Interview With Jodie Harsh, the (Drag) Queen of England

Interview With Jodie Harsh, the (Drag) Queen of England
Photo Credit: Tim Bret Day

When it comes to fabulous drag queens, few in the world hold a candle to the gorgeous Jodie Harsh. This English queen rules the nightlife scene in London, and not just because of her stunning looks – she produces music for pop stars, is a majorly accomplished DJ, and has snatched the top spot on dance charts in countries all over the world. In addition, Jodie is the founder of Room Service, a weekday club night that has expanded from London to Ibiza, Tel Aviv, Sydney, Paris, and New York City. This past year she hosted the web series Drag Queen Problems for World of Wonder, answering tough queries from drag queens the world over.

An unbelievable list of accomplishments to be sure; and Jodie did it all in heels! I was fortunate to have a nice chat with this extraordinarily busy beauty about how she got her start, her music career, and what she plans on conquering next.

You first started your drag career while you were a student at the prestigious London School of Fashion. Was a relationship with fashion part of what initially drew you to drag?

To this day I still don’t really know why I started drag. It wasn’t something I planned for months or dreamt of from the age of ten. I moved to London the second I turned 18 – I literally couldn’t wait to get there. In my first university semester – in fact even before the first semester – I was running around town in drag. One day I thought “I’m going to do drag tomorrow night” and asked some friends to help me get it together, and since that day I’ve dressed like this most nights a week. Fashion has always been something I was into – the acquisition of desirable labels and forward-thinking aesthetics, a playfulness with trends, a disregard for gender-specific clothing. I think drag saved me from being a dandy or a hipster twat….I just went the whole hog.

Photo Credit: Tim Bret Day

What are the biggest inspirations for Jodie Harsh’s unique style?

Hairspray and sequins. Both of those things keep me upright. I like trousers rather than skirts, I don’t use padding or wear fake tits. I guess it’s quite a London look – a bit rock and roll, a little androgynous, but always colourful.

There are a lot of big name drag queens who create their own music, but almost none have had the success you’ve achieved with your fantastic dance tracks. Was a music career always something you wanted to pursue?

Again, career-wise, it was a total happy accident. I’ve been music and pop culture obsessed since I was a kid, but it was only when I started my parties and DJ’ing the warm-up sets that I thought I could make music myself.

The public’s relationship with drag is different in the UK than here in the States, thanks in part to legends like the fantastic Danny La Rue. How do you think this long-standing tradition of famous, relatively mainstream drag queens relates to the success you’ve achieved as Jodie Harsh?

Britain’s always been accepting of the quirky, the camp, the left of centre. It’s sort of just what we do. American drag comes from a different place – the dance floor and the pageant culture. Ours was born to seaside culture and comedy. I guess American drag’s heritage is beauty and talent and ours is banter and brains, ha!

Photo Credit: Tim Bret Day

You started your first club night Circus when you were quite young, and followed it up with Room Service just a few years later. What has made the events you promote so astronomically successful?

Parties are fun but they’re bloody exhausting. Circus and Room Service both lasted for years. It’s something I’m good at (and you’re only as good as your team – we put together awesome collectives with each club brand) but it’s not something I’ll do forever. I’m almost 30, I don’t want to be handing drinks tickets out at 40 having spent more than two decades awake all night. Throw a party like you’re inviting friends round for a cuppa and make everyone feel like they’re having the best night of their lives and they’ll tell their friends…and everyone will want to come. A sound is important – select the DJ’s carefully and make the music policy clear from the outset- it’s your main attraction. That’s the best advice I can give.

You can count some fantastic stars among your friends. What was it like for you when first began to meet fabulous people like Kelly Osbourne and Lily Allen?

Totally normal. They’re just people. I don’t really treat anyone differently because they have a cool job.

There are rumors flying all ’round the Internet that RuPaul is thinking of taking Drag Race to the UK, and that you might be involved. Can you shed any light on that?

Wouldn’t that be fabulous?! It would go down a storm in the UK. Let’s wait and see.

