The Sexiest Gay Kiss GIFs Of 2014

The Sexiest Gay Kiss GIFs Of 2014

What’s in a kiss? Once you see these GIFs it won’t matter because they will render you speechless.  The folks over at scoured through thousands of kiss GIFs and came up with an Alzheimer’s inducing collage of hotness. Take a look at some of these samples…

Happy holidays from Queerty and our friends at Grabhim!

Category:  Sexiest Kiss





See the rest of the Top 10 Sexiest Gay Kiss GIFs of 2014 here.


Category: Most Romantic Kiss




See the rest of the Top 10 Most Romantic Gay Kiss GIFs of 2014 here.


Category:  Most Passionate Kisses.




See the rest of the Most Passionate Gay Kiss GIFs of 2014 here. 


Pioneering Gay Activist Chi Chia-wei Seeks Constitutional Review Of Taiwan's Same-Sex Marriage Ban

Pioneering Gay Activist Chi Chia-wei Seeks Constitutional Review Of Taiwan's Same-Sex Marriage Ban


If one were to compile a list of the great LGBT activists around the world, it would have to include Chi Chia-wei (above). 

Almost 30 years after he was arrested for petitioning the Taiwanese legislature to legalize same-sex marriage, Chi filed an application Wednesday seeking constitutional review of the country’s marriage ban.

Chi’s application comes two days after the legislature debated a proposal that would make Taiwan the first country in East Asia to legalize same-sex marriage.

The Taipei Times reports: 

Backed by more than a dozen lawyers, as well as activists from the Taiwan Alliance to Promote Civil Partnership Rights (TAPCPR), Chi said that the laws that bar same-sex couples from marrying are a violation of their constitutional rights.

With the legislature controlled by the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT), gay rights advocates say that the legislative path toward legalizing same-sex marriage remains difficult, while the judicial path might provide a viable alternative.

Chi spent five months in jail after petitioning the legislature to legalize same-sex marriage in 1986. He first applied for constitutional review of the same-sex marriage ban in 2000, but the application stalled and was never fully considered. 

Chi and his partner, who held a union ceremony in Taipei in 1988, again tried to register their same-sex marriage with a local government agency last year. But after an 18-month legal battle that included several appeals, the Supreme Administrative Court ruled against them in September. Now they are seeking a review from the Justices of the Constitutional Court, who have never addressed the issue. 

From The Taipei Times

“At the time [in 2000], I stood alone in battle, but I’m glad that more than 10 lawyers are willing to come forward and aid me in my application for a constitutional review today,” Chi said, holding back tears. “I am deeply grateful, and I would like to express my respect.”

In a spontaneous gesture to express his gratitude, Chi kneeled on the ground before the volunteer lawyers, before being swiftly pulled up.

Chi expressed his disappointment over remarks made by the Ministry of Justice and anti-gay marriage legislators during the legislative meeting on Monday.

“Medical evidence has already proved that gays and lesbians are not abnormal people, but we still have a group of homophobic officials and legislators that treat homosexuality like a disease,” Chi said. “[Their actions] have obstructed homosexuals in the pursuit of their own happiness.”

Polls show that more than half of people in Taiwan support same-sex marriage, including more than 80 percent of those ages 20 to 29. But the push to legalize same-sex marriage faces opposition from the likes of the Taiwan Religious Groups Alliance for the Family, which held a press conference outside the legislature on Monday, according to Focus Taiwan

“Human rights and marriage rights are not the same thing. People are born with human rights, but marriage rights are acquired,” the group said in a statement.

The group said it does not deny the existence of homosexual people, but “marriage rights are given by the state and the society, and not something that people are born with. The state and the society have a complete say and the power to make decisions on marriage.”

Watch a report from 2013 on the push for same-sex marriage in Taiwan, AFTER THE JUMP… 

John Wright

The Top 10 Sexiest Men GIFs of 2014

The Top 10 Sexiest Men GIFs of 2014


You can clock a man’s sexiness in about two seconds flat. You don’t need a stopwatch when you can just take a look at the two-second captures in our Top 10 Sexiest Men GIFs of 2014.

We poured through thousands of GIFs (a thankless but rather moist job) to arrive at our top 10 selection. But before we did that, we had to define what we meant by “sexy.” Is it a handsome face? A strong body? That look in his eyes? The way he moves? The way he touches his hair? The way he walks? That knowing smile?

Yes, yes and Oh, God YES.

The GIFs in our top 10 list reflect what most people think of as sexy:

You Don’t Have To Be a Celebrity To Turn People On
Only one celebrity made our cut – – Jake Gyllenhaal. In the truest definition of sexiness, the man made our list and he wasn’t a) shirtless b) kissing a woman or c) diving into a pool of chocolate. The GIF is him simply leaning back in response to a question posed by a talk show host.

