These People Came Out in 2014 – Who Will We Hear From Next Year?

These People Came Out in 2014 – Who Will We Hear From Next Year?

Another year, another list of newly out celebrities to compile. Not that we’re complaining. In fact, the notion that lists of out and proud notables get longer every year gives us a warm and tingly feeling where it counts. But wouldn’t it be nice to get to a point where celebrities telling the world they’re LGBT wasn’t newsworthy?

Sadly, we’re not there yet. But thanks to the following people, the world has become a gayer — and therefore, better — place to be. And while we regret to report that this doesn’t include everyone on our 2014 coming-out wish list, here are some of this year’s noteworthy new openly gay cardholders.

Shall we start placing bets for whose names we’ll see here next year?


Tim Cook

In October, the 53-year-old Apple CEO came out in a Businessweek essay, saying “I’m proud to be gay, and I consider being gay among the greatest gifts God has given me.”


Derrick Gordon

Inspired by the positive reaction to Jason Collins‘ coming out, Gordon made news by becoming the first openly gay male NCAA Division 1 basketball player. “That was so important to me,” he said, referring to a standing ovation of acceptance that Collins received upon entering the court, “knowing that sexuality didn’t matter, that the NBA was OK with it.”


Eric Radford

Last week, the Canadian figure skater who won a silver medal at the Sochi Olympic Games in February and is aiming for gold in 2018, became the only elite figure skater in the world to publicly come out in the prime of his competitive career. But as Radford told Outsports, he isn’t worried. “If you believe in yourself and focus on your dream and you work hard and surround yourself with a good team who will support you, you can achieve anything you want.”


Edgars Rinkevics

“I proudly announce I’am [sic] gay … Good luck all of you,” Latvia’s Foreign Minister announced via Twitter in November in a surprising move, given his country’s history with antigay politics. Prior to the announcement, Rinkevics tweeted that Latvia “has created a legal framework for all types of partnerships [and] will fight for it. I know there will be immediate mega-hysteria, but #Proudtobegay.”


Ellen Page

“I’m here today because I am gay,” the Juno actress declared onstage in February at the Human Right Campaign’s “Time To Thrive” conference for LGBT youth in Las Vegas, ending what had long been an open secret in Hollywood. “Maybe I can make a difference. To help others have an easier and more hopeful time. Regardless, for me, I feel a personal obligation and a social responsibility.”


Charlie King

The British reality babe and star of The Only Way Is Essex announced in a live television interview that he is gay, adding that he wants to be a “positive person” and let others who are struggling with their sexuality know they’re not alone.


Jim Ferlo

In September while speaking at a rally in support of updating the state’s hate crime law, the Pennsylvania senator casually announced what he said hundreds of people already knew: “I’m gay,” he said. “Get over it. I love it. It’s a great life.”


Kristian Nairn

When asked during a fan site interview if he was aware of his bear following in the gay community, the Game of Thrones actor finally got the opportunity he’d been waiting for. “When you talk about ‘the gay community,’ you are talking about my community,” Nairn said. “I’ve never hidden my sexuality from anyone, my whole life in fact, and I’ve been waiting for someone to ask about it in an interview, ’cause it’s not something you just blurt out. I’ve tried to lead the questions a few times, to no avail!”


Michael Sam

In February, the All-American defensive lineman and then-NFL hopeful came out in interviews with both The New York Times and ESPN. “I just want to make sure I could tell my story the way I want to tell it,” he said. “I just want to own my truth.” Sam went on to become the first ever openly gay player to be drafted in the NFL — and then, sadly, the first ever openly gay player to be cut from an NFL team.


Dale Scott

In yet another sports first, Scott became Major League Baseball’s first openly gay umpire, which was quietly revealed in October in a Referee magazine profile. When the editor asked for an off-the-field photo for the article, Scott sent one of him and his partner of 28 years. “I think Major League Baseball has proven that it certainly isn’t an issue with them,” Scott told Outsports. “I’ve worked three World Series, I’ve worked the playoffs consistently, I’ve been a crew chief for 12 years.”


Ty Herndon

In an interview last month with Entertainment Tonight, the country star announced to the world that he’s gay and in a committed relationship, but called the revelation simply “an addendum. I’m a gay man, and I’m looking forward to living the rest of my life authentically and happy.”


Billy Gilman

Later that day, in a move that evoked memories of Michael Jackson trumping the death of Farrah Fawcett, fellow country star Gilman, 26, posted a video online in which he acknowledged he, too, is a gay man with a partner.


