Why on Earth Is This Gay Guy Marching for Climate?

Why on Earth Is This Gay Guy Marching for Climate?
After a ridiculously long stint trying to de-gay myself through gay conversion therapy, I finally came out. Then, happily settled with a hunky smart stud, I got smacked in the face with a hot, nasty blast of global warming.

No, don’t blame “the gays.” It’s the immoral, flamboyant fossil fuel lifestyle that got us into this climate mess. Part of me wants to wash my hands of climate change and enjoy a little marriage equality while we all go to hell in a flaming hand basket. But then something sassy stirs inside of me, and our ancestors compel me to get off Facebook and do something. So on September 21st, I’ll be at the historic Peoples Climate March in NYC.

I hate crowds, even at Pride parades with pretty floats and glistening bodies. Marching with a bunch of environmentalists wearing socks and sandals is not my idea of a Sunday stroll in Manhattan. But it turns out loads of LGBTQ people like me have signed up.

It may seem cruel or shallow, but I’m not terribly moved by the plight of a stranded polar bear on a distant ice flow; it’s the recent floods in Brazil threatening coffee production and the extreme rates of asthma in Harlem that alarm me. While I appreciate nature, I feel far more at home at the Metropolitan Museum of Art than frolicking in the Adirondacks. I also don’t have any offspring to worry about. I’m not a respectable environmentalist. Still, I’ll march on September 21st, a speck of lavender in a sea of green.

Faced with global warming, I find myself asking, “What Would Walt Whitman Do?” Old gay Walt Whitman faced the horrors of Civil War by volunteering as an army hospital nurse, reading to soldiers, bringing small gifts, writing letters for them, and holding them as they died in his arms. In the midst of his generation’s greatest crisis, Whitman, a groundbreaking poet, left the comfort of his study to become father, mother, and brother to our nation’s wounded young men. Whitman experienced an Apocalypse, the Greek word for the revelation that happens when a curtain is pulled back and one sees what’s been hidden.

Two years ago, my husband, Glen Retief, and I had our own apocalypse about global warming. The reality of climate change shook us to the core, and we saw the threat to all we held dear — art, coffee, and the best parts of civilization. Suddenly Glen’s work as a writer and mine as a performance artist seemed irrelevant next to a challenge greater than world war or plague. As a result, we are developing a variety of responses to global warming: a climate change comedy, a new website and podcast called Climate Stew, and a campaign for a tax on greenhouse gases. We’ll also march, hand in sweaty hand, on September 21st with the Queers for the Climate and a swelling diverse mass of humanity concerned about the climate.

With projected threats to food security and water rights, and sea level rises that will displace multitudes, I have come to see global warming as a human rights issue, an environmental justice issue, and one that affects millions of LGBTQ people worldwide. Facebook activism and online petitions are not gonna cut it. That’s like redesigning the deck chairs on the Titanic. No, I need to show up.

Our ancestors comfort me and challenge me to act: Sylvia Rivera at the Stonewall Riots, HIV/AIDS activist Peter Stanley of ACT UP, and Black gay pacifist Bayard Rustin demanding justice in racist and homophobic America. For years I was frightened of my own queer shadow, but today I recognize I come from good stock: LGBTQ people who’ve passionately and doggedly made the world a better place. They’ve done their work. Now it is my turn.


Nick Jonas Is Still Bout That Gay Life, Talks Man-On-Man Sex In New Interview

Nick Jonas Is Still Bout That Gay Life, Talks Man-On-Man Sex In New Interview

Screen-Shot-2014-09-17-at-1.30Nick Jonas continues to develop his gay agenda in an interview with HuffPo this week, where he takes another moment to let everyone know he’s still in bed with the gays.

Nick spent two nights teasing the crowds of New York City’s hottest gay twink clubs last week, ripping his shirt off to the delight of 18+ audiences who provided Instagram with full documentation of the holy events as they happened:

“It’s been a fun couple days partying with some of my gay fans,” he told MTV. “I love them to death and their support of me, so why not go out and hang?”

Shortly before his pseudo-gay striptease, Nick revealed that his jacked MMA-fighting character on DirecTV’s Kingdom could possibly be gay and is definitely involved in some steamy gay sex scenes. That’s cool, bro, says Nick.

