Jeb Bush Forms New PAC, Right To Rise – VIDEO

Jeb Bush Forms New PAC, Right To Rise – VIDEO


Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush has announced the creation of a new political action committee (PAC) as he continues to explore a presidential bid in 2016, The Washington Post reports. Bush made the announcement on social media, posting a video on Instagram and Facebook in both English and Spanish: 

In a video posted on the social-media site Instagram, Bush, walking casually in a dark winter jacket on a city street, said, “Hey, everybody, today we’re setting up the Right to Rise PAC, which is a PAC to support candidates that believe in conservative principles to allow all Americans to rise up.”

Not every commenter on the video was impressed. “What an awkwardly staged video: not looking that ‘hip’ to this Millennial voter, Jeb!” wrote one person.

RightThe name for Bush’s PAC is meant to show the type of Republican Bush views himself to be, one focused on combating poverty and joblessness and the so-called “policies of opportunity”: 

An admirer of the late New York Republican Jack Kemp, whose politics revolved around poverty issues, Bush is hoping to cast himself as a new kind of Republican, in the Kemp mold, by touting his ideas on economic empowerment. (Rep. Paul Ryan, the GOP’s 2012 vice-presidential nominee, has frequently used the phrase “right to rise” in speeches, as Bush has noted.)

Speaking at the Jack Kemp Foundation’s awards dinner in 2013, Bush said, “We are a center right country but conservatives won’t govern again soon unless we adopt the Kemp example to get outside our comfort zones, and to listen, learn and persuade.”

He added, “If he was with us now, I think he would agree we have strayed from the politics of winning, from the policies of opportunity and from achieving the governing needed to accomplish big things.”

You’ll recall that Bush recently suggested that gay marriage should be put to a public vote, saying of gay marriage in Florida, “It ought be a local decision. I mean, a state decision. The state decided. The people of the state decided. But it’s been overturned by the courts, I guess.” Bush walked back those remarks with a more calculated statement in which the former Governor and member of the famed political dynasty tried to not sound the bigot alarm yet made sure to invoke the outrage about gay marriage currently en vogue among right-wing-nuts: the cry of “religious liberty.” Said Bush,

“We live in a democracy, and regardless of our disagreements, we have to respect the rule of law. I hope that we can show respect for the good people on all sides of the gay and lesbian marriage issue – including couples making lifetime commitments to each other who are seeking greater legal protections and those of us who believe marriage is a sacrament and want to safeguard religious liberty.”

Watch Bush’s announcement, AFTER THE JUMP…


Sean Mandell

Catholic Deacon Pens Inspiring Letter On Parenting Transgender Children

Catholic Deacon Pens Inspiring Letter On Parenting Transgender Children
For parents struggling with how to react when their child comes out as transgender, Catholic Deacon Ray Dever has three words of advice: Love your children.

In a touching blog published on the LGBT Catholic site, New Ways Ministry, Dever described his own experience having a child reveal her transgender identity while studying at Georgetown University. This happened shortly after Pope Francis made the groundbreaking remark “Who am I to judge?” in regards to the LGBT community and plunged his family “into all the questions and issues that Catholic families with LGBTQ children face.”

Suddenly the enduring notion of “the Catholic family” — discussed at length at the Vatican’s October Synod on the Family — took on a new meaning for the deacon. But for Dever, there was never a question of whether he would continue loving and cherishing his daughter, even as the path forward offered plenty of challenges.

When our daughter came out, my wife and I experienced the full range of thoughts and emotions that any parents do in that situation – shock at the news, a lack of understanding of gender issues, conflict with what the Church teaches about human sexuality, confusion and guilt about what we should do as parents, profound sadness at what felt like the loss of our son, fear and worry for what the future would hold for her. There were arguments, sleepless nights, and prayers – lots of prayers.

Ultimately, Dever and his wife were comforted to witness their child’s blossoming as she returned from a deep depression she had suffered with throughout high school.

“All the creativity, humor, empathy, and intelligence that make her an exceptional person are still there and are shining through stronger than ever,” Dever wrote. “And I’d like to think that the acceptance of her immediate and extended Catholic family have played some part in that positive transformation.”

