Christian Man With Way Too Much Time On His Hands Harrasses Bakeries

Christian Man With Way Too Much Time On His Hands Harrasses Bakeries

theodore-shoebatApparently retaliation is a Christian value.

In light of all the bakeries that refuse to serve gay customers, citing religious beliefs as their justification for discriminating against them, Theodore Shoebat of (a site that accepts donations to rescue persecuted Christians) decided to turn the tables, so he called bakery after bakery asking if they’d make him a cake for his pro-traditional marriage celebration with the phrase “gay marriage is wrong” written on it.

And he captured it on video.

The first call is by far the best because the woman who answers the phone turns out to be a right-on lesbian who goes off the minute he starts spouting his hate smack. (And P.S., after five-and-a-half minutes, she actually does agree to make him an antigay cookie — this particular bakery doesn’t make cakes — at which point the video cuts to another call.)

Every other person he calls does turn him down, to which he replies “I thought you guys were for equality” — even though at no point does any person he speaks to actually say they’re for equality.

What this guy clearly doesn’t get is that there’s a big difference between refusing to serve a customer and refusing to serve a customer in a certain way. For the sake of fairness, he should have also asked each bakery if they’d make a cake that said “religious fanatics are douche bags.” Because chances are, all of them would have said no to that as well. Asking someone to make a cake with a “pro” message is entirely different from asking someone to make one with an “anti” one.

In actuality, he’s not asking for equality; he’s asking for inequality.

Even more annoying is his constant misuse of the reflexive pronoun “myself”: “What about people like myself?” he asks ad nauseum, when he should be asking, “What about people like me?”

But here’s the real question: If you have this much time on your hands, dude, why aren’t you using it for something good? Wouldn’t that be the true Christian thing to do?

Watch the videos below.

Winston Gieseke

Madonna Says Leaked Album Is Actually 'Unfinished Demos Stolen Long Ago'

Madonna Says Leaked Album Is Actually 'Unfinished Demos Stolen Long Ago'
Madonna is having a tough time keeping her unreleased album under wraps.

After Oh No They Didn’t posted a full 13-song track listing of the alleged album in its entirety on Wednesday, Madonna took to Instagram to respond:

“Thank you for not listening! Thank you for your loyalty! Thank you for waiting and if you have heard please know they are unfinished demos stolen long ago and not ready to be presented to the world,” she wrote in the photo caption.

The newly leaked album — which has yet to be given an official release date or title — comes just weeks after a new song, purportedly called “Rebel Heart,” hit the Internet. After the leak, the 56-year-old shared a photo of a smashed iPod on her Instagram account, writing, “This broken ipod is a symbol of my broken heart! That my music has been stolen and leaked! I have been violated as a human and an artist! #fuckedupshit:”

For more on Madonna’s alleged leaked album, head to Billboard.

First LGBT Advocacy Group Named as “Foreign Agent” Under Discriminatory Russian Law

First LGBT Advocacy Group Named as “Foreign Agent” Under Discriminatory Russian Law

This week, an LGBT organization, Rakurs, was named as a “foreign agent” under Russia’s anti-LGBT “propaganda” law. Rakurs is the first organization to be listed under the discriminatory law.

Gay New Yorkers Talk About Safe Sex, Barebacking, PrEP, and Protection: VIDEO

Gay New Yorkers Talk About Safe Sex, Barebacking, PrEP, and Protection: VIDEO


Earlier this month we brought you the first in Impulse Group NYC’s series intended to encourage dialogue about safer sex. That video, which you can watch at this link, explored sex, protection, health, stigma, and status.

The second in the series goes deeper into the subject of protection, asking the subjects how they protect themselves while having sex, what their thoughts are on bareback sex, how they ensure their safety when hooking up with a stranger, what the term “safer-sex” means to them, and if they’ve heard of PrEP. An HIV-positive participant is also asked if he would have taken PrEP had it been available when he was negative.


Impulse is an organization formed to mobilize gay men for social advocacy, HIV/AIDS health-centered education and community engagement, utilizing volunteer efforts of local community members to create campaigns, events and online content to gay men impacted by HIV.

Andy Towle

Texas Gets 1st Openly Gay Federal Judge Thanks to Anti-Gay GOP Senators John Cornyn, Ted Cruz

Texas Gets 1st Openly Gay Federal Judge Thanks to Anti-Gay GOP Senators John Cornyn, Ted Cruz


Thanks to the support of two rabidly anti-LGBT senators, Texas is getting its first openly gay federal judge. 

The Senate on Tuesday night confirmed Robert Pitman to fill a San Antonio seat that’s been vacant for more than six years. 

President Barack Obama in June nominated Pitman, who was backed by Cornyn and Cruz, both members of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Cruz also inadvertently aided Pitman’s confirmation when he forced the Senate into session last weekend. 

Pitman will become one of about 10 openly LGBT federal judges in the US. When Obama took office, there was only one.

Eric Lesh, fair courts project manager at Lambda Legal, said in a statement responding to Pitman’s confirmation: 

“For the judicial system in the United States to be truly fair, it must reflect the tremendous diversity of the country. President Obama has made great strides in promoting and ensuring that diversity with his nominations of people of color and of openly gay and lesbian individuals to the federal bench. We celebrate the confirmation of Judge Pitman, which brings welcome diversity to the federal bench in Texas while simultaneously filling a seat that had been vacant for more than six years.

“While great progress has been made to bring diversity to the courts, we still have a long way to go. There are nearly 900 federal judges in the U.S., and most are straight white men. Federal courts are charged with providing everyone with equal access to justice, and yet justice has not always been a reality for some. A judiciary diverse in race, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation and lived and professional experience serves not only to improve the quality of justice, but to boost public confidence in the courts.”

Pitman is a Fort Worth native who attended Abilene Christian University and earned his law degree from the University of Texas. He currently serves as U.S. attorney for the Western District of Texas. 

When Pitman was first recommended for U.S. attorney by Cornyn and former Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison in 2009, the pick riled some fellow Republicans, but Cornyn stood behind it.

“A person’s sexuality has no bearing on his qualifications for a job. … It’s just not even remotely considered,” Cornyn spokesman Keven McLaughlin said at the time. 

Based on that statement, one might think Cornyn would be a supporter of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, but he voted against it last year and received a zero on the Human Rights Campaign’s most recent Congressional Scorecard

John Wright


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