Archdiocese of Miami Threatens To Fire Employees For Showing Support For Gay Marriage: VIDEO

Archdiocese of Miami Threatens To Fire Employees For Showing Support For Gay Marriage: VIDEO


Following the overhaul of Florida’s ban on same-sex marriage, Archbishop of Miami Thomas Wenski issued a letter (below) to employees of the archdiocese warning that any conduct or behavior “inconsistent with the teachings of the Catholic Church”, in other words, in support of same-sex marriage, could result in termination. NBC News reports:

The letter, from Archbishop Thomas Wenski, told employees that “because of the Church’s particular function in society, certain conduct, inconsistent with the teachings of the Catholic Church, could lead to disciplinary action, including termination, even if it occurs outside the normal working day and outside the strict confines of work performed by the employee for the Archdiocese.”

Wenski’s letter also warned employees that the conduct requirements also extend to the Internet. “Employees should exercise discretion when posting on social media sites, and note that online activity indicative of prohibitive behaviors may subject an employee to disciplinary action or termination,” it read.

Earlier, Florida’s Catholic Bishops came out against the arrival of same-sex marriage in the Sunshine State, claiming same-sex marriage “threatens both religious liberty and the freedom of individuals to conscientiously object.”

Late last year Pope Francis was thought to have been sending mixed messages about whether he and the Catholic Church would reconsider their stance on same-sex marriage. However, following media speculation, the Pope was quick to make a statement clarifying that same-sex marriage was not on the table for discussion.

Watch a news report on the letter from the Miami Archdiocese, AFTER THE JUMP…


Sean Mandell

Respect for Marriage: An Open Letter to Jeb Bush

Respect for Marriage: An Open Letter to Jeb Bush
Dear Governor Bush,

On this historic day as marriage equality comes to the State of Florida, I was saddened that your statement [quoted below] reiterates the false dichotomy that providing equal protection for same-sex couples and protecting religious liberty are two “sides of the gay lesbian marriage issue.”

Nothing could be further from the truth.

We live in a democracy, and regardless of our disagreements, we have to respect the rule of law. I hope that we can also show respect for the good people on all sides of the gay and lesbian marriage issue — including couples making lifetime commitments to each other who are seeking greater legal protections and those of us who believe marriage is a sacrament and want to safeguard religious liberty.

With all due respect, this statement categorically fails to show respect for the “good people” who are this very day promising to love, honor and cherish the love of their life until death do they part by dismissing their marriages as an “issue.”

For the record, gay and lesbian Americans don’t pay gay taxes, we don’t pledge gay allegiance to the flag, we don’t fold gay laundry or take out gay trash to the curb and we don’t have “gay marriages.” Marriage is marriage – the civil contract that provides married couples with over 1000 rights and responsibilities. And — as of today: January 6, 2014 — marriage discrimination against gay and lesbian couples has ended in the state of Florida.

Further, with all due respect, I challenge your assertion that there is a dichotomy between believing marriage is a sacrament and wanting to safeguard religious liberty and the fact that couples making lifelong commitments to each other are now receiving the legal protections of marriage. As an Episcopal priest I believe marriage is a sacrament – and as an American citizen I believe safeguarding religious liberty is a fundamental value of our great nation.

Because here’s the deal: The First Amendment protects your right to believe absolutely anything you choose to about what God blesses or doesn’t bless; intends or doesn’t intend; is present or is absent in … up to and including whether there is a God at all. What it does NOT protect is your right to confuse what you believe with what the Constitution protects. And again and again and again the highest courts in the land have agreed that the equal protection guaranteed all Americans is not equal protection unless it equally protects all Americans equally.

Our religious liberty is adequately safeguarded by that First Amendment. No Roman Catholic priest can be compelled to marry a divorced couple against his faith. No Orthodox rabbi can be required to marry an interfaith couple against his tradition. And no clergy person is going to be forced to marry a gay or lesbian couple contrary to their beliefs. Meanwhile, the religious liberty of those of us who do believe the values of marriage transcend the gender of the couple now have the liberty to offer both equal blessing and equal protection to all the couples who stand before us, promising to love, honor and cherish the love of their life until death do they part.

So yes: let’s all agree regardless of our disagreements, we have to respect the rule of law. And yes: let’s respect the dignity of good people of deep faith who come to various conclusions about what their faith tells them about marriage.