In the midst of a church culture often antagonistic toward the LGBT community, New Ways Executive Director Francis DeBernardo applauded Dever for his unwavering love, which DeBernardo said echoes that of God “as a loving parent.”

“His testimony goes a long way to show that new perspectives are needed in the discussion of family and sexuality which was opened up at the Vatican synod in 2014,” DeBernardo said in an email to HuffPost.

“How can the Catholic Church discern how the Spirit is moving if it doesn’t hear firsthand from the people that are directly affected by institutional policies and practices? Deacon Dever’s essay shows that there is important evidence and valuable perspectives that the Church has not even examined.”

Dever acknowledged that he is “the exception,” as many religious parents have rejected their LGBT children — sometimes with tragic consequences. As far as the Catholic faith is concerned, though, Dever wrote that if one thing is “crystal clear…it is that everyone is included in His love and mercy and forgiveness, and that we are all called to do the same.”

Dever offered these final words of advice:

For those Catholic families with LGBTQ children that are struggling with what they should do, I would suggest that they look to the Holy Family. Look to the love embodied in the Incarnation, a love like no other, and embrace your children. As the Church calls us to do first and foremost, follow your conscience, love own [sic] another, and especially love your children.

H/T Mic

Bryan Singer and Michelle Clunie Welcome Baby Boy: PHOTO

Bryan Singer and Michelle Clunie Welcome Baby Boy: PHOTO


X-Men Director Bryan Singer and actress Michelle Clunie have welcomed a baby boy, Singer announced just after midnight last night.

Tweeted Singer with the above photo: “Michelle Clunie and I would like to welcome our beautiful son Dashiell Julius William Clunie-Singer into the world :)”

Best friends for more than two decades, Singer and Clunie plan to co-parent the child.

Singer came out as bisexual in May while fighting sexual abuse charges in a lawsuit that was later withdrawn, and releasing his 10th feature film, X-Men: Days of Future Past.

Since her role as Melanie Marcus in Queer as Folk, Clunie has played a recurring character on Make It or Break It and has had numerous guest appearances on shows such as Bones, NCIS, The Mentalist, The Closer, and CSI.

Andy Towle

DVD: “Boyhood,” “Looking: The Complete First Season,” “Ways To Live Forever,” & More!

DVD: “Boyhood,” “Looking: The Complete First Season,” “Ways To Live Forever,” & More!


2015 is off to a great start in home entertainment, with one of last year’s most acclaimed – and longest in-the-making – features, Boyhood, and the first season of HBO’s Looking (above) to binge-watch before season two’s January 11th debut. All this plus a delightful U.K. import about a boy staring mortality in the face, Ways To Live Forever.

Here are the deets!


Looking: The Complete First Season

($39.99 Blu-ray, $29.99 DVD; HBO)

January 11th sees HBO’s dramedy series about modern gay love in San Francisco (and Oakland!) begin its second season. Get ready by binge watching — or re-watching — the first season. It definitely grows on you, and these boys rock hipster duds and ‘staches like nobody else!



($39.99 Blu-ray, $29.99 DVD; Paramount)

Director Richard Linklater’s literal coming of age film was shot over 12 years, charting the journey from 5-year-old to high school graduate of its protagonist Mason, played by Ellar Coltrane. Patricia Arquette and Ethan Hawke play Mason’s divorced parents, while the slice-of-life dramas Mason encounters include an alcoholic stepfather, sibling rivalry, and first love. An amazing piece of film that flows seamlessly and unpredictably. Extras include a making-of featurette and an hour-long post-screening Q&A with the cast and Linklater.


Ways To Live Forever

($29.95 DVD; Alive Mind Cinema)

A British 12-year-old, Sam, learns he will succumb to leukemia sooner rather than later, so he whips up a bucket list and with help from family and friends — and some nifty animation — gets to work living life. Adapted from Sally Nicholl’s bestselling novel, is surprisingly upbeat and inspiring, while avoiding insipid trappings of the “dying young” genre. A 2010 sleeper worth a watch now that it’s on DVD. Extras include an introduction by the director, making-of featurettes, outtakes, and more.


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