On becoming what a HuffPo employee describes as “the darling of the gay community,” Nick says:

“I love it, I’m thrilled by that. I’ve always had a pretty strong gay fan base, having been a theater kid and then going back and doing Les Miz…that’s a community that I love and have embraced and has embraced me.

I met with the team and said, ‘let’s do everything we can to embrace this part of my audience, because I love them, and they’ve been so supportive.’ It’s been really fun and I went to a couple gay clubs last week to launch the single.”

“Are you still wearing your [no sex until marriage] promise ring?” a fan asks during the interview.

“No,” he answers.

Your move, gays.

Nick’s latest video for “Jealous” debuted yesterday:

Queerty Editor


Republican Jacob Dorsey Drops Out Of Race For Wisconsin Assembly Following More Homophobic, Racist Comments

Republican Jacob Dorsey Drops Out Of Race For Wisconsin Assembly Following More Homophobic, Racist Comments


Jacob Dorsey, the 19-year-old Republican candidate for Wisconsin State Assembly, has dropped out of the race after racist and homophobic comments he had made on Twitter and YouTube surfaced, reports LGBTQ Nation.

On Monday we reported that Dorsey was facing a backlash following a tweet sent last December that contained a homophobic slur.

The tweet, which has since been deleted, read: Acob dorsey yourtube comment1

“10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rejects #Utah’s request to stop same-sex marriages.” fags need 2 leave my favorite state alone.”

In a statement, Dorsey had apologised for the tweet and said “I regret using unacceptable and hurtful language on social media last year. I am a staunch supporter of traditional marriage, but the language I used is not in keeping with my character, family values and Christian upbringing.”

However, yesterday NOManiacs, a group that exposes hate speech, reported that Dorsey had posted further racist and homophobic comments on YouTube. The comments were posted to Dorsey’s since deleted “jdorsey1995″ YouTube channel, the same account name he used for Twitter and Instagram.

Dorsey – a former intern with Citizens for Decency who has been endorsed by Pro-Life Wisconsin and Wisconsin Right To Life – yesterday told the The Janesville Gazette that he had “decided to withdraw from the race due to insensitive remarks that have surfaced from years past. This race has been extremely hard on my family and myself.” Acob dorsey yourtube comment2

On Dorsey’s resignation, NOManiacs said:

“We hope Jacob Dorsey truly regrets his posts. America needs leaders at all levels who champion diversity and are committed to represent all. Dorsey was not yet that person.”

Jim Redmond


ISIS Militant Likens Gays To Pedophiles, Says They Are 'The Worst Of Creatures'

ISIS Militant Likens Gays To Pedophiles, Says They Are 'The Worst Of Creatures'
A militant allegedly associated with the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) spoke out against the gay community in a video message, likening gays to pedophiles and calling them “animals.”

In the eight-minute clip, originally uploaded to the extremist website FiSyria.com, a masked man holding a rifle calls upon recruits to leave their countries and join ISIS in a rogue Islamic state where they’ve enacted sharia law, which can mean the death penalty for acts of homosexuality.

“If you come to this place, here, we have houses, we have security, we have a beautiful rivers … we have a lot of brothers and sisters already here that came and are giving all of their good ideas to implement good, strong Islamic community,” says the man, whose identity has not been confirmed.

“You see that Allah will protect you and bless you and bless your family,” he continues. “Now, if you have family in these kafir (infidel) countries, what is gonna happen most probably [is] you don’t have control of your children. Maybe in some of the countries it’s a must for you to put your children in the kafir schools. And whose gonna teach your children? It’s gonna be maybe a gay, maybe a drug dealer, maybe a pedophile. You know? So it’s very important for you to protect your children from these animals, from these dirty people. Allah says that they are the worst of creatures. You prefer to live among the worst of creatures than live among the mujahideen … make your decision.”

Although the video was posted in the spring, it sparked renewed interest Tuesday in an article published by the Washington Blade focusing on the anti-gay rhetoric.

The UK’s Mirror first reported on the ISIS video in question back in April. The man is identified by the video’s title card as “reportedly” a Portuguese former professional soccer player for Arsenal of the English Premiere League, but a team spokesman told the paper the organization doesn’t recognize the man and has no record of ever having signed a player with the name given.

