Warwick Rowers Release Full Frontal Nude Video (NSFW)

Warwick Rowers Release Full Frontal Nude Video (NSFW)
The Warwick Rowers, everyone’s favorite naked college athletic organization and international queer allies, have released another video this week that leaves very little to the imagination.

The eight minute NSFW video depicts the men rowing and discussing the logistics of playing their sport while completely naked. Check it out above.

Don’t forget to buy the Warwick Rowers calendar, the proceeds of which go towards fighting homophobia.

Want to see more from the Warwick Rowers? Check out their HuffPost Live interview here.


Clarence Thomas To Consider Staying Same-Sex Marriage in Florida

Clarence Thomas To Consider Staying Same-Sex Marriage in Florida

ThomasSupreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has accepted a request from Florida’s Attorney General Pam Bondi to hear arguments on a federal judge’s ruling that overturned the state’s ban on same-sex marriage. The ruling in question comes from Judge Robert Hinkle. Hinkle found that Florida’s voter-approved marriage ban violated the U.S. Constitution and, after some legal rigmarole, declared that same-sex couples must be allowed to marry in the Sunshine State starting January 6. Bondi for her part has appealed that ruling to the U.S. 11th Circuit Court of Appeals and wants Justice Thomas to stay Judge Hinkle’s ruling so that it will not go into effect until the 11th Circuit has a chance to consider the question. Bondi is hanging her hopes on the incongruency that now exists in the wake of the 6th Circuit upholding a state’s ban on same-sex marriage, becoming the only circuit court to uphold such a ban. The Sun-Sentinel reports:

[Pam Bondi] pointed out there is a conflict among federal appellate rulings — the sixth district upheld a state marriage ban while all other federal appeals courts that have heard such cases have overturned these bans.

Bondi also claimed the likelihood was the Supreme Court would have to hear this case, and that it would, upon review, “likely reaffirm the States’ nearly exclusive authority to define marriage and hold that the Fourteenth Amendment allows states to define marriage as Florida has.” […]

Attorneys seeking same-sex marriage have until 5 p.m Thursday to present their case for why the hold should be lifted.

Thomas is the justice who accepts requests from the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, which covers Florida, Georgia and Alabama. On December 3, that appellate court refused to delay Hinkle’s ruling.

After receiving arguments from all parties involved in the suit, Thomas can either act alone to continue the hold, allow it to be lifted on January 5, or else bring the matter to his colleagues on the Court.

This is not the first time the Supreme Court has been asked to continue such a stay, but it has previously turned down such requests.

However Thomas “has indicated in previous, similar cases that he would have granted a stay,” said Elizabeth Schwartz, an attorney involved in same-sex marriage lawsuits in Miami-Dade and Monroe counties that are going through state appellate court.

Thomas has no deadline by which to decide what to do in this case, but in previous instances, the court and individual justices have ruled quickly. 

“I don’t think anyone was surprised that [Thomas] asked for more information, and I think it’s also likely he’ll want to continue this with the full court,” Schwartz said. “I do think they’ll rule on it possibly on Friday.”

Sean Mandell


Christian Man With Way Too Much Time On His Hands Harrasses Bakeries

Christian Man With Way Too Much Time On His Hands Harrasses Bakeries

theodore-shoebatApparently retaliation is a Christian value.

In light of all the bakeries that refuse to serve gay customers, citing religious beliefs as their justification for discriminating against them, Theodore Shoebat of Shoebat.com (a site that accepts donations to rescue persecuted Christians) decided to turn the tables, so he called bakery after bakery asking if they’d make him a cake for his pro-traditional marriage celebration with the phrase “gay marriage is wrong” written on it.

And he captured it on video.

The first call is by far the best because the woman who answers the phone turns out to be a right-on lesbian who goes off the minute he starts spouting his hate smack. (And P.S., after five-and-a-half minutes, she actually does agree to make him an antigay cookie — this particular bakery doesn’t make cakes — at which point the video cuts to another call.)

Every other person he calls does turn him down, to which he replies “I thought you guys were for equality” — even though at no point does any person he speaks to actually say they’re for equality.

What this guy clearly doesn’t get is that there’s a big difference between refusing to serve a customer and refusing to serve a customer in a certain way. For the sake of fairness, he should have also asked each bakery if they’d make a cake that said “religious fanatics are douche bags.” Because chances are, all of them would have said no to that as well. Asking someone to make a cake with a “pro” message is entirely different from asking someone to make one with an “anti” one.

In actuality, he’s not asking for equality; he’s asking for inequality.

Even more annoying is his constant misuse of the reflexive pronoun “myself”: “What about people like myself?” he asks ad nauseum, when he should be asking, “What about people like me?”

But here’s the real question: If you have this much time on your hands, dude, why aren’t you using it for something good? Wouldn’t that be the true Christian thing to do?

Watch the videos below.

Winston Gieseke


Madonna Says Leaked Album Is Actually 'Unfinished Demos Stolen Long Ago'

Madonna Says Leaked Album Is Actually 'Unfinished Demos Stolen Long Ago'
Madonna is having a tough time keeping her unreleased album under wraps.

After Oh No They Didn’t posted a full 13-song track listing of the alleged album in its entirety on Wednesday, Madonna took to Instagram to respond:

“Thank you for not listening! Thank you for your loyalty! Thank you for waiting and if you have heard please know they are unfinished demos stolen long ago and not ready to be presented to the world,” she wrote in the photo caption.

The newly leaked album — which has yet to be given an official release date or title — comes just weeks after a new song, purportedly called “Rebel Heart,” hit the Internet. After the leak, the 56-year-old shared a photo of a smashed iPod on her Instagram account, writing, “This broken ipod is a symbol of my broken heart! That my music has been stolen and leaked! I have been violated as a human and an artist! #fuckedupshit:”

For more on Madonna’s alleged leaked album, head to Billboard.


First LGBT Advocacy Group Named as “Foreign Agent” Under Discriminatory Russian Law

First LGBT Advocacy Group Named as “Foreign Agent” Under Discriminatory Russian Law

This week, an LGBT organization, Rakurs, was named as a “foreign agent” under Russia’s anti-LGBT “propaganda” law. Rakurs is the first organization to be listed under the discriminatory law.


Gay New Yorkers Talk About Safe Sex, Barebacking, PrEP, and Protection: VIDEO

Gay New Yorkers Talk About Safe Sex, Barebacking, PrEP, and Protection: VIDEO


Earlier this month we brought you the first in Impulse Group NYC’s series intended to encourage dialogue about safer sex. That video, which you can watch at this link, explored sex, protection, health, stigma, and status.

The second in the series goes deeper into the subject of protection, asking the subjects how they protect themselves while having sex, what their thoughts are on bareback sex, how they ensure their safety when hooking up with a stranger, what the term “safer-sex” means to them, and if they’ve heard of PrEP. An HIV-positive participant is also asked if he would have taken PrEP had it been available when he was negative.


Impulse is an organization formed to mobilize gay men for social advocacy, HIV/AIDS health-centered education and community engagement, utilizing volunteer efforts of local community members to create campaigns, events and online content to gay men impacted by HIV.

Andy Towle



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