Bill Reintroduced in the House to Close Discriminatory Loophole in Copyright Act

Bill Reintroduced in the House to Close Discriminatory Loophole in Copyright Act

Today, U.S. Representatives Derek Kilmer (D-WA), Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), and Jared Polis (D-CO) reintroduced a bipartisan bill that would fix discriminatory wording in the Copyright Act.

Pastor Warns Of “Tsunami” Of Gay People Unleashed By Anderson Cooper That Only Laura Ingalls Wilder Can Stop

Pastor Warns Of “Tsunami” Of Gay People Unleashed By Anderson Cooper That Only Laura Ingalls Wilder Can Stop

Larry-Tomczak-YouTube-800x430“The indoctrination and propaganda coming from those advocating a gay lifestyle in our country, classrooms and culture are increasing,” Larry Tomczat (pictured) cautions in a new, unintentionally hilarious op-ed published by Christian Post. “All of us need to take note and take action to guard those we love.”

Tomczat then proceeds to detail every way in which gay Hollywood is “bombarding” the masses with homosexual propaganda, writing in list form:

  • Super hyped “Empire” series starts with Oscar nominee Terrence Howard having a homosexual son – and he’s a hunk.
  • “Glee” features over five gay characters.
  • Home and remodeling reality shows regularly feature lesbians and gays in partnerships exploring homes.
  • “Modern Family” features a gay couple who married over two episodes recently.
  • “Ellen DeGeneres” celebrates her lesbianism and “marriage” in between appearances of guests like Taylor Swift to attract young girls.
  • Dancing with the Stars” hosts a gay judge and gay couples.
  • “Biggest Loser” had lesbian Jillian Michaels as a role model coach.
  • “The Good Wife” now has a lesbian/bisexual investigator.
  • Scandal” has two gays.
  • “2 1/2 Men” just added a lesbian daughter.
  • “Grey’s Anatomy” highlights a lesbian couple with their child.
  • “Survivor” and other reality shows regularly parade homosexuals as contestants.
  • Anderson Cooper boasts openly on TV he’d rather “have sex” with a man plus co-hosts New Year’s Eve festivities nationwide.

“[A]re you really aware of this avalanche sweeping across our society today?” Tomczat asks. “It’s not a trickle it’s a Tsunami!”

(An avalanche and a tsunami? What are the odds of two things happening simultaneously? And in what part of the world?)

Tomczat then recounts a disturbing visit to a restaurant in Greenwich Village:

“A while ago I was in New York’s Greenwich Village sharing a meal when I engaged my waiter with this question, ‘Are there a lot of gay people in the Village?’ With a sly smile and twinkle in his eye he retorted, ‘Everybody in the Village is gay!’”

(The horror!)

But Tomczat says he wasn’t fooled.

“I didn’t believe his hyperbole for one minute,” he rambles, “but I know what’s behind that statement. Convey the impression that the LGBTQ lifestyle is simply an alternative way of living that is beautiful, natural and acceptable.”

Tomczat then goes on to explain what can be done about this dangerous threat. It’s as easy as “purchasing wholesome DVD series and streaming selected programs are great alternatives. The Fugitive, Gunsmoke, Little House on the Prairie, I Love Lucy and other award-winning shows are all available and cheap,” he writes.

“As ‘salt’ and ‘light’ Christians, we represent a bulwark against this tidal wave of unprecedented evil,” he continues. “May all of us be found faithful and vigilant at our posts.”

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Graham Gremore

Kyrgyzstan MP Calls For Public Extermination Of All Homosexuals: VIDEO

Kyrgyzstan MP Calls For Public Extermination Of All Homosexuals: VIDEO

Narynbek Maldobaev

Kyrgyzstan, a small central Asian nation just east of Uzbekistan and north of Afghanistan, is a relatively newly independent nation, just 25 years out of being a part of the Soviet republic. With this new independence, there are two primary forces fighting for control, neither of which is desirable, and both of which are extremely anti-gay: Russian President Vladimir Putin and radical Islam.

A 26-minute film by Vocativ covers a broad swath of the issues facing the nation, including the nation’s attitude towards gays and lesbians. There is resistance to the “Western idea” of accepting people for who they are, and MP Narynbek Maldobaev went so far as to call for an extermination, saying:

If it were up to me, I would round them up, the despicable criminals. I’d bring them to a public square and there I would publicly punish them.