You Don’t Have To Be Real
One of our GIFs is actually an animation. And get this – – it’s only of a man’s mouth.

The Eyes Are the Windows to the Soul
Several of our GIFs are distinguished by a not so subtle look in the man’s eyes. It’s the kind of look that makes you want to take up smoking just so you can light one up in case you hook up with him.

The Way He Touches Himself
Whether it’s the GIF of the surfer brushing his hair back in the wind or the close-up of the diver touching the back of his bathing suit, the way a man touches himself can make the difference between saying “Badda Bing” and “Badda BANG!”

Washboard Abs Aren’t A Requirement But Boy, Do They Help
Some of the GIFs that made our cut were simply a paean to belly buttons. One guy takes his shirt off in a way that you can’t see his face. And you know what? IT DOESN’T MATTER. If you touched his stomach you’d get a paper cut.

We’ve listed our top ten list in descending order. Take a look at the #1 Sexy Male GIF of the year and you’ll understand why our assistant started answering the phone with, “Incontinence Hotline… Can you hold?”

How The Future Of Drones Will Change Our Skies: VIDEO

How The Future Of Drones Will Change Our Skies: VIDEO


Last year Amazon made the announcement that they would be exploring the idea of delivery-by-drone for people who bought from their online store. Proposed FAA regulations stand to increase costs and erode the value of the delivery method for the immediate future, but this Pandora’s Box has been cracked open and a new video from The Verge looks at the greater concept of drones in our skies beyond getting your Rufskin clothing on-demand.

You can watch the video that explores drones as delivery, security, and more AFTER THE JUMP…

Christian Walters

Oscar Winning Costume Designer Colleen Atwood Vies For Yet Another Nomination

Oscar Winning Costume Designer Colleen Atwood Vies For Yet Another Nomination
You might not know her by name, but costume designer Colleen Atwood’s visual impact on the silver screen has hardly gone unnoticed. A frequent collaborator with heavy hitters Tim Burton, Jonathan Demme and Rob Marshall, Atwood has lent her creative talent to more than 60 feature films, including “Edward Scissorhands,” “Beloved” and “Silence of the Lambs.” She’s picked up three Academy Awards for Best Costume Design (“Chicago,” “Memoirs of a Geisha” and “Alice in Wonderland”), with another seven nominations. And she shows no signs of stopping there.

“I moved to New York in 1980 with $800,” she told The Huffington Post. “I sewed labels on for bespoke designers in SoHo.” Her technical skills would quickly improve as she’s become known for inconceivably intricate designs and brilliant, one-of-a-kind pieces. Honored recently at the Middleburg Film Festival, Atwood received the Distinguished Costume Designer award.

colleen atwood

Colleen Atwood, with an Oscar-nominated design for “Snow White and the Huntsman.

Atwood’s latest project embodies her strengths, creating far more elaborate designs than fans would recognize from a stage production of Stephen Sondheim’s “Into the Woods.” “The trickiest aspect of about ‘Into the Woods,’ and the thing that changed when it became a Disney film, is that Little Red was played by an adult [on Broadway] and in the film she is played by a child,” Atwood explained.

Rob Marshall, director of the ambitious and star-studded adaptation of “Into the Woods,” in theaters Dec. 25, has had the good fortune to join forces with Atwood on numerous occasions.

“Johnny [Depp] was actually very involved in the creation of [his costume],” Marshall told HuffPost, “because he is a creative force, obviously. He was very inspired by the wolf of the cartoons of Tex Avery from the ’40s, where the Wolf is dressed in a zoot suit and a fedora, and it’s like a wolf in sheep’s clothing.”

“In costuming, a lot of actors dread the fitting — a new form of punishment — but once they’re in the room they love it,” Atwood said. “It’s about presenting a point of view. In a fitting, you can see right away whats not working for an actor.”

colleen atwood witch

The Witch. A sketch by Colleen Atwood for “Into the Woods.”

For “Into the Woods,” Marshall used Atwood’s longstanding relationship with Depp to his advantage. “[Atwood and Depp] have worked together on everything from ‘Edward Scissorhands’ to ‘Alice in Wonderland,’ they’ve done a million movies together and I’ve done a million movies with Colleen. So, we were able to find our stylized version of the Wolf, and let Johnny play it.”

Atwood reiterated Depp’s influence in the design process: “Johnny has a certain intuitive sense of style and character that is definitely something he owns,” she said. “I’ve known Johnny for 20 years, so I’ve seen Johnny become Johnny, in a way. In designing for him, I try to give him little magical things: for instance, when I did ‘Alice,’ thimbles for his fingers and a pin cushion ring I found on eBay.”

