Gay soldiers at Fort Campbell open up on coming out

Gay soldiers at Fort Campbell open up on coming out
CLARKSVILLE, TENN. — Spc. Corderra Dews, 24, was living in Austin, Texas, and openly gay before he joined the Army in 2011, a couple of months before the end of “don’t ask, don’t tell,” the policy that kept gay soldiers in the closet at the risk of …

Orland Park Library Officials call people “Fruit” , “Faggot” & “Gay” –

Orland Park Library Officials call people “Fruit” , “Faggot” & “Gay” –
Diane Jennings and Bridget Bittman – two “outstanding” Orland Park Public Library officials, one elected and one employee show their true feelings on camera. The Orland Park Police Department, under the supervision of Police Chief Tim McCarthy …

French Mayor Who Opposes Same Sex Marriage Officiates at Gay Son's Wedding

French Mayor Who Opposes Same Sex Marriage Officiates at Gay Son's Wedding
A French mayor who still thinks gay marriage “is not what nature intended” nevertheless officiated at his gay son’s wedding. Pink News reports: Despite being a long-standing critic of same-sex marriage, Raymond Bardet, mayor of Ville-la-Grand in south …

Federal appeals court sets hearing on Wisconsin gay marriage ban

Federal appeals court sets hearing on Wisconsin gay marriage ban
CHICAGO (WTAQ) – The 7th U.S. Circuit Court of appeals has announced it will hear arguments about the constitutionality of same-sex marriage bans in Wisconsin and Indiana next month. Oral arguments have been rescheduled for August 26th. Both states are …


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