I'm a Lesbian Married to a Man

I'm a Lesbian Married to a Man
At 50, I was finally able to admit to myself that I was a lesbian. I have been married for over 25 years and have a daughter, 15. My marriage has been a martyrdom, as I have no desire.

I have always been attracted to women, but never had the courage to accept it. Then came the religious prohibitions that have caused distress to my sex life. Since adolescence, my first experiences with sex were with men, but they were never good. I thought it was because there was no passion. At 16, I had a different kind of relationship with a co-worker. She pleased me, we were always together, and there was a lot of affection, but we never touched each other. There was the desire, but there was also a great fear, because, in my mind, if you liked women you were a dyke, butch, and I’ve always been very feminine. I did not understand the lesbian world.

I ended up getting married, more for convenience than for passion. To have a little pleasure, close my eyes and imagine myself having sex with a woman. To dream often of being able to experiment, because just by looking at an interesting woman, I could tell the sex with her would be complete, fulfilling. My husband does not understand why I don’t seek him out or why I don’t feel joy in our sexual relationship. In the other areas of our life, we get along well. He is a great husband and I feel guilty for not being able to feel pleasure with him. But I don’t have the courage to speak up.

The only time I spoke with someone about this was on Brazilian blog BlogSouBi (Blog I’m bi), because I knew I would not be rejected there. I’m too scared to face the world, my family. I’ve thought about divorce, but the fear is too great and I end up just leaving things as they are. I wonder how long I will be able to bear this secret. Getting it off my chest feels good.
The fear, the impositions of family and the judgment of society can lead one to make that kind of choice: to pretend to be happy.

“The time of plural truths is over. Now we live in the time of the universal lie. We have never lied so much. We live a lie every day,” wrote the Portuguese writer José Saramago. And this “now” has already lasted a long time.

This article was originally posted in BlogSouBi and published on BrasilPost; it was translated into English.


Right-Wing Pundit Compares Gay Activists To French Terrorist Murderers

Right-Wing Pundit Compares Gay Activists To French Terrorist Murderers

1024px-Erick_Erickson_by_Gage_SkidmoreYou could see this coming. Right-wing pundit Erick Erickson, who never met a crackpot opinion he didn’t like, thinks that gay activists are the equivalent of the terrorists in France who murdered 12 employees of a satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and then engaged in a rampage in the Jewish neighborhood of Paris.

How do we rate this comparison? We objected to Kevin Cochran, the fire chief in Atlanta, for self-publishing a book that describes gay people as “vile,” “vulgar,” and “perverts.” Cochran was canned by Mayor Kasim Reed for violating city policy and proving that Cochran lacked the “judgment and ability to manage the department.”

Apparently, to Erickson that’s the equivalent of turning automatic weapons on innocent citizens.

Gay activists “believe that the views they want to silence are not worthy of ever being spoken…and so they must be punished, they must be vanquished, and everyone must know it’s going to happen to them as well,” Erickson said on his radio show, appearing to barrel toward a denunciation of the Paris attackers.

“And so they did the only thing they could do, the only thing they knew to do,” he continued. “They went to the mayor of Atlanta and demanded he fire the chief of the fire department for daring to mock them.”

Erickson explicitly linked the activists’ objections (otherwise known as the expression of free speech) to the terrorist activities in France (otherwise known as murder).

“The terrorists did what had to be done to publicly destroy and ruin the offender…and the terrorists won in Atlanta,” Erickson insisted.

Erickson is always looked for non-existent connections to stir up outrage. Not that long ago, he was blaming the lack of an Ebola vaccine on fat lesbians. He’s a little wobbly in his ideological understanding, though. He used to just compare us to Nazis. Only in Erickson’s imagination would Muslim terrorists and Nazis be one and the same.



Amazing New Technology Allows Guys To Photograph Their Penises In 3D

Amazing New Technology Allows Guys To Photograph Their Penises In 3D

aboutAt long last, the technology you’ve been waiting for has finally arrived.

Scanify’s handheld 3D scanner bills itself as “the world’s first point-and-shoot 3D scanner.” It allows users to take three dimensional photographs of anything — yes, anything – their hearts desire because, well, why not?

The device, which has only been made available to a small handful of people, is already causing a stir, mainly among men who have been using it to print 3D pictures of their penises. What they do with the pictures afterwards is anyone’s guess.

“When we set out to create Scanify, our goal was to democratize the 3D movement for consumers and, in particular, to allow for the personalization of their creations,” Fuel3C CEO Stuart Mead said in a press release. “Scanify allows consumers to transform highly-complex subjects — such as the human face — into high-detail, full-color 3D scans as quickly as they could take a photo using a digital camera.”

Using Scanify is easy. All a person needs to do is point the device at the subject they’d like to photograph (i.e. their penis) and rotate it around 360-degrees to capture every angle. Once the subject is “mapped,” it’s turned into an image that can then be shared online or sent to a 3D printer. The whole process takes less than one minute.

Here’s a slightly disturbing NSFW video that shows exactly how it’s done.

But don’t get too excited, fellas, because photographing your penis in 3D is going to cost you. Scanify starts at $1,490. It’s currently available for pre-order now from Fuel3D, and is expected to ship in the first quarter of 2015.

Here’s hoping that price drops by next Christmas.

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