These “magical things” foster the talent’s eccentricities, Atwood explained, offering something more prominent costume pieces do not. “I don’t particularly like films where I have to go shopping and go through 25 people to decide which white blouse is the right white blouse,” she said. “That’s not for me.”

She’s managed to avoid being pigeonholed throughout her decades-long career, designing costumes for everything from ballets to commercials. But Atwood admits her most remarkable creations have appeared in Burton’s films, and that she’s turned him down just once. “The only time I’ve ever said no to Tim was ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,’ for personal reasons, but initially I was supposed to do it,” Atwood explained. “It was very tough, but its strange, because at the same time, right after I said no, which was heartbreaking because I really wanted to do it, they called me to do ‘Memoirs of a Geisha,’ which was a blessing in a different way,” she said. (Atwood’s work on “Memoirs of a Geisha” was recognized with an Oscar for Best Achievement in Costume Design — her second.) “In my career I’ve been extremely lucky.”

Not every film Atwood has worked on earned an Oscar nod, but that’s not what drives her work. “The Martian Girl dress [for Burton’s ‘Mars Attacks’] went through many evolutions. But it was the most awesome kind of costume, because it was so low tech,” she said. Known for fantastic, hand-made designs, Atwood proves that sometimes all it takes a little glitter and glue to pull off a showstopper. “People just didn’t get [‘Mars Attacks’] at the time and it’s such a cool movie. I remember the premiere was very industry. It’s a shame that the reaction wasn’t more positive — like one finger clapping — and I was really bummed for time. We went across the street to the party and Jack [Nicholson] and he looks and me and says, ‘Who cares! It’s a great movie,’ and I think he’s right and I’m really glad I did it.”

Though often months of planning goes into a single design, a somewhat abbreviated conceptualization has produced exceptional results at least once for the designer.

“I did that mask [worn by Hannibal Lecter in ‘Silence of the Lambs’] and it was loosely based on a hockey mask — and originally it was going have a different surface, but a sample came in to try on Anthony [Hopkins] and it was in raw fiberglass, which looked like skin, and I said, ‘Well, I think it’s done.’ It was so creepy that way that it worked,” Atwood explained. “We had no idea it would be so creepy.”

Hannibal Lecter (Anthony Hopkins) in “Silence of the Lambs,” wearing Colleen Atwood’s now-iconic mask.

The impeccable severity to the costumes for “Gattaca,” 1997’s absorbing sci-fi flick starring Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman, were a testament to the designer’s resourcefulness. “‘Gattaca’ had a really low budget, but I found a lot of really beautiful ’30s men’s suits, and I recut some ’80s suits with modern fabric to make it work,” she said. “I could dress that way myself in that it’s urban timelessness, almost like a uniform.”

Amused by the notion that she’d ever imagine herself in, say, seductress Velma Kelly’s shoes, however, Atwood described her design philosophy as it relates to the dazzling pieces she created for “Chicago,” Marshall’s 2002 musical adaptation that racked up six Oscars of 12 nominations (including Atwood’s for the costumes). “When I design costumes, it’s an external thing,” she said, “not something that I see myself in. It’s a vision that I have of other things. My wardrobe, I tend to keep it rather simple.” In her own closet, Atwood reaches for Saint Laurent, and “usually something black.”

To emerging costume designers with aspirations to work in Hollywood, Atwood offers sound advice: “It’s different now, but it’s not different. If you get a job on a film, even if not in the department you want to be in, take it. If you’re good at your job and you work hard, people will notice — It’s a foot in the door … At the end of the day, I’m proud to say that I experience continual joy in what I do,” Atwood said, racking up Oscar nominations along the way.

Anderson Cooper Tells Kelly Ripa He’d Like To Have Sex With Her Husband

Anderson Cooper Tells Kelly Ripa He’d Like To Have Sex With Her Husband

It seems like every time Anderson Cooper visits Andy Cohen on Watch What Happens Live, something awkward happens. Last time he outed Andy as a “total top,” which left Mr. Cohen more than a little uncomfortable. And last night, he and Kelly Ripa got into a heated discussion during a rousing match of Please the Fifth.

During the game, Kelly asked Anderson a series of questions including which of his CNN co-workers irritated him the most: Don Lemon, Chris Cuomo, or Jake Tapper. (Mr. Cooper, naturally, pled the fifth on that one.) And who would be rather have sex with, Madonna or Cher? (He picked Madonna).

Kelly also asked: “Who would you rather have sex with, Mark Consuelos or me?”

Mark Consuelos is her husband of 18 years.

Anderson, ever the gentlemen, took a moment to formulate his answer in his head, then politely replied: “Mark. I guess.”

Kelly seemed fine with it at first, until Anderson awkwardly added: “I mean, he is a guy. You’re not. You’re a little too boy-like.”

“Boy-like”? What?

Check out the clip below.

Graham Gremore


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