Girl Group Xelle, Sans Founding Member Mimi Imfurst, Debuts Fitness-Inspired Song

Girl Group Xelle, Sans Founding Member Mimi Imfurst, Debuts Fitness-Inspired Song

xelle-bikePop duo Xelle have released their second single and music video since parting ways with the group’s original creator, drag personality and former Drag Race contestant Mimi Imfurst.

Described by Xelle as the undisputed “end-of-summer power anthem,” the new single “Sweat” combines “megapop” and physical fitness for a psychedelic drag-infused dance party at the gym.

The video primarily features “curvy women” feeling “sexy and confident,” save drag queen Marti Gould Cummings with a “hysterical” gay twist at the video’s end.

(Spoiler alert: the “hysterical twist” is the gym instructor being gay.)

“[Sweat] is what’s playing in your mind when you see that hot guy or girl across the bar and you know it’s time to make a move,” says Xelle’s Rony G.

The group is probably best known for the amazing unauthorized dance party it threw on the NYC subway in 2011 for their debut single “Party Girl”. Relive its legendary glory in full below [after you watch Sweat, of course]:

Queerty Editor

Colin Kaepernick Bares His Abs For Bruce Weber In 'VMAN' – PHOTOS

Colin Kaepernick Bares His Abs For Bruce Weber In 'VMAN' – PHOTOS


The San Francisco 49ers quarterback who recently signed a $126 million contract covers the current issue of VMAN looking unsurprisingly sporty. 

Earlier this year, Kaepernick spoke out about the prospect of Michael Sam joining the NFL, remarking that he would be welcomed into the league:

“I think when he steps into that locker room, everyone’s going to know that he’s there to help us win games. And that’s why you’re in the NFL, to help us win games. No one cares if you’re black, white, straight, gay, Christian, Jewish, whatever it may be. When you step on that field you’re a member of in my case, the 49ers. Or the Carolina Panthers. That’s your job. That’s your occupation.”

Check out Kaepernick’s chiseled abs, photographed by ab aficionado Bruce Weber, along with one more shot from VMAN, AFTER THE JUMP…



Sean Mandell

Mormons Embrace Social Media To Push Back Against Conservative Church Teachings

Mormons Embrace Social Media To Push Back Against Conservative Church Teachings
BERKELEY, Calif. (RNS) It was a gathering that would have been unthinkable just five years ago.

On a cool summer evening, in a borrowed classroom overlooking San Francisco Bay, about 150 men and women gathered to screen a short documentary about a Mormon family whose 13-year-old son came out as gay.

The Oviatts, who accepted their son and his news, were ostracized by church members, some of whom refused to accept Communion distributed by the young man in church. Like many conservative Christian denominations, the 15 million-member Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints bans homosexual activity and considers it grounds for exclusion from Mormon rites, rituals and even the afterlife.

But those in the room — mostly Mormons ranging from babes in arms to the elderly with canes — thought differently. They wanted to learn how to support their lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender brethren in their local wards, or congregations.

“The phrase ‘gay Mormon’ was not part of our vocabulary prior to 2011,” said the evening’s organizer, Mitch Mayne, before the event. “And if we did say it, it was fringe and full of stereotypes, like we were all hiding in the closet and full of self-loathing or we were out of the church entirely and putting on body glitter and Speedos.”

That has since changed — as demonstrated by the standing-room-only crowd that included more than a half-dozen local Mormon officials. Today, many people who identify as both Mormon and LGBT are gaining acceptance within the wider LDS church and culture.

Many credit Mayne, 43, with fostering this change when he became the first publicly gay Mormon executive secretary – a leadership position in service of a bishop – in 2011, a post he held for more than two years in a church that has an all-volunteer, all-male clergy.

The first tool in Mayne’s arsenal? Social media — Facebook, Twitter and the popular blog he started when he became a bishop to chronicle his experience as both gay and Mormon.

“Social media has enabled us to coalesce and create informed allies inside the Mormon faith and build the recognition that how we respond to LGBT individuals is everyone’s concern,” Mayne said after the event. “I have great faith in Mormons. They really want this change.”

