Big Hair, Reality TV And Country Music Collide In “Branson Famous”

Big Hair, Reality TV And Country Music Collide In “Branson Famous”

Yee-haw! Reality TV is goin’ high class country with Branson Famousthe first-ever “reality television musical.” That’s right, we said “reality television musical.”

The show centers around the Mabe family, who run a variety show in the popular tourist town of Branson, Missouri. Naturally, they’ve fallen on hard times. Ticket sales aren’t what they used to be, but the Mabes are determined to restore their act to its former glory, come hell or high water.

Prepare yourself for familial dramas galore, complete with big hair, cowboy hats, sparkly dresses, and decorative fringe. There’s the little sister who dreams of being a star but is relegated to the gift shop, the aging dancer desperate for a marriage proposal, and the forward-thinking fella who just wants to modernize the darned thing already, with a few ancient family grudges, dashed dreams, long-standing rivalries, and improvised musical confessionals thrown in for good measure.

Sounds like a honky tonk good time to us!

Check out the teaser trailer for Branson Famous below. And don’t forget to tune into the premiere on TruTV at 10/9C December 29, ya’ll!

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Graham Gremore

News: Dustin Diamond, Eggnog, Michael Phelps, Rand Paul

News: Dustin Diamond, Eggnog, Michael Phelps, Rand Paul

Road Sir Elton John’s new hubby David Furnish will not be receiving an honorary spousal title that typically comes when a man with a royal title marries a woman.  

DiamondRoad Utah man nearly drowns during eggnog chugging contest at an office Christmas party. 

Road Saved By the Bell star Dustin Diamond (Skreech) was arrested last night on charges he threatened someone with a switchblade. 

Road A 48-year-old Cleveland man who goes by the nickname “Cowboy” was attacked with a two-foot sword on Christmas Eve after enraging another man by accusing him of being gay

Road Prince Harry shows some skin for charity football game.

Road Scientists create first artificial human eggs and sperm using embryonic stem cells. 

Road Rihanna’s Christmas tree or futuristic butt plug

SantaRoad 30 children who are positively terrified of Santa Claus. 

Road Michael Phelps is practically naked at a pajama party with girlfriend Nicole Johnson. 

Road Marvel casts Mike Colter as superhero Luke Cage for an upcoming Netflix series. 

Road Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley is keeping one eye on 2016 and the other on Hillary Clinton. 

Road FIRST LOOK: The Lance Bass and Michael Turchin wedding. 

Road Rand Paul loves Festivus

Road Markandey Katju, a retired Indian Supreme Court judge, calls gay marriage “humbug and nonsense”.

Kyler Geoffroy

Michael Sam Dishes To Oprah About NFL Closet Cases

Michael Sam Dishes To Oprah About NFL Closet Cases

Screen Shot 2014-12-26 at 9.25.15 AMMichael Sam confirmed to Oprah what we already know to be true — there are many closeted athletes in the NFL. What we didn’t know is that a few of them reached out to Michael during his media frenzy to offer support and show respect.

“A very few reached out to me and pretty much just told me their gratitude and how thankful they were that I had the courage [to come out],” Sam said in the interview, which will be shown on OWN on Saturday night. “They wished that they had the courage to come out.”

Oprah tries pushing him to get specific — “Very few meaning one, two, three, five?” Michael doesn’t take the bait. “Very few,” he replies.

Earlier this year, NFL Executive Vice President of Operations Troy Vincent reflected on his time playing for the Dolphins from ’92-’95, saying:

“I’m not going to share their names, but in my 15 years, there were six individuals who were at least openly gay in the locker room, no problem. From my days in Miami until I ended in Washington, they were just my teammates. Just like my family members. We ate together, we flew together, they’re roommates in hotel rooms. It was what it was.”

Sam was cut by the Cowboys in October and has not been signed by another team, something he has suggested might have something to do with him being openly gay.

Dan Tracer

Majority of Florida Clerks Say They Will Not Issue Marriage Licenses to Same-Sex Couples on January 6

Majority of Florida Clerks Say They Will Not Issue Marriage Licenses to Same-Sex Couples on January 6

FloridaA survey by the Associated Press has found that an overwhelming majority of county clerks in Florida say they will not offer marriage license to same-sex couples on January 6 without further clarification from Judge Robert Hinkle.

Hinkle’s stay on his August ruling overturning the state’s gay marriage ban is set to expire 5pm on January 5 after the 11th Circuit and the Supreme Court both declined to intervene and extend the stay further. However, there remains confusion about whether Hinkle’s ruling applies to only Washington County or to the entire state. 