You released an awesome EP with Melanie C., of Spice Girls fame – who are some other artists you’d like to collaborate with?

I love a lot of the hip hop girls at the moment. Azealia Banks put out one of the best albums of 2014. I always wanted Lil’ Kim rapping on a dance track of mine. I like unconventional girls – Goldfrapp, Roisin Murphy, Lykki Li, La Roux, Banks. Then obviously all the biggies…Madonna would be nice…Rihanna….

Photo Credit: Greg Bailey

Other than continuing to DJ all over the world, what is next up for Jodie Harsh?

Studio all of January and February working on music for some artists, then a bit of touring, and putting out some of my own productions. I wanted to drop an EP at the end of 2014 but I got a bit caught up in making music for other people, which will start dripping out in summer 2015. It’ll be an exciting year!

Keep up to date on all things Jodie Harsh:

Canadian Porn Star Luca Magnotta Sentenced To Life For Dismembering His Lover

Canadian Porn Star Luca Magnotta Sentenced To Life For Dismembering His Lover

luka-rocco-magnotta2The two-and-a-half year saga of Luka Magnotta has come to an end. The former porn star has been convicted by a Montreal jury of the killing of Jun Lin, a Chinese exchange student he met via Craigslist in May 2012.

The story was an especially gruesome one. Not content to have just murdered Lin, Magnotta dismembered his victim’s body and videotaped himself while doing so. He then mailed Lin’s limbs to two schools and Canadian politicians before fleeing the country. Magnotta was eventually tracked to Berlin, where he was arrested and returned to Canada to stand trial.

During the trial, the prosecutors introduced as  evidence videos Magnotta posted in which he killed cats and explained that he planned to move on to a human victim.

Despite a previous diagnosis of schizophrenia, Magnotta refused a psychiatric evaluation for his trial. He pled not guilty to the charges against him, which included the very Canadian-sounding allegation of “committing indignity to a body,” as if indignity was sufficient to describe cutting someone up and possibly eating him.

Magnotta’s lawyers chose an insanity defense for the trial, which began in September, acknowledging that Magnotta was responsible for killing Lin. Magnotta had previously insisted he was innocent.

The verdict means that Magnotta will serve time in a Canadian prison and not a psychiatric hospital. He will be eligible for parole in 25 years.

Lin’s father, Diran Lin, traveled from China to Montreal to offer a victim’s impact statement. “My brave son, smart son, laughing son, caring son, adventurous son, handsome son, strong son, popular son. Gone,” Lin told the court in the statement. “The night Lin Jun died, parts of many other people died in one way or another. In one night, we lost a lifetime of hope, our futures, parts of our past.”


The Warwick Rowers Wish You A Merry Christmas (And Carol A Bit): VIDEO

The Warwick Rowers Wish You A Merry Christmas (And Carol A Bit): VIDEO


The rarely clothed Warwick Rowers have released a special Christmas video showing some of the lads singing some tunes of the season, talking about their upcoming 2015 calendar (a perennial must-see), and how they are giving back to the LGBT community by standing up to homophobia and bullying. While the singing may be off key, the boys are on point.



Sean Mandell

'There Is No Room At the Inn' for Homeless People Living With HIV and AIDS

'There Is No Room At the Inn' for Homeless People Living With HIV and AIDS
Like so many people, I have been rushing around trying to get all the last minute things done for the holidays. This time of year is filled with planning so that we can enjoy time with our friends and family. Many of us will either travel or host people in our home, and if you are like me there is nothing more nurturing and reassuring than knowing I will have this time to unplug in the safety of my family’s home.

While we celebrate in our homes this holiday season, I want to share with everyone that when people come to Gay Men’s Health Crisis (GMHC) housing is the most requested service. Far too many people living with HIV and AIDS in New York City, and around the country, are either living in shelters or couch surfing. There is never a good time to be without shelter. As studies have proven, when homeless people with HIV are placed in stable housing, they are twice as likely to consistently take their medications and have undetectable viral loads after 12 months. Additionally, the National AIDS Housing Coalition said, “…placement in supportive housing reduced AIDS mortality among homeless persons by 80% over five years.”

