Wedding businesses should be required to serve gay couples

Wedding businesses should be required to serve gay couples
Rhuaridh Marr is one of Metro Weekly’s contributing editors and covers cars, technology, gaming and world news. He is usually found with a game controller in one hand and a smartphone in the other and can be reached at [email protected].

Growing number of gay immigrants benefiting from DOMA ruling

Growing number of gay immigrants benefiting from DOMA ruling
For Julio Alegria and his husband Michael Penn, the date of June 26, 2013 will forever be etched in their hearts. On that day, by a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court ruled that the federal Defense of the Marriage Act (DOMA), which defined marriage as a union …

Did ’True Blood’ Actor Quit Over Gay Plotline?

Did ’True Blood’ Actor Quit Over Gay Plotline?
Luke Grimes who played James on the HBO series “True Blood” allegedly left the popular drama series because he wasn’t cool with playing a gay character, BuzzFeed reports. Grimes suddenly left the show in December and at the time, HBO officials said he …

Shia LaBeouf arrested in New York after going berserk in theater

Shia LaBeouf arrested in New York after going berserk in theater
Police had to remove Shia LaBeouf from the audience of Broadway musical “Cabaret,” Thursday night, after the “Transformers” reportedly went nuts, firing up a smoke, yelling and slapping people on their behinds and in the backs of their heads, according to the New York Post.


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