As Transgender Teen Leelah Alcorn Is Laid To Rest, Her Death Begins To 'Mean Something' – VIDEO

As Transgender Teen Leelah Alcorn Is Laid To Rest, Her Death Begins To 'Mean Something' – VIDEO

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Transgender suicide victim Leelah Alcorn (below right) was laid to rest Friday morning in a private service, after her family moved the funeral in response to alleged threats, according to a report from NBC News

Tim Tripp, the family minister at Northeast Church of Christ in Cincinnati, told NBC News the funeral had been moved to a private location because “the times and dates had been publicized, and the family’s received threats.” Tripp wouldn’t specify what threats surrounded the funeral, other than to say the family had heard there would be “disruptions.” Mourners arriving at the church Friday found a sign on the door announcing the service’s postponement. Jeff Hartmann, of Hodapp Funeral Home, said the private service was held there Friday morning. He said Alcorn’s body was to be cremated.

AlcornMeanwhile, the LGBT community and its supporters honored Alcorn at candlelight vigils in Cleveland, Columbus (above) and other cities on Friday night. Additional vigils are planned outside Alcorn’s former school today, and as far away as Orlando and London

A petition launched in the wake of Alcorn’s suicide calling for a federal ban on transgender conversion therapy has garnered more than 240,000 signatures. Another petition calling for Alcorn’s correct name to be placed on her headstone has garnered more than 70,000 signatures. 

As we reported, Leelah’s mother, Carla Alcorn, told CNN she’d never heard her daughter’s chosen name prior to her suicide. But that isn’t surprising given that Leelah’s parents likely would have used the name as another reason to punish their daughter, since they didn’t support her gender identity due to their religious beliefs. 

WCPO-TV reported Thursday night that Leelah’s father, Doug, sent the station an email in which he continued to misgender his daughter and use her birth name: 

WCPO has made several attempts to speak with her parents at their Kings Mills home. 

After an attempt Thursday, the girl’s father, Doug, sent WCPO an email with the subject line: “Joshua Alcorn and your visit this morning.”

Doug Alcorn’s message reads in part:

“We love our son, Joshua, very much and are devastated by his death. We have no desire to enter into a political storm or debate with people who did not know him. We wish to grieve in private. We harbor no ill will towards anyone. … I simply do not wish our words to be used against us.”

Needless to say, it’s a little late for that, but actions speak louder than words, and Leelah’s parents’ actions as described in her Tumblr post were largely confirmed by her mother’s statements to CNN.  

Not surprisingly, the original Tumblr post itself has been removed, but you can find an archive of it here, and the unprecedented national media coverage of Leelah’s suicide continues, with some advocates calling her death the transgender community’s “Matthew Shepard moment.” 

Watch GLAAD spokesman Tiq Milan discuss the tragedy on MSNBC, as well as WCPO’s report on Leelah’s father’s statement, AFTER THE JUMP … 

John Wright

Idaho Gay Marriage Fight Appealed To Supreme Court

Idaho Gay Marriage Fight Appealed To Supreme Court
BOISE, Idaho (AP) — Idaho’s governor and attorney general have filed separate petitions to the U.S. Supreme Court, fighting against gay marriage and arguing that the state’s case has national consequences.

Same-sex marriage has been legal in Idaho since an October ruling by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which has struck down bans across the West. Attorney General Lawrence Wasden’s filing Friday states that the issue is a matter of a state’s right to define marriage without the federal government’s involvement.

“This case presents the Court with the opportunity to resolve a divisive split on a question of nationwide importance: Whether the United States Constitution now prohibits states from maintaining the traditional definition of civil marriage, i.e., between one man and one woman,” Wasden said in the petition.

Gov. Butch Otter’s petition, filed Tuesday, states that the high court should review Idaho’s case alone or in addition to a pending case involving the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that upheld the right of Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee to decide whether to allow gay marriage.

Otter’s petition maintains that unlike in other states, Idaho’s public officials have not shied away from defending a broad definition of heterosexual marriage, specifically by arguing that children are better off when marriage is limited to opposite-sex couples.

He added that Idaho’s case addresses not only the question of in-state marriages, but also out-of-state same-sex marriage. Two out of the four lesbian couples who challenged Idaho’s same-sex marriage ban more than a year ago had been legally married in other states.

“It is important that at least one of the cases this court considers on the merits be a case in which the traditional definition of marriage has been defended with the most robust defense available,” wrote Otter attorney Gene Schaerr. “This is that case.”

Gay marriage supporters have until the end of the month to file responses, and it’s unclear whether the Supreme Court will step in.

Along with the 9th Circuit, three other appeals courts have ruled in favor of gay marriage. Only the 6th Circuit has sided with states seeking to preserve same-sex marriage bans. Because of the split decisions among the appellate courts, it is very likely the Supreme Court will intervene.

The high court justices could decide as early as Jan. 9 to add same-sex marriage to their list of issues to be decided by summer.

Gay marriage is legal in at least 35 states, with Florida expected to be the latest to begin issuing same-sex marriage licenses Jan. 6.

The 9th Circuit ruling that legalized gay marriage in Idaho on Oct. 15 declared that Idaho’s ban on same-sex marriage violated equal protection and due process rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. It overturned a constitutional amendment Idaho voters passed in 2006. The amendment, considered one of the strictest in the nation, prohibited gay marriage, civil union and any other form of state recognition of relationships that was not between a man and a woman.