But please – with all due respect – let’s stop perpetuating the lie that marriage equality is a threat to religious liberty. Because nothing could be further from the truth. And that, you will recall, is covered in the Ninth Commandment.

The Reverend Canon Susan Russell
All Saints Church, Pasadena CA

NEWS: Jamie Dornan, John Boehner, Gay Adulation, 'Absolutely Fabulous'

NEWS: Jamie Dornan, John Boehner, Gay Adulation, 'Absolutely Fabulous'

Jamie RoadCourtney Love set to make her opera debut in NYC this week.

RoadEW takes a look at Paul Rudd as Ant-Man.

RoadJamie Dornan dons some leather for British GQ and chats about wearing a special sock for his member during sex scenes for 50 Shades of Grey: “Your dignity is intact as much as it’s all tucked away in a little flesh-coloured bag… As a guy you put all your essentials in a little bag and you tie it up like a little bag of grapes and it’s tucked away. Its quite a peculiar thing to do every day.”

RoadBradley Cooper dons an afro for some birthday air guitar with Jimmy Fallon.

RoadLana del Rey talks her new album, “Honeymoon.”

RoadRosamund Pike covers Vanity Fair. Apparently did 36 takes of her sex scene with Neil Patrick Harris in Gone Girl.

RoadEllen pranks wife Portia de Rossi by filming her working out to her vintage Jane Fonda workout tape.

RoadRep. John Boehner has defeated Tea Party challengers Louie Gohmert and Ted Yoho and been re-elected as Speaker of the House of Representatives.

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RoadCorey Booker has a little fun at Rand Paul’s expense on Twitter.

RoadDo young straight men crave gay adulation?

RoadDoe, a deer, a female deer: deer shot with arrow by hunter attacks said hunter. 

RoadBuzzFeed looks at the queer youth of today.

RoadEverything old is new again: the Walkman is coming back.

RoadJennifer Saunders has finished the first draft of the script for the Ab Fab movie.

RoadSam Smith to be featured on Rihanna’s forthcoming album.

RoadChanning Tatum will play the X-Men character Gambit in new spin-off movie.

RoadCoachella 2015 lineup announced.

RoadThe final two episodes of Game of Thrones season 4 will be appearing in IMAX theaters later this month.

Sean Mandell

Jeb Bush on Marriage Equality: Respect 'Rule of Law, Safeguard Religious Liberty'

Jeb Bush on Marriage Equality: Respect 'Rule of Law, Safeguard Religious Liberty'

The man widely considered to be a frontrunner in the GOP race for the White House in 2016 still doesn’t support same-sex marriage, but he says he will respect laws that embrace it.

read more

Sunnivie Brydum

Interview With Dina Martina, Hilariously Surreal Raconteur

Interview With Dina Martina, Hilariously Surreal Raconteur
2015-01-06-DinaMartina1.jpgPhoto Credit: David Belisle

There are some artists that defy definition by being so fiercely original that any attempt to classify them winds up being reductive, and then there is Dina Martina. For more than 25 years, Dina has been delighting audiences around the country with her profoundly unique performances, causing such luminaries as John Waters to remark that, “Dina Martina goes way beyond drag into some new kind of twisted art.” Whether she is recreating television commercials or covering obscure Neil Diamond songs, there is no mistaking Dina’s art for anyone else’s.

Since Dina is a fully realized individual, I thought it prudent to use this interview not just as a way to really get to know her, but also as means to get her insights about the some of the biggest news stories of 2014. As we all begin our march through this (still relatively) new year, who better to reflect on 2014’s goings-on than this well-seasoned “former child prodigy?”

With so many years of performing under your belt(s), where do you look to draw inspiration for new material?

I’m inspired by so many people: Colonel Sanders, Fatty Arbuckle, Bigfoot, Ke$ha (I know she doesn’t spell her name with a dollar sign anymore, but I couldn’t find a cents sign). Sometimes I’m inspired by Shakespeare too; he used to do shows. I’m also inspired by my dreams. Last night I dreamed I was a wet nurse at the Olive Garden, and instead of mother’s milk I produced creamy Alfredo sauce.

Do you have any pre-show rituals that really help get your motor running?

I usually try to eat some Lipton California Onion Dip before I go on. It’s so important to eat a diet that’s rich in sodium.

