Former 'Ex-Gay' Activist Backs Away from Past, Now Supports GLAAD

Former 'Ex-Gay' Activist Backs Away from Past, Now Supports GLAAD
For nearly 15 years, Yvette Cantu Schneider was one of the right-wing religious movement’s most prominent examples of so-called living proof that “homosexual urges” could be overcome, to live a straight and “godly” life. While she declines to label her …

Watch a Maryland Republican Singing "Dixie" With Fellow Secessionists

Watch a Maryland Republican Singing "Dixie" With Fellow Secessionists
Michael Peroutka is a former candidate for president of the United States. He’s currently running as a Republican for a council seat in Anne Arundel County, Maryland. Around 1:55 in the video above, watch him grab a guitar, ask everyone to “stand for the national anthem,” and start belting out “Dixie.” Read more…

Tom Hardy’s Gay Gangster Twofer

Tom Hardy’s Gay Gangster Twofer
While not exactly Godfather levels of infamous, the notorious Kray Twins left their mark on London in the 50′s and 60′s by starting a shadowy and nefarious mob organization known as The Firm. While history-junkies might be familiar with their …

Texas AG: Gay-Marriage Ban In State’s Interest

Texas AG: Gay-Marriage Ban In State’s Interest
AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Attorney General Greg Abbott’s office is arguing that the U.S. Constitution allows Texas to ban same-sex marriage to promote the birth of children in “stable, lasting relationships.” Abbott’s office filed a brief Monday with …


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