Blood Donation Ban Is Only The First Barrier To Medical Equality For Gay Men

Blood Donation Ban Is Only The First Barrier To Medical Equality For Gay Men
Some gay and bisexual men who want to donate blood will be able to once the Food and Drug Administration’s new recommendations take effect. The revised policy will overturn the current lifelong ban on blood from men who have sex with other men and permit donations from men who have abstained from sexual contact with another man for at least 12 months.

Detractors argue that even this 12-month period is not medically sensible and potentially harmful to the large number of people who need blood donations. But the anticipated change in policy also highlights inequities in other areas of medical donation — namely, tissue and organ donation.

Per FDA guidelines, men who have had sex with other men in the last five years are among those currently ineligible to donate tissue and cells.

Now that blood donation by gay and bisexual men will be permissible after 12 months of abstinence, the five-year deferral period for cell and tissue donation doesn’t make much sense, said Ian Thompson, a legislative representative for the American Civil Liberties Union on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights.

“The question has to be posed to the FDA now: If there is only a need for a one-year deferral for a blood donation, why does there need to be a deferral period significantly greater than that for these other areas?” Thompson told The Huffington Post. “Given their announcement [Tuesday], they certainly should review those other policies as well, with an eye on making them consistent with what we know today from a scientific standpoint, instead of relying on these outdated stereotypes and assumptions about gay men.”

An FDA spokeswoman told HuffPost that the agency couldn’t speculate on whether guidance around tissue donation would change in the future.

Organ donation is overseen by a different federal agency: the Health Resources and Services Administration in the Department of Health and Human Services. Gay and bisexual men are not excluded from donating, nor are they required to abstain from sex for a certain amount of time before donating. Organ samples from all donors are rigorously tested beforehand to screen for diseases like HIV and hepatitis. However, as TakePart notes, a patient receiving a organ will be notified if it comes from a man who has had sex with another man in the past 12 months.

This leaves individual risk assessment up to the receiving patient and his or her doctors or to the groups with the organ donation network — which has led to a tragic waste of potential organ donations. For instance, last year the eyes of a gay teen who had asked to be a donor were rejected, even though his heart, liver, lungs and kidneys were transplanted. And this year the Center for Organ Recovery and Education rejected the organs of a gay man who had been in a committed relationship for eight years before his death, citing FDA rules against tissue donation from men who have sex with men — even though the FDA doesn’t oversee organ donation. In the latter case, according to Think Progress, the organization later claimed that it had rejected the man’s organs because of the way he died — cardiac arrest — although his sister said she was told it was due to his sexuality.

It’s just these sorts of stories that have led Thompson and other gay rights advocates to push for screening methods based on individual risk, instead of a blanket ban or deferral based on sexuality.

“It makes no sense to exclude from the donor pool healthy, gay and bisexual men and other men who have sex with men who are in committed, monogamous relationships where neither partner is living with HIV,” said Thompson. “But I think the progress we’re seeing, however flawed it is on the blood donation end, is probably a good indication we may see progress on these other issues as well,” he added.

There is a dire need for organ donors in the U.S. According to the Health Resources and Services Administration, an average of 21 people die every day waiting for an organ, while one organ donor can save as many as eight lives.

The Sexiest Gay Kiss GIFs Of 2014

The Sexiest Gay Kiss GIFs Of 2014

What’s in a kiss? Once you see these GIFs it won’t matter because they will render you speechless.  The folks over at scoured through thousands of kiss GIFs and came up with an Alzheimer’s inducing collage of hotness. Take a look at some of these samples…

Happy holidays from Queerty and our friends at Grabhim!

Category:  Sexiest Kiss





See the rest of the Top 10 Sexiest Gay Kiss GIFs of 2014 here.


Category: Most Romantic Kiss




See the rest of the Top 10 Most Romantic Gay Kiss GIFs of 2014 here.


Category:  Most Passionate Kisses.




See the rest of the Most Passionate Gay Kiss GIFs of 2014 here. 


Pioneering Gay Activist Chi Chia-wei Seeks Constitutional Review Of Taiwan's Same-Sex Marriage Ban

Pioneering Gay Activist Chi Chia-wei Seeks Constitutional Review Of Taiwan's Same-Sex Marriage Ban


If one were to compile a list of the great LGBT activists around the world, it would have to include Chi Chia-wei (above). 

Almost 30 years after he was arrested for petitioning the Taiwanese legislature to legalize same-sex marriage, Chi filed an application Wednesday seeking constitutional review of the country’s marriage ban.

Chi’s application comes two days after the legislature debated a proposal that would make Taiwan the first country in East Asia to legalize same-sex marriage.

The Taipei Times reports: 

Backed by more than a dozen lawyers, as well as activists from the Taiwan Alliance to Promote Civil Partnership Rights (TAPCPR), Chi said that the laws that bar same-sex couples from marrying are a violation of their constitutional rights.

