Ian Thorpe reveals he is gay

Ian Thorpe reveals he is gay
After years of dismissing speculation about his sexuality, Ian Thorpe has revealed he is gay. Thorpe made the admission in a tell-all interview with Sir Michael Parkinson, News Corp reports. The interview, which will air on Sunday night on Channel Ten, has …


Raging right wingers and gay parents

Raging right wingers and gay parents
“I am divorced and have two children, 10 and 13. My ex-wife and her new husband are reborn Christian whacks that preach against many, many things, but their main focus is hating gays. How do I assure our children don’t grow up with hate in their hearts …


Singapore Backs Call To Destroy Gay-Themed Books

Singapore Backs Call To Destroy Gay-Themed Books
SINGAPORE (AP) — A children’s book inspired by a real-life story of two male penguins raising a baby chick in New York’s zoo has been deemed inappropriate by state-run Singapore libraries, and the conservative city-state’s information minister said he …


Singapore minister backs decision to destroy books featuring gay and lesbian lifestyle

Singapore minister backs decision to destroy books featuring gay and lesbian lifestyle
A children’s book inspired by a real-life story of two male penguins raising a baby chick in New York’s zoo has been deemed inappropriate by state-run Singapore libraries, and the conservative city-state’s information minister said he supports the decision to destroy all copies alongside two other titles. The National Library Board, which runs 26 public libraries in Singapore, pulled from the …



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