Kentucky Judge Grants State's First Same Sex Divorce

Kentucky Judge Grants State's First Same Sex Divorce

Screenshot 2015-01-13 17.44.36Though Kentucky has yet to legalize same-sex marriage, or even deign to recognize gay unions performed out-of-state, a Jefferson County Family Court judge struck a blow for marriage equality by granting the first legal same-sex divorce in the state. Judge Joseph O’Reilly divorced Alysha Romero and Rebecca Sue Romero, a lesbian couple who were first married in Massachusetts in 2009, citing Kentucky law that requires judges to “liberally” construe the legal proceedings surrounding divorce so as to encourage “amicable settlements” between people looking to split.

“The Constitution of Kentucky prohibits the exercise of absolute and arbitrary power over [its peoples’] lives,” O’Reilly said. “Even if that exercise is approved of by the largest majority.”

Aysha Romero’s lawyer, Louis Waterman, argued that despite Kentucky’s refusal to acknowledge out-of-state gay marriages, a decision to not grant the Romeros a divorce would be tantamount to the state recognizing them as being married.

O’Reilly first made his ruling in late December of last year, but held off making it public until the new year, after his retirement. O’Reilly is not seeking re-election, and because the window for appeals has since passed his ruling has become precedent in Jefferson county, though it can’t be used in other Kentucky cases.

“I am just thrilled with Judge O’Reilly’s courage,” said Waterman. “I think he had a lot of chutzpah to do what he did.”


Charles Pulliam-Moore

Matt Bomer Slated To Play Montgomery Clift, Iconic Hollywood Closeted Gay Man

Matt Bomer Slated To Play Montgomery Clift, Iconic Hollywood Closeted Gay Man
One of our favorite queer celebrities is set to take on a new role playing one of the most iconic gay men to ever work in Hollywood — and who never came out.

Recent Golden Globe recipient Matt Bomer is slated to play Montgomery Clift in a new HBO biopic. According to People, Clift was one of Hollywood’s most charismatic leading men, whose sexuality was not publicly known about until after his death in 1965.

Bomer recently won a Golden Globe for “Best Supporting Actor” for his role in Larry Kramer’s emotional play-turned-HBO movie “The Normal Heart.”

During his acceptance speech the hunky actor, who has also quickened pulses when he appeared in the TV series “White Collar” and the film “Magic Mike,” among other projects, thanked his husband, publicist Simon Halls, and their three children, Kit, Walker and Henry.

The British Army Will Now Ask Recruits If They’re Gay Before Enlisting

The British Army Will Now Ask Recruits If They’re Gay Before Enlisting

British-armed-forces-007It may initially spark a few red flags as government invasion of privacy, but gay rights groups are applauding the British Armed Forces for announcing they will now ask new recruits to disclose their sexual preferences.

Well, not all their sexual preferences (keep the handcuffs to yourself), but whether they’re gay.

It’s important to note that the disclosure is completely optional — recruits are free to opt out if they so choose. The logic is that the more personnel records the forces has on its service men and women, the more support and protection they can provide.

James Wharton, who suffered violent attacks in the Household ­Cavalry’s Blues and Royals for being gay and who was once famously saved by Prince Harry, said:

“It’s fantastic news. But it’s important troops don’t have to reveal sexual ­preferences. I wasn’t ready to do that.”

The ban on gay troops has been lifted since 2010. Since then, the Ministry of Defense has issued several retroactive human rights payouts to soldiers who were discriminated against based on sexuality.


H/t: Mirror

Dan Tracer

Naomi Campbell On Support For The LGBT Community: 'If It Wasn't For Gay Men I Wouldn't Exist' – VIDEO

Naomi Campbell On Support For The LGBT Community: 'If It Wasn't For Gay Men I Wouldn't Exist' – VIDEO


Supermodel Naomi Campbell recently spoke with GLAAD about her upcoming role on the show Empire, which prominently features a gay storyline, and, more broadly, about why she supports the LGBT community. Referring to her recent appearance at GLAAD’s media awards and questions she received on the red carpet as to why she was there, Campbell responded, “Why shouldn’t I be here? I was…if it wasn’t for gay men I wouldn’t exist. Hair, make-up, designer, photographer, stylist, manicure, hair-dresser, I mean, I just wouldn’t exist. I owe my life to gay men. And it’s just what I’ve grown up with. It’s my family.”

Speaking about the character Jamal on Empire, who is gay, Campbell commented, “I think Jamal’s character is so important. And it will hopefully bring a lot of people out.”

Watch Campbell’s interview, AFTER THE JUMP…

Campbell will make her first appearance on Empire on January 21st. 

Sean Mandell


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