GMHC is here to help those who need a home and every day we work hard to connect people living with HIV and AIDS to much-needed housing. While there is still so much more work to do, I wanted to share how GMHC helped make sure that one of our clients had a home for the holidays.

Jay* came to GMHC because he had no place else to go. After being fired from his job at a bank, Jay who is living with AIDS began living in his car. For weeks, he lived in his car until one day it was repossessed. Once at GMHC, he was assigned a case manager who immediately recognized that Jay qualified for city assistance with housing. Jay was assigned to a temporary single-room occupancy residence, and sadly he experienced what so many do when put in this living situation. Other residents robbed, beat, drugged and raped Jay. I personally learned what happened to him when I met him in our dining room and realized my team and I had to do what we could to get him better and permanent housing. After working with his case manager, we helped Jay look at apartments and gratefully the following week he signed a lease on his own apartment. Now, Jay is both safe and healthy in his new home.

While this is Jay’s story, it is not unlike other stories of people who have desperately needed assistance with housing. As HIV advocates and Governor Cuomo work to end the epidemic by 2020, everyone has to understand how critical stable housing will be to ending the epidemic. If you are couch surfing or sleeping on the street, no message about getting tested for HIV or telling someone to practice safer-sex will resonate because all anyone can think about if they are homeless is finding a home. In order to end the epidemic, we must address key structural drivers to the epidemic like homelessness. If you know someone in need of housing, HIV testing, a hot meal, legal services or any other service GMHC offers, please have them reach contact our hotline at 800-243-7692, which happens to be our oldest service.

* To ensure client confidentiality, the name mentioned in this post is not the actual client name.

Robbie Rogers Wants Chris Pratt To Play Him In The Sitcom Based on His Life

Robbie Rogers Wants Chris Pratt To Play Him In The Sitcom Based on His Life


Earlier this year, we told you about the new sitcom, Men In Shorts, based on out gay soccer player Robbie Rogers’ life that was acquired by ABC. In a new interview with Attitude Magazine, Rogers opens up about the evolution of the show and who he wants to play his character:

What can you tell us about Men In Shorts, the TV series inspired by your story?
“I was approached with this idea about doing a show about a gay athlete who comes out and we were talking about my experiences, funny stuff like jokes I had to make in the showers to break the ice, talking about dating for the first time, all these different ‘first times’ and how awkward they were, and we just laughed, so it progressed into this comedy about this guy who comes out as gay – a total fish out of water – and he’s expected to have all these answers for little Tommy in Thailand who’s thinking of coming out, and he has no idea what it’s like in a gay bar because he’s never been to one. It’s inspired by parts of my life but the family is different, a lot of things are very different and it’s exaggerated for comedy. We want to teach people through laughter and play with stereotypes.”

Who would you like to see playing you?
“It’s gotta be someone funny, someone who doesn’t care and someone very masculine; someone you wanna grab a beer with. In a perfect world – he obviously wouldn’t do this and I don’t think I’m anything like him – but someone like Chris Pratt. You know, someone hilarious, good looking but not super fit, you know what I mean? So it looks like he doesn’t go to the gym kind of thing…”

Chris Pratt goes to the gym!
“Haha! Yeah, now he does!”

Rogers also shared that he has been in touch with the West Virginia high school goalie who came out last week at his prom, inspired in large part by reading Rogers’ memoir Coming Out to Play:

“It’s such an amazing story, and that kind of story reaches so many other kids. It was never my intention for someone to read my book and it make them want to come out. Well, I mean, that is the point of it, but I didn’t think it was going to happen, so I’m happy that it’s happening so quickly.”

Check out one more snap of Rogers poolside, AFTER THE JUMP…

And read the full interview over at Attitude HERE

(Photos via Attitude)


Sean Mandell


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