Unlikely Opponents: Widower Fighting His Mother-In-Law On Behalf Of Her Dead Son

Unlikely Opponents: Widower Fighting His Mother-In-Law On Behalf Of Her Dead Son

David_Fancher_and_Paul_Hard_insert_courtesy_SPLCWhen Dr. Paul Hard and his longtime partner David Fancher traveled to Massachusetts in May of 2011 to get married, they knew the union wouldn’t be recognized in their home state of Alabama. But tragedy struck three months later when Fancher was killed in a car accident, and Haggard learned all too quickly what the state’s stance on same-sex marriages feels like in times of crisis and loss.

The first blow came at the hospital, when a frenzied Hard was essentially turned away by staff. A receptionist told him he “wasn’t family,” and he had to fight tooth and nail for over an hour to get information about his husband. An orderly finally told him Fancher had died, but it took a break of protocol for him to receive basic human kindness.

But that wasn’t the end of nightmare.

Next Haggard heard from the funeral director, who informed him that David’s death certificate would have to say that he’d never been married, because according to Alabama law, he hadn’t.

The administrator of David’s estate filed a wrongful death lawsuit, but because his death certificate states he’s never been married, the suit fails to mention Paul’s loss. David’s mother would collect any awards granted.

Rather than accept the repeated messages from the Alabama legal system that his marriage to Fancher was illegitimate, Paul decided to sue the state.

“If I can spare one other person that kind of indignity and hurt, I would do it. If I can let people know how this law unjustly and cruelly affects people, I will do it. And ultimately I hope that these laws are overturned so that it now longer can give folks permission to treat Americans as second-class citizens.”

pat-fancher-300x225The Southern Poverty Law Center decided to take Paul’s case, and if they’re successful, Paul will be able to amend David’s death certificate and share in the proceeds of the wrongful death suit.

And though Paul is taking on some powerful opponents, he’s finding that David’s 75-year-old mother (right) is the one fighting against him the most.

Upon hearing about the lawsuit, she issued this statement:

“I am a devout Christian and I am deeply disturbed that the death of my son David is being used by Dr. Paul Hard to advance the cause of same-sex marriage. I did not agree with all of the decisions that my son made, but I loved him very much and we always had a good relationship. It is wrong for David’s death to be used in this manner.”

And sadly she didn’t stop there. She contacted a right-wing legal organization called The Foundation For Moral Law (gag), who released a statement of their own:

“We here at the Foundation agree with Ms. Fancher. Ms. Fancher and the majority of Alabamians, believe marriage is an institution established by God for the governance of the most basic unit of society, the family, and this institution is intended to be between one man and one woman. The Foundation will protect not only Ms. Fancher’s beliefs and interests, but also the right of Alabama citizens to preserve the traditional definition of marriage.”

The day we can look back and say The Foundation For “Moral Law” and people like them were on the wrong side of history can’t come soon enough.

via New Civil Rights Movement

Dan Tracer


Gay Comedian Billy Eichner Pays A Screaming Hilarious Visit To David Letterman: VIDEO

Gay Comedian Billy Eichner Pays A Screaming Hilarious Visit To David Letterman: VIDEO


“Let’s play a game and you scream at me and stuff.” Classic.

Openly gay and hilarious Billy on the Street comedian Billy Eichner made his first appearance on The Late Show and, after receiving the above instruction from David Letterman, proceeded to yell his way through an absurd game called “Celebrity Child or Kentucky Derby Winner?” Pilot Inspector? War Admiral? Blue Angel? Moxie Crime Fighter? It is shockingly impossible to win.

The results are laugh-out-loud funny, and it is clear that Eichner’s caustic brand of comedy has a new fan in Letterman. “Do you have any more games we can play? I just like being yelled at! It’s exciting,” says Letterman, and with Eichner in command it’s hard not to believe him.

Check it out, AFTER THE JUMP

Joseph Ehrman-Dupre


QueerView, Round-Up Of Queer News, For September 12 2014

QueerView, Round-Up Of Queer News, For September 12 2014
Each week HuffPost Gay Voices and HuffPost Live will take a look back at some of the biggest queer news stories from the past week. Check back every Friday for your QueerView news round-up.

How Schools Teach Kids To Be Prejudiced
Josh discusses how some schools are influencing their students to be prejudiced against others.

The Best Gay Matrimonies Of This Week
Josh looks back at some of the best gay matrimonies of the week.

Pregnant Lesbian Teacher Who Was Fired Speaks Out
Josh is joined by a pregnant lesbian teacher who was fired from her job on this week’s QueerView.

Watch HuffPost Take Down Westboro Baptist Church With Love And Cupcakes
Josh recaps the Westboro Baptist Church’s visit to the offices of Huffington Post.

The Highest-Paid Female CEO Is Transgender
Lia Parifax joins Josh to discuss the sexual identity of the highest-paid female CEO.

What It’s Like To Be Queer In Venezuela
Josh enlightens us on what it’s like to be queer in Venezuela on this week’s QueerView.

Our Unicorn Of The Week: Students at the Colégio Dom Pedro II in Brazil
Josh reveals QueerView’s Unicorn of the Week.


Neil Patrick Harris Made Out With 137 People And Never Got Sick

Neil Patrick Harris Made Out With 137 People And Never Got Sick

Neil_Patrick_Harris_hasty_puddingI ended up making out with 137 people. Which was not nearly as disturbing as the fact that I licked the stage, the floor of the stage, 137 times. That’s where most, if any, infection came from. I’ve never been on more handfuls of vitamins and trace minerals and pills. I think I did five rounds of antibiotics during the show? Just to make sure I was going to get through it. There were thousands of people who wanted to see the show, and I’m only there for a finite period of time, so I didn’t want to have to fall out, because that meant they would have to reschedule or not be able to see it, at least not with me.”


Neil Patrick Harris explaining to Vulture why he never missed a show during his recent Tony Award-winning turn in Hedwig and the Angry Inch

Jeremy Kinser



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