The AP reports:

The association representing Florida’s clerks has issued an opinion that the ruling doesn’t apply to other counties, and said clerks can be prosecuted for violating the law if they issue same-sex marriage licenses. Most Florida’s clerks are following that advice.

“I’m not going to break the law,” said Paula O’Neill, the clerk for Pasco County, in the St. Petersburg area. “I’m not going to issue licenses until it’s legal.”

Of the 53 clerks who responded to the AP survey, 46 said they wouldn’t grant marriage licenses to same-sex couples because they lack legal authority. Six clerks said they hadn’t made up their minds; Only one clerk outside Washington County, Osceola County’s Armando Ramirez, said he would issue the licenses.

Equality Florida and the National Center for Lesbian Rights, however, are disputing the county clerk association’s opinion, saying that the federal ruling applies statewide. The groups have issued a letter to Florida county clerks stating the clerks are “compelled and certainly permitted to issue marriage license to same-sex couples beginning January 6, 2015.”

Judge Hinkle, meanwhile, has given Florida officials until Monday to respond to a Washington County Clerk’s motion to clarify the scope of his ruling. 

And although Attorney General Pam Bondi has acknowledged the stay on Hinkle’s ruling ends January 5, she has yet to make any effort to help clarify this ongoing legal chaos in her state. 

Read the NCLR and Equality Florida letter below:

Kyler Geoffroy

Ladyfag's SHADE Party Hits NYC For New Year's Eve

Ladyfag's SHADE Party Hits NYC For New Year's Eve
“Are you a hologram? Are you tired of being a hologram?”

That’s the tagline for New York City nightlife party curator Ladyfag‘s New Year’s Eve installment of her monthly party “SHADE.”

Taking place in a Brooklyn warehouse location announced the days leading up to NYE, “SHADE: 2084” is slated to be a massive warehouse rave with overarching dystopian themes informed by the digital age and the surveillance state.

Ladyfag, who was recently featured in HuffPost Gay Voices Associate Editor James Nichols‘ series “After Dark: NYC Nightlife Today And Days Past,” utilizes her monthly “SHADE” parties to curate large-scale, all-night fantasy rages informed by overarching and intelligent thematic frameworks. Past “SHADE” parties have included a dystopian homage to Detroit called “Detropia” and a commentary on the commercialization of LGBT Pride called “Shame.”

The Huffington Post chatted with Ladyfag this week about “SHADE: 2084” and what attendees can expect at this NYE fantasy.


The Huffington Post: What is your vision for SHADE: 2084?
Ladyfag: Dark! “SHADE” tends to veer to the dystopian themes quite a bit to quench our dark side — it is called “SHADE” after all! That said, it’s still New Year’s, so it’s dark and festive at the same time. The New Year is a time to reflect on the world you live in and, while the trajectory the world is veering towards isn’t always looking too promising, at least we still have the freedom to come under one roof and think about it. The “Shade State” is meant to be tongue-in-cheek, but also a reminder of how blessed we still are in spite of it all. Big Brother will NOT be watching…

How is the framework for this party informed by life in the digital age and the surveillance state?
The installation is centered around the idea of a futuristic means of delivery of information to the masses, of the totality and centrality of the message, and of the human race huddling together to weather the storms. It’s strange to re-watch dystopian future movies from my childhood because half of the futuristic things in them ended up becoming reality. A lot of what we’re creating for the event is intended to be a bit tongue-in-cheek, while also making you think about it. The first time I ever saw “Blade Runner” was actually on NYE when I was a teenager. I remember my heart and mind racing so fast… and in a way I’m trying to recreate that feeling.


You previously told The Huffington Post: “We feel a certain responsibility at this point to live up to the SHADE reputation, so we’re always trying to outdo the last one.” How are you going to accomplish this through SHADE: 2084?
We always have to think outside the box because a lot of our crowd is a little spoiled in thinking that they should all be on the guest list and that budgets are astronomical. But it forces us to be a bit more creative in trying to give them a fully immersive experience as best as we can. We still have to do our job of providing the “wow factor.” But for SHADE: 2084 we went more of the mental route with the installations, attempting to communicate the message to the guests’ minds directly and then let the partygoers can use their brains to paint the picture of what’s happening around them and outside of the building. We also splurged on sound and lights because, well… techno!

What does next year hold for SHADE and Ladyfag?
Things are about to get a lot SHADE-ier… without ever throwing any of the proverbial Shade. I guess we’re hoping to bring new meaning to the word — and to give New York the kind of positive Shade they deserve!

Head here for more about “SHADE: 2084” or here for ticketing information. Want to learned more about Ladyfag? Head here to read her interview from the series “After Dark: NYC Nightlife Today And Days Past.”

Want to see more photos from past “SHADE” parties? Check out the slideshow below.


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