With the legislature controlled by the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT), gay rights advocates say that the legislative path toward legalizing same-sex marriage remains difficult, while the judicial path might provide a viable alternative.

Chi spent five months in jail after petitioning the legislature to legalize same-sex marriage in 1986. He first applied for constitutional review of the same-sex marriage ban in 2000, but the application stalled and was never fully considered. 

Chi and his partner, who held a union ceremony in Taipei in 1988, again tried to register their same-sex marriage with a local government agency last year. But after an 18-month legal battle that included several appeals, the Supreme Administrative Court ruled against them in September. Now they are seeking a review from the Justices of the Constitutional Court, who have never addressed the issue. 

From The Taipei Times

“At the time [in 2000], I stood alone in battle, but I’m glad that more than 10 lawyers are willing to come forward and aid me in my application for a constitutional review today,” Chi said, holding back tears. “I am deeply grateful, and I would like to express my respect.”

In a spontaneous gesture to express his gratitude, Chi kneeled on the ground before the volunteer lawyers, before being swiftly pulled up.

Chi expressed his disappointment over remarks made by the Ministry of Justice and anti-gay marriage legislators during the legislative meeting on Monday.

“Medical evidence has already proved that gays and lesbians are not abnormal people, but we still have a group of homophobic officials and legislators that treat homosexuality like a disease,” Chi said. “[Their actions] have obstructed homosexuals in the pursuit of their own happiness.”

Polls show that more than half of people in Taiwan support same-sex marriage, including more than 80 percent of those ages 20 to 29. But the push to legalize same-sex marriage faces opposition from the likes of the Taiwan Religious Groups Alliance for the Family, which held a press conference outside the legislature on Monday, according to Focus Taiwan

“Human rights and marriage rights are not the same thing. People are born with human rights, but marriage rights are acquired,” the group said in a statement.

The group said it does not deny the existence of homosexual people, but “marriage rights are given by the state and the society, and not something that people are born with. The state and the society have a complete say and the power to make decisions on marriage.”

Watch a report from 2013 on the push for same-sex marriage in Taiwan, AFTER THE JUMP… 

John Wright

The Top 10 Sexiest Men GIFs of 2014

The Top 10 Sexiest Men GIFs of 2014


You can clock a man’s sexiness in about two seconds flat. You don’t need a stopwatch when you can just take a look at the two-second captures in our Top 10 Sexiest Men GIFs of 2014.

We poured through thousands of GIFs (a thankless but rather moist job) to arrive at our top 10 selection. But before we did that, we had to define what we meant by “sexy.” Is it a handsome face? A strong body? That look in his eyes? The way he moves? The way he touches his hair? The way he walks? That knowing smile?

Yes, yes and Oh, God YES.

The GIFs in our top 10 list reflect what most people think of as sexy:

You Don’t Have To Be a Celebrity To Turn People On
Only one celebrity made our cut – – Jake Gyllenhaal. In the truest definition of sexiness, the man made our list and he wasn’t a) shirtless b) kissing a woman or c) diving into a pool of chocolate. The GIF is him simply leaning back in response to a question posed by a talk show host.

You Don’t Have To Be Real
One of our GIFs is actually an animation. And get this – – it’s only of a man’s mouth.

The Eyes Are the Windows to the Soul
Several of our GIFs are distinguished by a not so subtle look in the man’s eyes. It’s the kind of look that makes you want to take up smoking just so you can light one up in case you hook up with him.

The Way He Touches Himself
Whether it’s the GIF of the surfer brushing his hair back in the wind or the close-up of the diver touching the back of his bathing suit, the way a man touches himself can make the difference between saying “Badda Bing” and “Badda BANG!”

Washboard Abs Aren’t A Requirement But Boy, Do They Help
Some of the GIFs that made our cut were simply a paean to belly buttons. One guy takes his shirt off in a way that you can’t see his face. And you know what? IT DOESN’T MATTER. If you touched his stomach you’d get a paper cut.

We’ve listed our top ten list in descending order. Take a look at the #1 Sexy Male GIF of the year and you’ll understand why our assistant started answering the phone with, “Incontinence Hotline… Can you hold?”

How The Future Of Drones Will Change Our Skies: VIDEO

How The Future Of Drones Will Change Our Skies: VIDEO


Last year Amazon made the announcement that they would be exploring the idea of delivery-by-drone for people who bought from their online store. Proposed FAA regulations stand to increase costs and erode the value of the delivery method for the immediate future, but this Pandora’s Box has been cracked open and a new video from The Verge looks at the greater concept of drones in our skies beyond getting your Rufskin clothing on-demand.

You can watch the video that explores drones as delivery, security, and more AFTER THE JUMP…

Christian Walters


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