Pat Patterson

In June, the 73-year-old wrestling legend, who was the WWE’s first intercontinental champion, revealed on a reality TV show that after 50 years in the closet — and the death of his partner of 40 years — he was ready to live his life openly.


Djuan Trent

In resonse to a federal judge’s decision to recognize out-of-state same-sex marriages in Kentucky, the former Miss Kentucky took to her blog in March, announcing that she is queer. “Thank you for giving me the courage to change my ‘they’ to ‘we’, ‘them’ to ‘us’, and ‘their’ to ‘our’,” she wrote. “You have given me the courage to speak up and speak out when I forget my ‘QUEER’ stamp in the mornings. And I can only hope, that I might inspire someone else in that same way.”

ian thorpe

Ian Thorpe

After sixteen years of speculation from the media, the Australian Olympic gold medalist finally revealed in July that he is “not straight.” As for the countless — and emphatic — denials, the Thorpedo remarked, “I’m a little bit ashamed that I didn’t come out earlier, that I didn’t have the strength to do it, I didn’t have the courage to do it, to break that lie.”

Winston Gieseke

Bobby Jindal Defends AFA Prayer Rally At LSU As Anti-Gay Hate Group Plans Similar Events In Other States: VIDEO

Bobby Jindal Defends AFA Prayer Rally At LSU As Anti-Gay Hate Group Plans Similar Events In Other States: VIDEO


Last week we reported that LSU students are organizing protests and other events in response to “The Response,” a prayer rally to be hosted by the American Family Association — an anti-LGBT hate group — on the university’s campus January 24. 

Since then, the LSU Faculty Senate has issued a strongly worded condemnation of “The Response,” which will be headlined by Republican Gov. Bobby Jindal (above) as he prepares to kick off his 2016 presidential campaign. The Faculty Senate said although it doesn’t appear the university can legally deny the rental of space to the AFA, the rally is “inconsistent with the goals and aspirations of a great university”:

The Faculty Senate has made use of its extensive media resources to focus public attention on this matter. … In all of these interview opportunities, Faculty Senate representatives have stressed that the “Response” event both damages the University and conflicts with its values, whether by associating intolerance with University venues or interfering with the goal of disseminating the best in science. … 

The story of “The Response” is far from over, but I do want to assure the LSU and the statewide higher education community that the LSU Faculty Senate is working vigorously to assist the administration not only in repairing the damage resulting from this event but also in using it as an educational, formative opportunity.

Despite widespread opposition from students and faculty at LSU, Jindal continues to defend holding “The Response” at LSU. This week, he insisted the rally is “not a political event, it’s a religious event”:

“Christians have the right to rent, to pay for a hall at a public university so they can come together and pray,” Jindal told reporters at an economic development announcement in New Orleans.

Asked if he agreed with the American Family Association’s agenda, Jindal sidestepped that question and said, “The left likes to try to divide and attack Christians.”

Jindal said the protesters themselves should consider joining the prayer rally. He said they “might benefit from prayer.”

Meanwhile, in addressing criticism of the event, AFA spokesman Bryan Fischer continues to suggest that gays are to blame for natural disasters. The website for “The Response” initially included a prayer guide blaming gays, abortion and pornography for Hurricane Katrina, but it was quickly removed. However, Fischer told The Times-Picayune this week:  

Fischer“We do know that natural disasters can be a form of God’s judgement on an unrepentant nation. It’s fitting that a part of the country that is obviously at risk for natural disasters would lead the nation in modeling repentance.”

The AFA’s David Lane told The Times-Picayune that “The Response” is the first in a series of similar events the group is planning next year, and he hinted that other possible headliners include perennial GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum. 

Republican Texas Gov. Rick Perry headlined an AFA prayer rally in Houston in 2011 to kick off his presidential campaign, so we assume Perry and GOP Texas Sen. Ted Cruz will be fighting over the Lone Star State’s AFA hatefest next year. 

Ultimately, though, these events may only backfire by galvanizing progressive opposition in places where they’re held, such as in Baton Rouge. A reader poll on The Times-Picayune website shows that 66 percent of respondents believe “The Response” should be held at a private building or church. 

Watch Jindal’s invitation to “The Response,” AFTER THE JUMP

John Wright

PHOTOS: Husky Hunks Prove That Sexy Comes In Every Size

PHOTOS: Husky Hunks Prove That Sexy Comes In Every Size

Screen shot 2014-12-17 at 4.41.33 PMStavros Louca didn’t let the fact that he weighs 420-pounds stop him from competing in the 2014 Mr. Gay UK competition. The 34-year-old proudly entered the contest — and won, albeit temporarily — earlier this year.

