Bills Aim To Overturn Anti-Gay Texas Law That Punishes Children For Having Same-Sex Parents

Bills Aim To Overturn Anti-Gay Texas Law That Punishes Children For Having Same-Sex Parents


The founders of a popular support network for gay dads are taking on a Texas law that prohibits them from having both of their names on their son’s birth certificate. 

Austinites Andy Miller and Brian Stephens (above and below), founders of The Handsome Father, say the law is “mean-spirited” because it punishes their son, 7-year-old Clark, for something over which he has no control. From The Texas Observer

“As he got older, it became less about us and it became more about him,” Miller said. “This is his document that he’ll carry with him the rest of his life, and it very clearly only lists half of his family on it, and that’s when we kind of became angry and said the state is treating our son differently because of who his parents are, not because of anything he has done or hasn’t done. This needs to change because of our kids. The state is basically targeting them for unequal treatment.”

Acting in the name of “conservative values,” the Texas Legislature decided in 1997 to require supplemental birth certificates issued to adoptive parents to have the name of one man and one woman. Texas is one of a handful of states with similar laws, and marriage equality won’t solve the problem. 

On Wednesday, lawmakers in the state House and Senate introduced bills to overturn the law. State Rep. Rafael Anchia, D-Dallas, told the Observer

“I think if you asked every member of the Legislature, they would say they care about orphaned children, and if we can get them to understand that this bill is about children and not about who their parents are, then that should carry the day. There’s no doubt that this policy has cruel effects.”

Daniel Williams, legislative specialist for Equality Texas, called the law “the lowest form of politics possible — if you don’t like someone, attack their children.”

A few years ago, Lambda Legal challenged a similar law in Louisiaina, but lost the case when the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear it

Equality Texas is calling on people to contact their legislators in suport of the bills.  



John Wright

Church That Fired Gay Music Director Is Closing Its Doors For Good

Church That Fired Gay Music Director Is Closing Its Doors For Good

Screen shot 2014-12-17 at 12.13.05 PMThe First United Methodist Church in Alexandria, IN has fallen on hard times.

Last year, it made headlines for firing its music director, Adam Fraley, after learning he was gay. As a result, members of the congregation left in droves. Now, Pastor David Mantor says the church will be closing its doors for good at the end of the year, but he insists that it has nothing to do with the Fraley firing incident, the Herald Bulletin reports.

“This closure is not due to that situation whatsoever,” he said.

Instead, he claims falling attendance, membership and financing problems are to blame.

“This is a problem that’s going on everywhere,” he said. “And that’s why we’re closing.”

The church has been steadily losing members over the past year. Dr. David Steele, a former member and lay leader for the church, said it lost around 80 percent of the congregation after Fraley was fired for being gay.

“I think this is hurtful for all of us who were involved in that church,” Steele said. “I grew up in that church. We had a very tight-knit congregation.”

According to Mantor, only 20 or 30 of the once 700 parishioners remain. But come December 31, they will need to find a new place to worship.

Related stories:

Indiana Church Divided After New Minister Fires Gay Man, Straight Supporters

Methodist Minister Shares Journey As Transgender Man With Congregation

Pastor Who Was Defrocked For Officiating Gay Son’s Wedding Is Officially “Re-Frocked”

Graham Gremore is a columnist and contributor for Queerty and Life of the Law. Follow him on Facebook and Twitter.

Graham Gremore

Pat Robertson Says Gays 'Will Die Out'

Pat Robertson Says Gays 'Will Die Out'
Televangelist Pat Robertson predicts that gays will die out because they don’t reproduce.

Robertson was responding to a viewer who belongs to a church in which congregants aren’t allowed to date.

“It is treated as a sin to show interest in or have a mutual understanding in church with the opposite sex,” wrote Crystal. “Most of the people in church are frustrated because we’re getting older and no one is getting married.”

In comments made on his show “The 700 Club” on ABC Family that were then posted on YouTube by Right Wing Watch, Robertson replied:

“You know those who are homosexual will die out because they don’t reproduce. You have to have heterosexual sex to reproduce. Same thing with that church. It’s doomed. It’s going to die out, ’cause it’s the most nonsensical thing I have heard in a long time. This is absurd.

God has made us to be in families. God has created a desire of men and women to have attraction to the opposite sex so that they will reproduce and have children.

If I were you, I’d get out of the church as fast as I could, cast the dust of it on your feet, shake off the dust and run.

Of course, gays can become parents in a number of ways, including surrogacy. And as Inquisitr points out, the children of gay parents are no more likely to be gay than other children, according to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

Australian politicians are auctioning off their time for marriage equality

Australian politicians are auctioning off their time for marriage equality

Some of Australia’s leading politicians, including Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s sister Christine Forster, have offered to have lunch with donors to a campaign to raise $50,000 for Australian Marriage Equality

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