LGBT Mormons are not the only minority group to harness social media and the Internet. Several other factions have taken to Facebook, Twitter and the blogosphere to push back against church norms and a culture they consider unfair, outdated, and, at times, hateful:

* In late-August, Ordain Women organized a Twitter campaign with the hashtag #equalinfaith. People posted pictures or messages supporting gender equality in the church, including opening the priesthood to women.
* When Kate Kelly was excommunicated from the LDS church earlier this year for her feminist activism, supporters organized a Facebook campaign asking people to wear black ribbons to church as a sign of dissent.
* In 2012, more than 1,500 Mormon women participated in the first “Wear Pants to Church Day,” organized via Facebook. Men were encouraged to wear purple in support. This year’s event is poised to be even larger, organizers say.

These campaigns seem to be prompting responses from the church, if not outright change. In August, the church surveyed about 1,000 randomly selected members to assess their views on a number of subjects, including “the roles, responsibilities or therapy of females in the church.” Two years ago, stung by the backlash from its support of California’s Proposition 8 that banned gay marriage, the church launched a new website exploring the relationship between its LGBT members and the broader church.

“We are starting to see a significant disconnect between what the church is telling people to believe about same-sex marriage and homosexuality and what people actually believe and accept,” said John Gustav-Wrathall, a senior vice president of Affirmation, an independent organization that supports LGBT Mormons and their families.

“I think the Internet has a lot to do with that. LDS people are putting their stories out there, and that is influencing people’s perception.”

Mayne agrees.

“For (church leaders) to put up the website is phenomenal,” he said. “Yes, it has some problems, but the fact that we are even addressing the issue and using the term ‘gay,’ I cannot stress how impactful that is. If you look at the web there is gay Mormon stuff everywhere, and five years ago that wasn’t the case.”

Church officials say their doctrine is guided only by revelation and Scripture, not by popular opinion. “There has been no change whatever in the Church belief that homosexual sex is sinful,” LDS spokesman Eric Hawkins wrote in response to emailed questions. “What has changed — with Church encouragement — is how to respond to those who struggle to stay in the Church and at the same time maintain that doctrinal position.”

Mormons attitudes toward social media are certainly in flux. Last year, Elder M. Russell Ballard, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, the church’s second-highest presiding body, warned church members of the persuasive powers of the Internet.

Yet in August, Elder David A. Bednar, also a member of the Quorum, suggested Mormons take to social media “to sweep the Earth as with a flood.”

Feminist Mormons have been among the most active on social media. Nancy Ross, head of Ordain Women’s social media team, said there are at least a dozen multi-author blogs written by and for feminist Mormons and at least as many Facebook groups. Facebook, she said, is where the seeds of change get planted at the local, one-on-one level.

“That is one of the huge things we do on Facebook, is offer a variety of counterarguments when someone says something offensive about women in the church,” she said. “Within two hours, someone is going to have 30 or 40 responses on how to counter that.”

As a moderator of the Facebook page for Feminist Mormon Housewives, the oldest and most popular blog written by feminist Mormons, Jerilyn Hassell Pool has seen the effectiveness of social media firsthand.

A cradle Mormon, Pool has had moments where she’s considered leaving the church. But being able to voice her opinions online and connect with those who share them has kept her in the fold.

“I feel if I stay and continue to raise awareness and raise my voice, I am making my church a better place,” she said. “I am raising the collective conscience of other people on social media, and that makes me feel less implicit in perpetuating these gender stereotypes.”

At the Berkeley meeting, people seemed to be looking for a way to do the same thing with regards to LGBT Mormons. One man, a baby on his lap for most of the evening, asked how he could show LGBT Mormons in his ward that he, a straight man, was supportive. A young woman asked what she could do to reach out to LGBT Mormons who might be in the closet.

Part of the answer to both was “get online.” “The Internet has broken the bonds of silence,” Mayne told the crowd. “Those people and their families are no longer adrift.”

On Notice: It is Time Scott Lively and Robert Oscar Lopez End the Export of Hate

On Notice: It is Time Scott Lively and Robert Oscar Lopez End the Export of Hate

All this week, HRC is putting on notice the shadowy network of American extremists who are working to spread anti-LGBT vitriol abroad. Share now. Help #EndtheHate.

