Bradley Cooper Shaves His Body, Whitney Houston’s Biopic Gets Degayed, Kid Rock Doesn’t Want To Marry Gay People

Bradley Cooper Shaves His Body, Whitney Houston’s Biopic Gets Degayed, Kid Rock Doesn’t Want To Marry Gay People


If you already knew that red-neck poster boy Kid Rock is an ordained minister, it’s probably no surprise to learn that he isn’t looking forward to officiating same-sex marriages.

Didi Conn Joins Olivia Newton-John On Stage At Flamingo Las Vegas To Perform "Summer Nights"

They still go together like rama lama lama… well, you probably know the rest. Beloved entertainer Olivia Newton-John, whose residency at Las Vegas’ Flamingo Hilton is a big hit, got a visit from Grease costar Didi Conn and the two performed a rendition of “Summer Nights.”

Dangerous Minds, one of our favorite sites, unearthed this fascinating 1975 interview with Tim Curry, who reveals he tried to make his Frank N. Furter character more evil for the film The Rocky Horror Picture Show.


Pedro Almodóvar is without a doubt one of the most brilliantly unique filmmakers of all time, but it’s probably best that he turned down the opportunity to direct Brokeback Mountain. The man who gave us Law of Desire and All About My Mother says he was offered the project but found it too “physical.”

Let’s all cross our fingers that Benedict Cumberbatch wins the Oscar for his excellent performance as Alan Turing in The Imitation Game if only so he can continue to give entertaining acceptance speeches like this one from the Palm Springs in which he again touts the late war hero as


If you’ve been wondering whether Lifetime’s upcoming bio of Whitney Houston (airing January 17) will depict facets of her alleged romantic relationship with longtime gal pal Robyn Crawford, Michael Musto reveals that you have to watch for the subtext, such as actress Yolanda Ross as Crawford wearing “a mannish suit” and being “touchy-huggy” with costar Yaya DaCosta, who plays the late icon.


Who knew Turkey had its own version of flamboyant entertainer Liberace? Late singer Zeki Muren sported women’s clothing, outrageous makeup and was held up as a gay icon and is the subject of “Here I am, Zeki Muren,” an exhibit in Istanbul through January 15.


Why is this happening to us?? Typically-hirsute and tan Bradley Cooper, who’s currently starring in American Sniper on movie screens and The Elephant Man on Broadway, appears pale and completely smooth for a Fellini-meets-Hockney-inspired photo shoot for W magazine. Please let this be a bad dream.

Jeremy Kinser

Towleroad Guide to the Tube #1680

Towleroad Guide to the Tube #1680

EDDIE REDMAYNE: Recalls his hilarious/awkward Hobbit audition.

CONGRESS: What to expect once the GOP takes over. 

SNOOPY: Flies over the Eiffel Tower in The Peanuts Movie trailer #2.

CARL SAGAN: All the millions, billions, and trillions uttered on Cosmos.



For more recent Guides to the Tube, click HERE.

Kyler Geoffroy

Minister Touts 'Conscious Choices' About Rejecting Attraction to Men

Minister Touts 'Conscious Choices' About Rejecting Attraction to Men

A minister from a conservative Presbyterian denomination says that he has made ‘conscious choices’ in marrying a woman and rejecting a gay or bisexual identity though he is attracted to men.

read more

Stevie St. John

Less Invisible: LGBT Images in Latino Media in 2014

Less Invisible: LGBT Images in Latino Media in 2014
At GLAAD we’re often asked how LGBT equality is doing in Latino USA and in Spanish-speaking countries. The answer isn’t simple, not a thumbs up or thumbs down. It’s instead complex, just like the world in which we live. We’ve seen many setbacks and there’s a lot of work to do, but we’ve also seen some hard-fought wins. And more inclusion.

Here’s our top ten list of moments that mattered in Spanish-Language and Latino media in 2014.

In July, Puerto Rico saw appointment of openly gay Supreme court justice, Maité Oronoz Rodríguez. Not surprisingly, media in Puerto Rico covered her story fully, although much more could have been done nationally. The last few years have seen too many legal setbacks and crimes against LGBT people in Puerto Rico, so seeing the swearing in of out and proud Oronoz Rodríguez, surrounded by her family and hearing her thank her partner in her speech, was a much-needed win.

It’s about love, not “controversy”
Coverage of marriage equality has improved over the years, and in 2014 it was nice to see the celebrity magazine TV Notas and other outlets like Mexico-based celebrity show Ventaneando treat the marriage of novela hunk Sebastian Ligarde the way they would treat any other marriage. It helps that Ligarde is so comfortable being out and has a very supportive (and big) family, including kids and grandkids who came to his wedding. Also on the marriage issue, beloved Telemundo on-air judge Doctora Ana Maria Polo of Caso Cerrado, released a strong statement in both Spanish and English detailing her support for marriage equality. Polo, who has millions of fans on and off social media, argued that marriage equality only makes sense and, as she says on her show with a bang of the gavel, case closed.

Sing it, Tigres
A definite high-point came toward the end of the year when Los Tigres del Norte, the huge and respected regional band came out with an LGBT supportive song, “era diferente” on their album Realidades. The song, which tells the story of woman who’s in love with another woman, sends a message of acceptance.

