Privacy, Security and GPS-Based Apps: An Inside Look From SCRUFF

Privacy, Security and GPS-Based Apps: An Inside Look From SCRUFF
The privacy and security of location-based apps has become a major concern for smartphone users around the globe. Recent headlines say it all: “Tinder flaw left users vulnerable.” “Grindr security glitch exposes gay users in Uganda, Russian Kremlin.” As the CEO of SCRUFF, one of the largest gay dating apps in the world, I take these reports seriously. While there are measures we have taken to protect our community, it’s critical that all users understand the benefits and limitations intrinsic to location-based apps.

The most important thing you should know about location-based apps is this: Any app that shows relative distance between members can be used to pinpoint your location.

“But how? It only tells him I’m 1 mile away, he could never find me!” you reply.

Here’s a quick refresher on geometry: If I know you are 1 mile away from me, but I don’t know which direction, then the circumference of a circle, centered at my location, defines the set of possible places you could be. If I simply move to two other places and record your relative distance, with those three readings I can calculate your location. This is called “trilateration,” and you can read more about it on Wikipedia.

“Okay, but I have hidden my distance in the app, so I can’t be located, right?”

Imagine you and I go to a party at a friend’s house, and after arriving you head to the backyard and I stay in the living room. Five minutes later, I launch SCRUFF to see who’s nearby, and in between you and me in the list of nearby guys is a really cute guy who has hidden his distance. Guess what? You know that, while he could be in any direction, he is no further away than the distance from the living room to the backyard. In this case, the area of a circle defines the set of possible places that cute guy could be, and if you take enough readings you can form an increasingly precise boundary around his location. As a result, in any app that orders results by distance, you can eventually locate a member who has his distance hidden.

The technical feasibility of either approach generally requires a sophisticated user to reverse-engineer the app in question — simply launching the app and writing down relative locations isn’t going to be sufficient. Furthermore, this kind of reverse engineering is almost always against the terms of service of an app, and in some jurisdictions may be illegal. However, this hasn’t stopped some from building tools that attempt to make location discovery possible.

As a result of the recent emergence of these tools, other apps have chosen to eliminate geo-location capabilities entirely, so that no location information is ever shown. While this can be a viable approach, it is only sufficient if the app refrains from ordering results by distance. SCRUFF knows many users enjoy the location feature and would regret its loss. More than a year ago we engineered a solution that protects user privacy while still enabling location-based data to be shared.

When a user elects to hide his distance on SCRUFF, we not only remove the information from his profile data, but we also randomize his location on our servers. This means that, if he lives in the West Village in NYC, he could potentially appear in between two people in SoHo. However, if he uses SCRUFF in the countryside, randomizing his location by a few blocks might still not be enough. That’s why we take density into account, so if you live in the city, your location will be randomized by a few blocks, but in the country it could be a few miles or more.

This issue is even more critical for people who live in regions that criminalize homosexuality or male/female interaction, such as Russia and the Middle East. Hiding distance may be a smart option for people in these places to enable in all location-based apps that provide this feature. SCRUFF wants to ensure our members both who live in these countries and who travel to these countries stay informed, and in an upcoming release we will be enabling “hide distance” by default for people in these regions.

In addition, we’ve struck an innovative partnership with ILGA, a non-profit that publishes an annual report of gay and lesbian rights worldwide. Coming soon, when a user travels to a country included in the ILGA report and launches SCRUFF, he will see an alert informing him of the presence of local laws criminalizing homosexual activity. By increasing awareness about these laws, we hope to keep our members vigilant and raise the global pressure for reform.

Ultimately, the possibility of location discovery is something we all must consider whenever we use location-based apps for dating, traveling, hooking up, or making friends. As the stakes have increased, app designers must meet the challenge of building robust systems that incorporate advanced location obfuscation techniques. Though today’s headlines happen to target gays, the challenges of location security affect any religion, gender, sexuality or minority group who finds community through location-based apps.

GOP Senate Candidate From Oregon To Run Pro-Marriage Equality Ad: VIDEO

GOP Senate Candidate From Oregon To Run Pro-Marriage Equality Ad: VIDEO


Monica Wehby (above left) is proving to be a rare bird in the GOP senate race. The Oregon candidate, battling against incumbent Jeff Merkley (D), is set to air a television ad touting her pro-gay marriage stance. Not only is her position surprising, but the ad also stars one of the plaintiffs from the case which struck down Oregon’s ban, Ben West (above right).

Mediaite reports:

“Marrying my husband was the happiest day of my life,” West says in the ad. “I was proud of Oregon and our country. But there’s a lot of work left to do. Whether it’s standing up for equality or for the unemployed or for the next generation, we need leaders who have the courage to do what’s right. That’s why I support Monica Wehby. I know she’ll fight for every Oregon family, including mine.”

Kudos to Wehby! The probability of her winning the race is slim as she currently trails Merkley in the polls by 13 points, but the blatantly supportive message is admirable to say the least.

