its “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy that prevented gay and lesbian service members from disclosing their sexual orientation. Current estimates indicate that more than 1 million veterans identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual (LGB).

Gay marriage ban overturned in Utah and Indiana

Gay marriage ban overturned in Utah and Indiana
SALT LAKE CITY, UT – Everyone knows June is the wedding month; it’s also Pride month and thanks to a federal appeals court striking down a ban on same-sex marriage, Utah and Indiana are jumping on the bridal bandwagon. “It’s the validation of our …

LGBT History on America's Airwaves – Wall Street Journal

LGBT History on America's Airwaves – Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal

LGBT History on America’s Airwaves
Wall Street Journal
StoryCorps plans to capture LGBT politics and history through thousands of one-on-one interviews with LGBT people. Excerpts of those stories will be shared on NPR’s Morning Edition. Mr. Isay said they are particularly interested in pairing individuals

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