Though he was eventually stripped of the title due to what competition organizers called a “technicality,” Louca’s story is still an inspiring one. Here is a dude who refused to let society’s definition of beauty prevent him from going up on stage and owning his sexiness in front of a roomful of people, and when things didn’t work out, he wasn’t afraid to share his story with the world. It’s hard not to admire a guy like that.

We love men of all sizes. Big. Small. Short. Tall. Muscular. Large. Extra large. Whatever.

Check out these husky hunks who prove that sexy comes in every size.

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Photo source: A Capella Cub


Photo source: thebigbearcave


Photo source: Bigxbad


Photo source: 4hombres4men

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Photo source: idgafukwatutad


Photo source: A Capella Cub

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Photo source: Cubs in Undies

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Photo source: Bears and More


Photo source: Husky is Husky

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Photo source: House Bears of Atlanta


Photo source: Husky is Husky


Photo source: Cubs in Undies

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Photo source: Ruffhauzer


Photo source: Peclover69

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Photo source: Huskyboing


Photo source: Ruffhauzer


Photo source: Ruffhauzer


Photo source: keybladecub


Photo source: Ruffhauzer


Photo source: Chubby, Cuddly, & Husky Men

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Graham Gremore is a columnist and contributor for Queerty and Life of the Law. Follow him on Facebook and Twitter.

Graham Gremore

Anti-Gay Pastors Launch Effort To Repeal LGBT Non-discrimination Ordinance In Plano, Texas

Anti-Gay Pastors Launch Effort To Repeal LGBT Non-discrimination Ordinance In Plano, Texas


Last week we reported that a Houston-based anti-LGBT group planned a petition drive to repeal the non-discrimination ordinance passed by the Plano City Council earlier this month. 

Now, opponents of the ordinance have launched a website,, dedicated to gathering signatures to place the ordinance on the ballot.

A group of 80 pastors opposed to the ordinance reportedly held an emergency meeting this week at Plano’s Prestonwood Baptist Church, an evangelical megachurch that’s also known as “Six Flags Over Jesus.” 

The Houston-based Texas Pastor Council, led by anti-gay bigot Dave Welch (pictured below), reports

WelchDr. Jack Graham, Senior Pastor of Prestonwood opened the meeting with full support of the effort, calling the city’s rapid vote (same night as the first hearing) “doing business in darkness”.  He expressed appreciation for TXPC Executive Director Dave Welch taking the initiative to organize the pastor meeting as well as the stand of the Houston pastors.

Jeff Mateer of Liberty Institute gave a legal analysis of why the Plano ordinance and others like it are a direct offense against First Amendments of religious belief, expression and “free exercise”. Dave Welch then closed the meeting with the “how to” of the referendum petition process.  He explained that since Plano and Houston City Charter requirements for qualifying a referendum are nearly identical, the critical steps of signature gathering and having notarized are likewise the same so they could benefit from our experience.

Of course, the group’s petition in Houston was rejected by the city due to invalid signatures, resulting in a lawsuit. According to the Texas Pastor Council, the Plano petition will need 3,822 signatures by Jan. 20 to qualify for the ballot. 

The repeal website, under the banner “Plano Citizens United: Equal Rights For All/Special Rights For None,” hilariously contains a typo in the First Amendment (above) and states:

Under Plano’s new “Equal Rights Ordinance” (ERO) anything any business owner or employee says or does to another person regarding the person’s gender, sexuality, or “identity” may be a CRIME.  Plano now CRIMINALIZES Christians’, Jews’, Muslims’, and others’ beliefs about men and women.  City bureaucrats will determine whether citizens’ statements and actions are “unjust”.  This policy subjects citizens to CRIMINAL SANCTIONS for our beliefs on topics affecting much of human interaction and is a direct threat to our freedoms of both speech and religion!

Meanwhile, the Plano ordinance continues to draw heavy criticism from transgender advocates, due to exemptions for nonprofit organizations as well as for restrooms and similar facilities.

The Transgender Education Network of Texas said in a press release this week:

We, the staff and board of Transgender Education Network of Texas are of mixed reaction in regard to news in Plano, Texas about the passage of a NonDiscrimination ordinance. On the one hand, taking steps towards treating all city employees in a fair and just manner based on merits rather than preconceived ideas and prejudice is an act worthy of respect. On the other hand, implementing provisions into that same ordinance allowing nonprofits to continue practicing bigotry in providing services severely undercuts any advance possibly made. …

We are left wondering, what is the real intent of Plano’s NonDiscrimination ordinance? To look good on paper, but really do nothing or to just disguise better the injustice already being done?  

John Wright


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