NCLR and HRC File Joint Brief in Transgender Discrimination Case

NCLR and HRC File Joint Brief in Transgender Discrimination Case

Yesterday, NCLR and HRC filed a joint brief in a U.S. District Court supporting former Saks Fifth Avenue employee Leyth Jamal, who has filed a case alleging that Saks discriminated against her for being transgender.

Macedonian Parliament Votes To Ban Same-Sex Marriage And Civil Unions

Macedonian Parliament Votes To Ban Same-Sex Marriage And Civil Unions


The European Parliament Intergroup on LGBT Rights is reporting that the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) has voted to constitutionally ban same-sex marriage.

Politicians began the process in July of last year when they agreed to consider constitutional amendments put forward by the conservative government.

The country’s parliament voted by 72-4 yesterday to legally define marriage as between one man and one woman. The move will also make future legislation for civil unions extremely difficult.

An earlier version of the amendment explicitly banning same-sex civil unions and registered cohabitations was criticized by a Council of Europe advisory body.

However, Tanja Fajon MEP, Vice-President of the Intergroup on LGBTI Rights, said that “instead of taking the [criticism] seriously, and guaranteeing equal rights for all couples, the government, supported by parliament, decided to create a constitutional obstacle to even create possible legislation on this issue in the future.”

Sophie in ‘t Veld MEP, Vice-President of the Intergroup, added:

“LGBTI people in Macedonia face severe stigma and are all too often faced with hate crime, to which authorities fail to react.

“The Macedonian government should realise diversity is the source of prosperity and social stability, not an obstacle for it. Inversely, homophobia has never created a single job or indeed solved any other problem. Macedonia would be better served by following the trend of an increasing number of countries in Europe and the Americas where same-sex couples are legally recognised and protected.”

The amendment still needs final confirmation through an additional parliamentary vote and presidential approval.

Jim Redmond

'BLgTUSA: The First 50 State Food Tour For Equality' Engaged In Kickstarter Campaign

'BLgTUSA: The First 50 State Food Tour For Equality' Engaged In Kickstarter Campaign
Can a sandwich change the landscape of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) equality in America?

“BLgTUSA” bills itself as the first 50 state food tour for equality and hopes to raise awareness surrounding issues affecting the LGBT community through food.

Coordinated by Taryn Miller-Stevens and Peter Stolarski, “BLgTUSA” is currently engaged in a Kickstarter campaign in order to fund the proposed cross-country excursion. The trip is slated to take place from May 22 – Sept. 22, 2015 and involve the participation of local chefs and LGBT centers.

In order to learn more about this project, The Huffington Post chatted with Miller-Stevens and Stolarski this week.


The Huffington Post: How did the idea for The United States of BLgT campaign come about?
Taryn Miller-Stevens & Peter Stolarski: We were hungry… we were hungry for a fresh approach to do more for LGBT equality. We heard it from our friends and family, too — they cared, but they didn’t know what to do for the cause. We wanted to create something approachable, nostalgic and universal that amplified the good work already happening around the nation. And it had to be crazy fun!

We also wanted to spark local conversations on national issues — BEYOND marriage. National news has focused on marriage equality over the past few years, and rightfully so, as we’ve experienced kick ass historic wins. But what often doesn’t make the news are the realities — like in 29 states you can be fired for being LGBT, or that 40 percent of all homeless youth identify as LGBT. When we learned this we thought, “Are you for real?!” We can do better. We must do better. All of us. In every state.

We reflected — in Provincetown of course — where do people connect best? The first image that popped — smiling faces, breaking bread. We got lucky with the BLT sharing the same letters with LGBT. Hence the creation of a brand spanking new sandwich, the BLgT, and a national tour partnering chefs with local LGBT Centers.


What does food have to do with fighting for equality?
Food is universal — young, old, black, brown, white, rainbow, LGBT or straight — everyone needs to eat! There is also a human connection that happens around a table when people eat together. Food unites us in a moment of shared experience — especially if you’re sitting down to eat, everyone is at the same eye level. What better way to break awkward silences and create lasting bonds than with delicious food (and maybe a little dance party, to boot)?

What can people expect when they visit you on you journey across the country?
The plan is to set-up shop in at least one city per state. When we roll up in the BLgT Truck we will host, with the help of our Partner Chef and Center, an epic event. Here people can eat, learn, share, dance and, most importantly, connect. For those who can’t make it out to one of our BLgT Tour stops, we will have a special online experience to get people excited, engaged and connected to the cause.


Do you think that queer people have a special affinity for food and food culture? Why?
There are all kinds of foodies out there! LGBT or straight… food does not discriminate. What might draw LGBT people to food culture is that food inherently builds community. LGBT people are 3.5 percent of the U.S. population (Williams Institute 2011), which means we have to proactively search for our people. Food feeds that connection.

At the end of the campaign, what do you hope has been achieved?
One Million People Getting Out For Equality — online and in the flesh. This means supporters backing us today on Kickstarter to make the BLgTUSA Tour happen. Sharing stories and content. Purchasing sandwiches with proceeds going to Centers. Giving time or donations to local LGBT nonprofits. Doing good, spreading love. And at least 60 dance parties — one in every city. Food. Equality. America… We got this!

Head here to visit the “BLgT” Kickstarter campaign.

Rob Lowe Remembers Working Next Door To A Dildo Factory: VIDEO

Rob Lowe Remembers Working Next Door To A Dildo Factory: VIDEO


How do you know you’re working on a TV show no one believes will succeed? A good indicator according to Rob Lowe is that you’re working next door to a dildo factory.

The Parks and Recreation actor shared his experience working on The Lion’s Den which shot next to a dildo factory at a time when the factory was threatened by forest fires. Hence this gem: “The dildo people were running for the hills!”

Find out more about the dildo people, AFTER THE JUMP…

Sean Mandell


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