A spokesman with the Middle East Media Research Institute, which works on counter-terrorism efforts with the U.S., told the Mirror that FiSyria.com is a legitimate website.

“It has been active for a couple of years now, bringing reports about the activities of jihadi groups in Syria to Russian speakers,” a spokesman said. “At least some of the people behind the site are in Syria themselves. The site regularly brings videos from the field showing video messages and talks of jihad fighters, news reports, scenes and footage of combat, and general jihadi material. The site clearly supports the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).”

Earlier this month, Gay Star News reported that those in the LGBT community in Lebanon, which borders Syria, are scared of an ISIS attack. Bertho Makso, whose organization Proud Lebanon supports Syrian and Iraqi LGBT refugees, told the outlet that he plans to flee if ISIS reaches the area near Beirut.


On Notice: Brian Brown and Sharon Slater are Taking Their Hateful Missions Worldwide

On Notice: Brian Brown and Sharon Slater are Taking Their Hateful Missions Worldwide

Today HRC is putting Brian Brown and Sharon Slater on notice.  These Americans are part of a network of extremists working tirelessly to undercut LGBT people around the world at every turn.


Philly’s Gay-Bashing Gang Of “Well Dressed” Straight Assholes Has Been Identified

Philly’s Gay-Bashing Gang Of “Well Dressed” Straight Assholes Has Been Identified

Screen Shot 2014-09-17 at 9.53.52 AMPhiladelphia police are thanking a few random good samaritans on Twitter this week for helping identify the gang of heterosexuals who shouted homophobic slurs while severely beating a gay couple in an unprovoked attack in Center City last Thursday.

We reported yesterday that two victims, 26 and 28-year-old boyfriends, were approached by a large group of “visibly intoxicated” and “well dressed” assailants while on their way to dinner last week. The victims and several witnesses told NBC Philadelphia that at least two men and six women from the group called the victims “dirty fags” before launching a disgusting physical attack on both.

Both victims were released from the hospital with multiple facial fractures, one had severe bruising on his face and will be required to have his jaw wired shut for two months.

The group of assailants miraculously got away but were caught on surveillance cameras nearby. Using that footage, a handful of random sleuths on Twitter last night were able to identify the group through tweets and Facebook check-ins because, well, did you really expect the police to do anything about it?

Here’s the surveillance video released by the Philadelphia police:

Gawker has the full scoop:

A Twitter user named Greg Bennett posted a photo of a group posing at a restaurant who look an awful lot like some of the suspects in the video:

Philly hate crime: pic.twitter.com/i3PBprO9nn

— Greg Bennett (@GreggyBennett) September 17, 2014

Bennett tweeted that he’d gotten the photo from “a friend of a friend of a friend,” but didn’t know where it was taken. That’s where another Twitter user stepped in: FanSince09, a diehard Eagles fan who apparently lives in South Jersey. Fan retweeted the photo; almost immediately, he got a torrent of responses from people telling him the restaurant was La Viola, an Italian place in Center City. He tweeted that he ID’d most of the people in the photo by checking their Facebook check-ins:

@RealGlenMacnow found them all at la viola, some of them checked in on FB, compared FB pics

— FanSince09 (@FanSince09) September 17, 2014

If you’re going to gay bash don’t fill your FB profile with gay slurs and also delete that resturant check in from earlier

— FanSince09 (@FanSince09) September 17, 2014

Joseph Murray of the Philadelphia PD also tweeted a rough confirmation that the group in these photos is, in fact, Philadelphia’s “Intoxicated, Well Dressed” Gang Of Violent Heterosexuals.

This is how Twitter is supposed to work for cops. I will take a couple thousand Twitter detectives over any one real detective any day.

— Joseph Murray (@PPDJoeMurray) September 17, 2014

Here’s how Twitter user FanSince09 figured it out:


According to ABC 6, members of the group have already retained lawyers though no arrests have been made.

On a related note, openly gay Representative Brian Sims is now advocating for straight-bashing on Facebook:

Screen Shot 2014-09-17 at 10.06.26 AM

You know, because fighting violence with violence is really the best way to handle this.

Queerty Editor



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