FIFA’s World Cup of Soccer in Brazil excited millions of fans but chants of an anti-gay pejorative by the Mexican team dampened things for LGBT fans. Univision, which televised the games, during which slurs could be heard, handled this issue in a great way and came out with a message of inclusion for LGBT viewers. Univision’s on air commentators shared an inclusive message directed to their lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender fans distancing themselves from the homophobic slurs.

Now that’s how you do Pride
This year Telemundo aired an amazing Pride video produced by Ileana Simancas, daughter of Venezuelan telenovela actors and actress/producer in her own right, which featured on-air talent and executives from the station who shared their love for their LGBT family members. The video was also aired during the popular morning show Un Nuevo Día, as the hosts talked about the importance of family acceptance.

This year we saw more Spanish-Language media support than ever for Spirit Day which calls attention to anti-LGBT bullying. Among those who participated were respected journalist Maria Elena Salinas, who co-hosts the nationally televised Noticiero Univision. We also saw segments on Noticierio Univision and on morning shows like Un Nuevo Día and other shows, that helped educate viewers on the importance of family acceptance and on the harmful effects of bullying and discrimination. Los Angeles station KMEX-34 did a great job on Spirit Day, even hosting a phone bank to connect LGBT people and their families to community services.

Big wins internationally
This year Ecuador’s coalition of LGBT and allied activists led by Silueta X won a victory as the government sanctioned the channel TVAmazonas for airing an episode of a comedy sketch show called La Pareja Feliz/The Happy Couple which was denigrating to members of the LGBT community, the indigenous community and those who belong to both.

This was also a very big year in Peru, where Carlos Bruce came out. Bruce is a member of congress and former minister and also one of the main drivers of debate on civil unions for same-sex couples. It was also the year when Nobel laureate Mario Vargas Llosa wrote an op-ed that got lots of media attention, supporting relationship recognition.

Argentina’s public television station aired the Premio Orgullo Ciudadano (Pride Citizen Awards) given out by the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans Federation of Argentina and held at the historic Teatro Maipo, a theater that continuously supports LGBT-themed plays.

Colombian YouTube star Juan Pablo Jaramillo came out in 2014 and helped educate his millions of fans and started a dialogue in Colombian media.

Chile’s LGBT group MOVILH (the movement for the liberation and integration of gay people, by its Spanish initials MOVILH) published and distributed, Nicolás Tiene Dos Papás, about a household headed by two dads, that got the conversation about equality going even more. Todo Mejora Chile and others have also made great strides in the past years shining a spotlight on the need for equality and acceptance. Demi Lovato even recorded this supportive message for her LGBT fans while she was on tour there.

Real and Inclusive
In 2014, we were very happy to see a transgender contestant on Telemundo’s Yo Soy El Artista. Transgender singer and actress Abigail Pereira shared her story and the judges, including openly gay author Boris Izaguirre, as well as singer Lucero, applauded her for it.

Morning shows and popular advice segments are increasingly including information that includes LGBT viewers like a segment on the morning show Un Nuevo Día that offered tax advice to LGBT couples.

Immigration reform inclusion
On the topic of immigration, more media outlets took into account the advocacy and participation of LGBT immigrants, who are still working hard along with the rest of the immigrant community for full, inclusive and permanent immigration reform. Huffington Post Voces, The Advocate and other outlets continue to share their stories in both Spanish and English.

On the Radio
Radio continues to be very important in Spanish-language media and programs like Al Aire con Tsi-Tsi-Ki, and hosts like Enrique Santos, Fernando Espuelas and others in Spanish as well as the lauded Latino USA and Radio Bilingue in English continue to share important stories about being Latino and LGBT.

There were lots of moments to include, so please do let us know if you want to remind us of an event or accomplishment that moved you.

Pop The Bubbly, An Ab Fab Movie Is Coming To The Rescue

Pop The Bubbly, An Ab Fab Movie Is Coming To The Rescue

p01m5n0bDarlings, you’ll want to put down the champagne before you hear this. Then, you’ll want to pick it up, down it, and pour another glass.

Jennifer Saunders, 56, has announced that an Ab Fab feature is most certainly happening in 2015.

Saunders, who also plays mother-of-the-century and PR diva extraordinaire Edina in the show, has finished writing a script for a movie that has apparently been in the works since the series first went off the air in 1995.

She told the Sunday People, “I’ve finished the first draft. I’m feeling euphoric. My proper New Year’s resolution is to do the film, otherwise it’ll be a pointless year of procrastination.”

Edina’s daughter Saffy, played by Julia Sawalha, 46, has naturally been written into the script. By now she must be a doctor or something, but she’ll never be too old to shake her head at Mum’s antics.

Jen joked she would like to see Angelina Jolie, 39, replacing Joanna Lumley, 68, as Patsy and an orangutan playing her part.

“That would be funny, Angelina Jolie and an orangutan.”

We’re not sure what Jen was smoking when she made those casting decisions, but we’ll be perfectly happy with the original cast, thank you.

Dan Tracer


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