When the interviewer asked for clarification on whether “punish” meant execute, Madobaev responded in the affirmative, saying that it would be, “In order to cleanse society.” Rather than attempt genocide, the Kyrgyzstan government will be voting on a Russia-like anti gay propaganda bill and it looks like it’s enactment will be just as oppressive and even more brutal.

You can watch the documentary, and fast-forward to 1:30 for the statements by Madobaev, AFTER THE JUMP…

Christian Walters

Aaron Schock Is Either Gay Or In The Closet, Mario Cantone Claims On 'The View'

Aaron Schock Is Either Gay Or In The Closet, Mario Cantone Claims On 'The View'
Out comedian Mario Cantone believes Republican Congressman Aaron Schock of Illinois is either gay or in the closet.

The “Sex and the City” star made the claims about Schock in an installment of “The View” this week during a discussion about a Politico piece titled “The Secret History of Women in the Senate,” which reported that the U.S. Senate’s swimming pool had once been off limits to women because male senators enjoyed swimming nude.

Overhead monitors cut to a shirtless Men’s Health photograph of Schock, who has a severe anti-gay voting record, after which “View” co-host Nicolle Wallace remarked that the congressman’s presence might make the swimming pool more inviting.

‘If he’s a Democrat, he’s gay,” Cantone shot back. “If he’s a Republican, he’s in the closet. Come on, look at him!’

As a 2009 Details profile pointed out, Schock has been dogged by speculation over his sexuality for years, even though he has repeatedly stated that he is straight. In 2012, he shrugged off the rumors in an interview with HuffPost Gay Voices Editor-At-Large Michelangelo Signorile, saying questions about his sexuality were “completely ridiculous and inappropriate.”

Still, in January 2014, journalist Itay Hod sparked a social media firestorm after he appeared to out the congressman on Facebook.

Hod, who has appeared on CBS and LOGO, did not specifically name Schock in the post, but nonetheless referenced “a certain GOP congressman, let’s just say from Illinois,” and implied that said politician had been caught showering with a male roommate and “trolling gay bars” despite being vehemently opposed to marriage equality and other LGBT rights. He then added a link to an piece entitled “The 7 gayest Aaron Schock Instagram posts of 2013.”

(h/t Gay Star News)

LYNX Hair Wants You To “Kiss The Hottest Boy” In Its Latest Pro-Gay Commercial

LYNX Hair Wants You To “Kiss The Hottest Boy” In Its Latest Pro-Gay Commercial

LYNX hairstyling products have a message for you: One day your hair is going to thin and eventually fall out. So make the most of it while it’s still there. And kiss the hottest boy, while you’re at it.

We’re always a bit suspicious when company’s try too hard to pander to the gays, but the latest LYNX commercial gets it totally right, and not just because it features a convincing smooch between two totally adorable guys. It’s fun, flashy, and it offers a good reminder not to take our manly locks for granted.

Check out the extended edition of the latest LYNX commercial below.

Related stories:

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Graham Gremore

Panti Bliss Gets Standing Ovation for Fierce TED Talk on Homophobia: VIDEO

Panti Bliss Gets Standing Ovation for Fierce TED Talk on Homophobia: VIDEO


Panti Bliss, (aka Rory O’Neill) who made international headlines last February after an impassioned speech against homophobia on stage in Dublin went viral, was invited to do a TED talk on September 12 and the speech, which showcases Panti’s wit and speaking talents spectacularly, was posted to YouTube yesterday.

The speech, titled “All The Little Things”, concerns the homophobia in society which chips away at a gay person’s self worth and well-being:

Bliss“Everyday I am jealous of straight people because that tiny intimate expression of affection has never once been mine…I am jealous of that because gay people do not get to hold hands in public without first considering the risk…We look around to see where are we, who’s around, what kind of place is it…are there bunches of lads outside a pub? … I’m 45 years old and I have never once casually, comfortably, carelessly held hands with a partner in public… I’m 45 and I’m fed up of putting up so I’m not anymore. I’m 45 years old and I’m not putting up anymore because I don’t have the energy anymore. Putting up is exhausting. I’m 45 years old and I’m not putting up anymore because I don’t have the patience anymore. I was born 6 months before the Stonewall riots and you have had 45 years to work out that despite appearances, I am just as ordinary, just as unremarkable, and just as human as you are. I’m 45 years old and I’m not asking anymore. I am just being…human being.”

Watch Panti take it away, AFTER THE JUMP


Andy Towle


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