What was it that first brought Dina Martina to the stage?

When I was four, my mother entered me into the Little Miss Las Vegas Pageant and I won. Things really took off from there and I started doing a lot of commercials. Baby shampoo commercials, cereal commercials – mostly breakfast cereals – and I was also the original Johnson’s Thumbtacks girl. Then when I was a teenager I got into modeling, mostly for the Braille edition of Vogue.

Singing is a major aspect of your live show – at what point did you realize that you had such a vocal gift?

Well I’ve enjoyed my singing since I was born, but I realized that pretty much everyone else loved it too, during the talent round of the Little Miss Las Vegas Pageant, when I sang a lovely piece by Beethoven. That’s when everyone started calling me “The Pipe,” referring to my golden pipes.

What is your favorite part of being a performer?

Oh man, where do I start? Show Business has more fringe bennies than you can shake a thing at. You get to hang with Industry and Brass, you know, it’s all luxury pavilions and celebrity pleasure domes, chauffeured PT Cruisers, V.I.P. receptions with balloon animals, swag bags with prime rib, men who always wear cummerbunds, iceberg wedges and Cold Duck…it’s pretty dolce. Plus, I love me some smoke and mirrors.

2015-01-06-DinaMatina2.jpgPhoto Credit: David Belisle

Now on to some global and domestic politics. What do you make about this year’s kerfuffle surrounding “Obamacare”?

Not much; I don’t pay attention to kerfuffles until they become donnybrooks.

Pretty recently, several hundred people around the country were aware that there was a Midterm election. The democrats lost their majority, and it looks like the entire South is now what highly educated political analysts would refer to as, “red.” What do you think about this apparent cultural shift?

I really empathize with the Democrats, because I remember when I lost my majority, in the back seat of a ’75 Pacer, and my south was pretty red, too.

Any thoughts on the recent hacking of Sony?
I hate it. I’ve always loved Sony and Cher.

I was referring to the hacking of Sony Pictures and the subsequent release of tons of their “classified” information.

Oh. Well see, that’s why I don’t like computers and stuff. I mean, I realize that the Internet can be a wonderful resource and all, but boy, TV never gave us problems like this…’member? You could watch Miami Vice or Mr. Belvedere ’til the cows came home and you never needed a password and North Korea had to actually sit through Hollywood’s movies to find out who Hollywood’s minimally talented actresses were, just like the rest of us. Boy, those were the days.

The latest food trend sweeping the nation is sticking to foods that are gluten-free. Are you a fan of gluten, and if so, does this movement feel a bit like a personal affront to your epicurean preferences?

I am a fan of gluten, thank you for asking. But when I was little, we couldn’t afford it on account of my mother being the sole breadwinner (my father died in childbirth) so gluten was something of a delicacy in my youth. I was pretty much raised on an old family recipe of raisins, butter and Crisco (in a bowl) until I started bringing in money too, which augmented my mother’s income, and at that point we were able to start having things like gluten with Karo syrup, gluten loaf and baby back gluten. Since then, I’ve developed quite a taste for it.

Former child star and current Santa Claus warrior Kirk Cameron recently released his film Kirk Cameron’s Saving Christmas, which has an unbelievable 0% rating on As an annual celebrator of the holiday, what about Christmas do you think needs saving?

The bows.

Games played on cellphones (such as Flappy Bird, the sixth most searched term on Google last year), are taking over the free time of adults and children alike. What would your ideal phone-based game be?

It would be a game where the player who figured out how to be removed from the ValPak Coupon mailing list would win a million billion trillion dollars.

Finally, with only about two years to go until our next Presidential election, who would Dina Martina like to see elected to the highest office in the land?

That’s a tough one. Definitely not Rachael Ray or Pitbull, but possibly my friend Doreen…or Lyndon Baines Johnson, if he were still alive, because he had the same initials as Little Baby Jesus.

2015-01-06-DinaMartina3.pngPhoto Credit: David Belisle

Keep abreast of all things Dina Martina:

Reintroduced Respect for Marriage Act Would Fully Repeal Discriminatory Defense of Marriage Act

Reintroduced Respect for Marriage Act Would Fully Repeal Discriminatory Defense of Marriage Act

RMA would fully remove the DOMA from the books and establish a clear rule for the federal government that all married same-sex couples have access to equal rights, benefits, and protections under federal law.


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