Deborah Ferguson, the lead attorney who represented the four couples who successfully Idaho’s gay marriage ban, said she is willing to continue to defending the 9th Circuit’s decision.

“The 9th Circuit decided correctly,” she said. “We’ll now have to wait and see what happens next.”

Idaho’s gay marriage fight has cost taxpayers more than $400,000 so far. In December, a federal court ruled that the state must pay the attorney fees to the team of lawyers who defended the four lesbian couples fighting the ban on gay marriage. The state has also spent more than $80,000 on private attorneys.

The 116-Year Old Mystery Surrounding The Death Of Oscar Wilde’s Wife Has Finally Been Solved

The 116-Year Old Mystery Surrounding The Death Of Oscar Wilde’s Wife Has Finally Been Solved

Constance-Wilde-in-Heidel-012There have been a number of speculations surrounding the death of Constance Lloyd, wife of playwright Oscar Wilde, who was famously tried and imprisoned for “gross indecency” (AKA being gay) in 1895.

Lloyd passed away three years after her husband was sent to prison. After falling down a flight of stairs and injuring her back, she underwent emergency surgery and died shortly thereafter. She was 39 years old.

For over 100 years, one of the common theories surrounding Lloyd’s death was that it was all the result of a weakened spine due to syphilis caught from her philandering gay husband. Now, Merlin Holland, Wilde’s grandson, has just discovered a trove of over 130 private family letters that clear up the mystery surrounding his grandmother’s death.

The letters reveal symptoms modern doctors commonly associate with multiple sclerosis, including losing the ability to walk, chronic gain, headaches, and fatigue. Lloyd, it now appears, was falsely diagnosed by not one but two separate doctors.

One of them was an unnamed German “nerve doctor,” whose treatments involved hot baths and electricity. The other was an Italian man named Luigi Maria Bossi who believed that Lloyd’s physical ailments could be cured with gynaecological operations.

After falling down the stairs and injuring herself, Lloyd went to Bossi for a gynaecological procedure, during which she slipped into a coma and died.

“People somehow never put two and two together and thought: ‘Why is a gynaecologist operating on her spine?’” Holland tells The Guardian.

The family never pursued legal action against Bossi because Lloyd had consented to the operation despite several warnings against it by other doctors.

“It cost her her life,” Holland says. “Ultimately, both Bossi and the hapless Constance met their ends tragically–he by the bullet of an assassin and she by the knife of an irresponsible surgeon.”

(Bossi was later shot and killed by a patient’s incensed husband some 20 years after Lloyd’s death when he was accused “unethical behavior and professional misconduct.”)

Lloyd married Wilde in 1884. After he was imprisoned for homosexual acts in 1895, she changed her and her sons’ last name to distance themselves from the scandal and fled to Genoa. She and Wilde never formally divorced.

Holland says he hopes this new evidence will bring an end to speculation over his grandmother’s untimely death.

“I rather feel it will put Constance to rest,” he says. “Poor thing.”

h/t: The Guardian

Related stories:

Now This Is What We Had In Mind for an Oscar Wilde Movie

Real Or Fake?: Woman Arrives Home, Discovers Gay Husband’s Secret Love Affair

How The UK Ruined Gay Sex For Everyone

Graham Gremore

Get Ready for a Magical Midnight With Prince Charming in New 'Cinderella' Trailer: VIDEO

Get Ready for a Magical Midnight With Prince Charming in New 'Cinderella' Trailer: VIDEO

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The latest fairy tale to get the live-action Disney treatment, Cinderella stars Lily James as the titular princess, Richard Madden (Game of Thrones) as the handsome Prince Charming, Cate Blanchett as the wicked stepmother, and Helena Bonham Carter as the Fairy Godmother. 

Also starring Holliday Grainger, Sophie McShera, and Stellan John Skarsgård. No word yet on if Shangela the Fairy Dragmother from last year’s brilliant Cinderonce parody will make an appearance in the film though. 

Watch the dazzling new trailer, AFTER THE JUMP

Cinderella arrives in theaters March 13.

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Kyler Geoffroy

Sam Smith And New Boyfriend Jonathan Go Public With Enviable New Year’s Photos

Sam Smith And New Boyfriend Jonathan Go Public With Enviable New Year’s Photos

A few weeks ago, Sam Smith said of his brand-new relationship with Jonathan Zeizel:

“It’s very early days. I’m talking very, very, very early days. But he’s really sweet… he was one of 20 extras [in the music video for “Like I Can”]. It’s a surreal thing to be talking about because I haven’t even confirmed with him that we’re officially seeing each other.”

But it’s a new year, and oh how things can change in two weeks.

The two traveled to Australia to celebrate New Year’s, and posted a whole crop of luxurious-looking vacation shots. Sam is singing a completely different tune now, which goes like this:

“I started my year so lonely and still fully in love with someone who didn’t love me back. Right now I feel so unbelievably loved back. You have all changed my life & I will forever be thankful. May we have many more New Years together. Can’t wait to see you all in 2015 and sing my ass off for you.”

Here’s the photos Sam shared:





h/t Frontiers Media

Dan Tracer


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