Gay Couple Attacked By “Intoxicated, Well Dressed” Gang Of Violent Heterosexuals In Philadelphia

Gay Couple Attacked By “Intoxicated, Well Dressed” Gang Of Violent Heterosexuals In Philadelphia

Screen Shot 2014-09-16 at 10.04.45 AMPhiladelphia police believe they are one step closer to identifying members of a violent gang of heterosexual men and women who led an unprovoked and debilitating assault on two gay men in Center City last Thursday.

The victims, 26 and 28-year-old boyfriends who have chosen not to be identified by the media, claim they were on their way to dinner Thursday night when a group of two “visibly intoxicated” men and six “well dressed” women approached them on the corner of 16th and Chancellor, hurling gay slurs their way.

According to one of the victims, an assailant asked him if they were “fucking boyfriends,” to which he replied, “yes, this is my fucking boyfriend.”

At this point, the assailant allegedly said “oh, so you’re a dirty fag?” The victim says he responded to this with “yeah, maybe I am a dirty fag.”

Both victims and several friends who took photos of the assault from a nearby third story window have told NBC Philadelphia that all eight assailants joined to kick both victims “in the face, head, and chest.” Though police were unsure at first if the attack was motivated by hate, they have now classified the assault as a hate crime.

Speaking with the media last night, both victims say they have been released from the hospital with serious visible injuries. One victim, speaking through and contraption that will have his jaw wired shut for the next two months, says he suffered multiple facial fractures and several orbital fractures.

“I thought he was dead,” his boyfriend said, describing how assailants “threw his head onto the ground.”

According to a friend, this photo shows the extensive damage done to one of the victim’s faces:

Screen Shot 2014-09-16 at 10.05.22 AM

According to CBS Philadelphia, the victims have been able to identify their attackers through surveillance footage captured either before or after the attack. Though no arrests have been made, police seem confident that the assailants will be brought to justice.

Queerty Editor

Shirtless Brendon Urie And Panic! At The Disco Cover 'Bohemian Rhapsody' – VIDEO

Shirtless Brendon Urie And Panic! At The Disco Cover 'Bohemian Rhapsody' – VIDEO


The bisexual “dabbler” and band Panic! at the Disco did a rendition of Queen’s classic hit, “Bohemian Rhapsody” while on tour that may just have you saying, “magnifico.” 



Sean Mandell

Gordon Klingenschmitt Warns Christians Are Being Forced To 'Worship Sodomy' – VIDEO

Gordon Klingenschmitt Warns Christians Are Being Forced To 'Worship Sodomy' – VIDEO

Gordon Klingenschmitt

Colorado Republican Gordon Klingenschmitt has warned followers that New York is “literally…banning Christian worship” following a ruling earlier this year that a venue in the state discriminated against a lesbian couple by declining a booking for their wedding, reports Right Wing Watch.

In August, the New York State Division of Human Rights affirmed the state’s Human Rights Law prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation in the case of Melisa and Jennifer McCarthy, a lesbian couple whose 2012 request to marry at an Albany area farm and wedding venue was turned down after owners found out they were a same-sex couple.  

In an email sent last Saturday to members of his Pray In Jesus Name Project, Klingenschmitt, who recently suggested that Colorado Congressman Jared Polis will “join ISIS in beheading Christians,” said that the New York court told the owners of the Liberty Ridge venue that they “cannot worship Christ during a wedding, unless they also worship and participate equally in sodomy in their own home.”

Klingenschmitt continued:

“Christians are fined $13,000 and may no longer celebrate the Christian sacrament of marriage in their own home, unless they also host lesbian weddings. Literally the court is banning Christian worship, saying these Christian farmers cannot worship Christ during a wedding, unless they also worship and participate equally in sodomy in their own home. They are now coming into our homes, and dictating our worship. This unconstitutional policy, to punish Christians (with no religious exemptions) will be law in all 50 states, if ENDA is passed.”

Watch a video from last year in which Klingenschmitt claims that a “demonic spirit of tyranny” is trying to force Christians “at the point of the government sword” to participate in the “sin of sodomy,” AFTER THE JUMP…

Jim Redmond


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