Check out the campaign ad, AFTER THE JUMP…

Joseph Ehrman-Dupre

A Woman Is a Penis Home

A Woman Is a Penis Home
Some days I am happy to be a lesbian. Other days, very happy. Then there are days like today when I am ecstatic. Why you ask?

Is it the strides being made in the fight for equality? Nope.

The lesbians in their 90s getting married? Nope.

Is it the fact that there are now (joyful sigh) lesbian emojis? Nope. Not even that.

It’s the fact that my vagina won’t ever be mistaken for penis housing.

You can read that again, if you like. But it’ll still say the same thing — penis housing.

Ultra-creep and man of the cloth (of course!) Mark Driscoll went on an online rampage on a church chat board in 2001 (as William Wallace II), and that sh*t has resurfaced and man is it crazy. Not regular, old crazy. Full-on “bat sh*t, hold on to your hat, papa’s got a brand new bag” crazy.

The first thing to know about your penis is, that despite the way it may seem, it is not your penis. Ultimately, God created you and it is his penis. You are simply borrowing it for a while.

While His penis is on loan you must admit that it is sort of just hanging out there very lonely as if it needed a home, sort of like a man wandering the streets looking for a house to live in. Knowing that His penis would need a home, God created a woman to be your wife and when you marry her and look down you will notice that your wife is shaped differently than you and makes a very nice home.

Yup. Men are borrowing their penises and women are penis houses. I mean where does this guy get this stuff and has anyone called Conan? I doubt his writer could do any better than this.

But wait. There’s more.

Therefore, if you are single you must remember that your penis is homeless and needs a home. But, though you may believe your hand is shaped like a home, it is not. And, though women other than your wife may look like a home, to rest there would be breaking into another man’s home. And, if you look at a man it is quite obvious that what a homeless man does not need is another man without a home.

Wait, what? Man, it is hard to type when you are laughing. Um, I don’t know about the houses where you live, Marky boy. But I don’t think anyone is mistaking any of them for being hand shaped. Anywhere. Ever. Me thinks you are pushing this metaphor too far. Like way too far. Like all the way to Russia and not the part Sarah can see from her house.

Paul tells us that your penis actually belongs to your wife, and once you are
married she will trade you it for her home (I Corinthians 7:4), and every man knows this is a very good trade for him to make.

With his penis, the man is supposed to learn to please his wife and learn how to be patient, self-controlled and be educated on how to keep his home happy and joyous (I Corinthians 7:3). The man should be aroused by his new home, and the wife should rejoice at seeing his penis rise to greet her (Song of Songs 5:14b).

Wait. So does your penis belong to God or your wife? And you trade? So then she gets the penis and you get the vagina? How does…. What does… Why does… Never mind.

All I know is that I cannot get the image of a 50s housewife in an apron and cap sleeved, cherry print dress clapping her sweet little hands and jumping up and down, rejoicing as she watches her husband’s cock get hard. Man the things we lesbians get to avoid, I mean, miss out on.

This moron goes on for pages and pages. He also writes the most adorable list of “new words” he says he has coined so he can talk in secret, creepy guy code.

Pussified: Any man who has lost his rocks and completed the process of remaining biologically male but become female in all other ways.

Male lesbian: Any man who thinks and acts like a woman because he thinks that makes him a better person.

Feman: A woman who thinks and ask like a man because she believes it makes her equal to men.

Serial whacker: A man who uses women for sex and uses their bodies instead of his hand for his masturbation.

Manly man: Any regenerate man who loves God and his neighbors and demonstrates it with grace guided practical living and rigorous theology.

Pitch a tent club: Men who allow their wives to nag them so incessantly that they want to sleep on the roof of their own home.

Rock free: Any man who attends a church with a woman Pastor.

Marty Stuart: Any man who stays at home with his kids while his wife goes off to work to provide for his family.

And it just goes on and on. Seriously. I could not make this shit up. I wish I could.

Boy, oh boy, oh boy. There is just so much good stuff here, I just want to quote every last word. Three cheers for the Internet and it’s never ending ability to churn up the good stuff. This sh*t speaks for itself. But I will say this.

Rejoice, lesbians! Though we walk through the valley of the shadow of penises, we fear not their homelessness: For that art not our problem; thy rod and thy staff need not comfort us.

For we be not the housing complex for the penis and instead we are joyful and make a great noise that we trade not our vaginas for housing or whatever it was Mark was saying and instead frolic in our own version of a pussified world.


VIDEO: Four Sexy Models Take Care Of You

VIDEO: Four Sexy Models Take Care Of You


Following the Foursome In Paradise Morning Good photos comes an even hotter video “I’ll Take Care Of You,” from Adrian C. Martin for ProjectOne Studio production. The black and white video reveals more sexy sides of the four models, by bringing them out of the photos and into our lives. Airam Amado, Eric Juardo, Fede Averame, and Javier Morales are stunning in their Atelier DT underwear. Every low-rise brief perfectly hugs the carved out curves of their torsos and accentuates their long and toned legs. This is one video that will be on repeat the entire day.

For more information, go to The Underwear Expert.

Photo credit: Adrian C. Martin for ProjectOne Studio

Underwear Expert


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