Anti-Gay Pastors Launch Effort To Repeal LGBT Non-discrimination Ordinance In Plano, Texas

Anti-Gay Pastors Launch Effort To Repeal LGBT Non-discrimination Ordinance In Plano, Texas


Last week we reported that a Houston-based anti-LGBT group planned a petition drive to repeal the non-discrimination ordinance passed by the Plano City Council earlier this month. 

Now, opponents of the ordinance have launched a website,, dedicated to gathering signatures to place the ordinance on the ballot.

A group of 80 pastors opposed to the ordinance reportedly held an emergency meeting this week at Plano’s Prestonwood Baptist Church, an evangelical megachurch that’s also known as “Six Flags Over Jesus.” 

The Houston-based Texas Pastor Council, led by anti-gay bigot Dave Welch (pictured below), reports

WelchDr. Jack Graham, Senior Pastor of Prestonwood opened the meeting with full support of the effort, calling the city’s rapid vote (same night as the first hearing) “doing business in darkness”.  He expressed appreciation for TXPC Executive Director Dave Welch taking the initiative to organize the pastor meeting as well as the stand of the Houston pastors.

Jeff Mateer of Liberty Institute gave a legal analysis of why the Plano ordinance and others like it are a direct offense against First Amendments of religious belief, expression and “free exercise”. Dave Welch then closed the meeting with the “how to” of the referendum petition process.  He explained that since Plano and Houston City Charter requirements for qualifying a referendum are nearly identical, the critical steps of signature gathering and having notarized are likewise the same so they could benefit from our experience.

Of course, the group’s petition in Houston was rejected by the city due to invalid signatures, resulting in a lawsuit. According to the Texas Pastor Council, the Plano petition will need 3,822 signatures by Jan. 20 to qualify for the ballot. 

The repeal website, under the banner “Plano Citizens United: Equal Rights For All/Special Rights For None,” hilariously contains a typo in the First Amendment (above) and states:

Under Plano’s new “Equal Rights Ordinance” (ERO) anything any business owner or employee says or does to another person regarding the person’s gender, sexuality, or “identity” may be a CRIME.  Plano now CRIMINALIZES Christians’, Jews’, Muslims’, and others’ beliefs about men and women.  City bureaucrats will determine whether citizens’ statements and actions are “unjust”.  This policy subjects citizens to CRIMINAL SANCTIONS for our beliefs on topics affecting much of human interaction and is a direct threat to our freedoms of both speech and religion!

Meanwhile, the Plano ordinance continues to draw heavy criticism from transgender advocates, due to exemptions for nonprofit organizations as well as for restrooms and similar facilities.

The Transgender Education Network of Texas said in a press release this week:

We, the staff and board of Transgender Education Network of Texas are of mixed reaction in regard to news in Plano, Texas about the passage of a NonDiscrimination ordinance. On the one hand, taking steps towards treating all city employees in a fair and just manner based on merits rather than preconceived ideas and prejudice is an act worthy of respect. On the other hand, implementing provisions into that same ordinance allowing nonprofits to continue practicing bigotry in providing services severely undercuts any advance possibly made. …

We are left wondering, what is the real intent of Plano’s NonDiscrimination ordinance? To look good on paper, but really do nothing or to just disguise better the injustice already being done?  

John Wright

Last Night's 'Home for the Holidays' CBS Special Featured a Gay Family for the First Time: VIDEO

Last Night's 'Home for the Holidays' CBS Special Featured a Gay Family for the First Time: VIDEO


Last night’s Home for the Holidays was notable not only because it helped shine a light on some of the more than 400,000 children in our nation’s foster care system, but also because it was the first time the long-running CBS special featured an adoption story involving a gay couple

Rich Valenza’s life was forever changed after he met 5-year-old Zack and his 4-year-old sister, Emmary. Later, Rich met his life partner Jared Gee and the four are now a loving family. 

Check out the heartwarming segment on the Valenza-Gee family, AFTER THE JUMP

And for more information on how you can help a child in need this holiday season, visit the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption website here


Kyler Geoffroy

The Progressive 'Legend Of Korra' Finale Was A Win For Fans Everywhere

The Progressive 'Legend Of Korra' Finale Was A Win For Fans Everywhere
“Legend of Korra” Finale Spoilers!

Fan shippers rejoice!

“The Legend of Korra,” Nickelodeon’s sequel to “Avatar: The Last Airbender,” has come to a close in a big way. The series ended following the release of its two-part finale, “Day Of The Colossus”/“The Last Stand,” which you can find online at Nick. And fan shippers everywhere don’t want to miss this one.

For those who don’t know, a fan ship is a made-up relationship between characters that’s usually supported in fan art or fan fiction but rarely ever actually happens; however, that may have just changed.

After the threat from Kuvira is handled, the series closes on Korra and Asami holding hands and going off into the spirit world together. Then Korrasami supporters around the world let out a scream of joy. The fan ship finally seems to be official.

The last scene of the series is surprising given comments made by “Korra” creator Bryan Konietzko to The Wall Street Journal saying fans like to make up relationships but are “disinterested” in seeing those actually happen. Also, keep in mind that this is a Nick show. Putting a same-sex relationship in a cartoon is a pretty progressive move.

Despite everything working against it, Korrasami has been one of the most supported fan-wanted relationships on the web, and the show has had hints fans have been all over. The biggest perhaps being the letters the pair exchanged in Season 4, which shows how close the characters have become. iDigitalTimes points out, even the voice of Korra herself, Janet Varney, was a supporter of the two getting together.

With the ending, “Korra” comes to a close in a way that can please supporters of the relationship and still keep things innocent. Even so, some Korrasami fans took things a step further with this fan-made extended ending:

And now balance has been restored to the Internet.


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