Bill Nye Explains Evolution Using Emojis: VIDEO

Bill Nye Explains Evolution Using Emojis: VIDEO

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Scientist Bill Nye uses emojis to explain the theory of evolution in a recent YouTube video. Right wingers will no doubt continue to deny evolution’s validity despite how easy Nye makes the subject to understand. Watch Nye break things down in a digestible, fun way for the rest of us AFTER THE JUMP


Anthony Costello

HoliGay Shopping List

HoliGay Shopping List

Well, it’s that time of the year again, when you need to find just the right gifts for all your loved ones. And of course some of your family members are inevitably part of the LGBT community. One important factor to be aware of is that companies are increasingly becoming conscious of their corporate responsibility when it comes to being inclusive.

What I mean by that is that companies are clued in to the fact that we as consumers want to buy from businesses that support equal rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. A great resource that I would like to direct you to is the Human Rights Campaign’s Holiday Buyer’s Guide, which provides a comprehensive review of a great number of businesses concerning how LGBT-friendly they are.


According to the HRC’s website, here’s how they calculate their ratings:

Businesses are rated on a scale from 0 to 100, based on whether or not they have policies that support LGBT employees. These include anti-discrimination protections, domestic partner benefits, diversity training and transgender-inclusive benefits. We provide an estimated score to businesses that have not, after repeated attempts, responded to the survey. An estimated score is reflective of the information that HRC has been able to collect without help or input from a business.

Here are some of the scores that I want you to be aware of when you’re shopping around:

If you’re buying clothes (always a great go-to gift for a fashionable gay person), you probably go to some trendy retailers. Unfortunately, Express has a score of 0. Burberry only has a 15, and J. Crew only has a 30. It’s horrible that these brands we trust really don’t have our best interests at heart.

Some good alternatives would be Nordstrom, Macy’s, and Gap, all of which have scores of 100.

Other stores that have really poor ratings include Radio Shack, which has a 45, but that’s not that big of a deal, because who still shops at Radio Shack anyway? Kohl’s and Michaels both have only a 15. A good alternative for those two would have to be Target, because you can pretty much get anything there.

I encourage you to look at the full HRC Holiday Buyer’s Guide here. We as consumers definitely have the power to support businesses that promote inclusion and equality in the workplace. The more we engage in shopping with a conscience, the better our world will be. With that I’d like to wish you all happy holidays.

NEWS: Ferguson, Shark Drone, Zac Efron, Mars

NEWS: Ferguson, Shark Drone, Zac Efron, Mars

1 RoadTwo women who met as Ferguson protesters say “I do.”

RoadDemos from Madonna’s upcoming album leak. Madonna takes to Instagram, labeling the attack as “artistic rape” and “a form of terrorism.”

RoadActor Stephen Collins confesses to doing “something terribly wrong” that he “deeply regret[s]” forty years ago.

RoadLook out, Los Angeles.

RoadCody Christian of Pretty Little Liars teases his shirtless torso.

RoadThe U.S. Navy has developed a drone built to resemble a shark.

RoadProminent Venezuelan advocate for gay rights, same-sex marriage murdered. 

RoadZac Efron sports some new facial hair.

2 RoadProduction of Topher Payne’s dark comedy Angry Fags set to perform at Steppenwolf, Chicago seeks funding on Indie-Go-Go: “Angry Fags is a play about doing whatever it takes to win. It’s a battle-cry and a cautionary tale; it’s Oscar Wilde-meets-Tarantino! It’s about being in the trenches, about continuing to push forward and fight. Angry Fags does not want to wait while it gets better.”

Liz_biondi2 RoadIllinois’ Warren Township High School wants to oust school board member Liz Biondi because she won’t support the hiring of a gay superintendent. 

RoadPopular podcast Serial gets ready to wrap up.

RoadInmates who tried to escape Alcatraz Island in San Francisco could have survived their harrowing prison break.

RoadBeetlejuice 2 is happening, says Tim Burton, and will include Winona Ryder. 

RoadAnna Kendrick talks sex toys on Letterman.

RoadAmy Adams fan girls out over One Direction in new SNL promos. 

RoadNASA says presence of methane in Mars’ atmosphere may indicate current or former existence of life on the red planet.

Sean Mandell


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