Mike Huckabee Says States Can Ignore Supreme Court 'Judicial Supremacy' On Gay Marriage

Mike Huckabee Says States Can Ignore Supreme Court 'Judicial Supremacy' On Gay Marriage

Mike Huckabee

Perhaps in response to his very public drubbing on The Daily Show over his bizarre culture war against Beyoncé, Mike Huckabee has gone back to his other favorite whipping boy: gays and gay marriage.

On Tuesday night he disputed what he calls the “notion of judicial supremacy“, meaning that what the courts rule is what reigns supreme in the law of the land:

One thing I am angry about though … is this notion of judicial supremacy, where if the court makes a decision, I hear governors and even some aspirants to the presidency say, ‘Well that’s settled, it’s the law of the land.’ No, it’s not the law of the land.

Deliberately or not, Huckabee is nit-picking semantics. No, the Supreme Court does not make laws. It does decide implementation of existing laws, however, and should the Court determine that gay marriage bans are unconstitutional then all state bans are null and void, just as with what happened with Loving v. Virginia and the anti-miscegenation laws. The states do not get to decide whether they abide by that ruling, courtesy of the Supremacy Clause which, incidentally, explicitly states that laws made in pursuance of the Constitution are, in fact, the law of the land.

In an attempt to truly emulate Christ, Huckabee was sure to put himself up on the cross for his beliefs:

I may be lonely, I may be the only one, but I’m going to stand absolutely faithful to the issue of marriage not because it’s a politically expedient thing to do because it isn’t. I’m going to do it because I believe it’s the right position, it’s the biblical position, it’s the historical position.

Christian Walters


Trans Student Says University Staff Harassed, Kicked Him Out of Locker Room

Trans Student Says University Staff Harassed, Kicked Him Out of Locker Room

A.T. Furuya says he was berated by both a schoolmate and gym staff, who allegedly told him to leave the locker room despite San Diego State’s clear nondiscrimination policy.

read more

Mitch Kellaway


'One Big Happy,' Sitcom Produced By Ellen DeGeneres, Releases Sneak Peek (VIDEO)

'One Big Happy,' Sitcom Produced By Ellen DeGeneres, Releases Sneak Peek (VIDEO)
Are you ready for Ellen’s next big move?

The beloved talk show host is currently producing a new sitcom slated to premiere on March 17. Titled “One Big Happy,” the show will star Elisha Cuthbert, Nick Zano and Kelly Brook.

The “One Big Happy” plot line reportedly involves a straight man (Zano) and gay woman (Cuthbert) who decide to have a baby together. However, after Cuthbert’s character becomes pregnant, another woman enters the picture when Zano finds a serious girlfriend (Brook).

In the words of DeGeneres herself, “You will love it, and I’ll tell you why: there’s a lesbian in it.”

Check out the sneak peek above!


NY Governor Andrew Cuomo Gives State of the State as Advocates Push for Gender Identity Protections

NY Governor Andrew Cuomo Gives State of the State as Advocates Push for Gender Identity Protections

The NYS Trans Rights Coalition, the Empire State Pride Agenda, the Human Rights Campaign and others continue to work together to urge the New York State Senate to pass the Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act (GENDA) in 2015.


If Guys Acted In Real Life The Way They Do On Gay Apps

If Guys Acted In Real Life The Way They Do On Gay Apps

Screen Shot 2015-01-21 at 1.28.13 PMIt’s been argued that the gay social scene is getting more and more cramped. Pocket sized, even.

And as digital grids of thirsty queens replace public cruising, it only makes sense that people’s behavior would get more audacious. What’s the worst that can happen? You get ignored, blocked, maybe a nasty response. But the rejection is minimal, and then it’s on to the next.

What would happen if the tables turned again and we transferred our digital behavior back into the 3D world?

In San Francisco, it might go something like this:

Dan Tracer


Chilean House of Representatives Approves Civil Unions Bill

Chilean House of Representatives Approves Civil Unions Bill

The Chilean House of Representatives has passed a bill that would legalize civil unions for same-sex couples, The Washington Blade reports: 

6a00d8341c730253ef01b7c6f0ecfa970b-200wi“People of the same-sex will have the opportunity to demonstrate that they have the right to be happy,” said gay Congressman Claudio Arriagada Macaya after the vote,according to La Tercera.

Rolando Jiménez, president of the Movement for Homosexual Integration and Liberation, a Chilean LGBT advocacy group, also praised the vote.

“We dedicate this day, this moment, to the gay and lesbian families that have suffered a historic burden of misunderstanding and prejudices,” he said in a statement. “Today it will be the state’s turn to strengthen them and protect them on equal terms.”

The bill, which passed by a vote of 86-23, was first approved by Chile’s Senate. President Michelle Bachelet is expected to sign the bill.

Another bill introduced in December would have gone further than the current civil unions bill, providing instead full marriage rights to same-sex couples. Jaime Parada Hoyl, a gay councilman in the Santiago community of Providencia, expressed concern that this current bill will derail more ambitious strides towards full equality for LGBT Chileans:

“It is good news for the equality of rights in Chile, but it is not the best,” Parada told the Blade late on Tuesday as he discussed the outcome of the civil unions bill. “Chile today should be discussing marriage equality with good legislative work, and above all with political will. The votes are there, or at the very least they are missing very few. My worry is that this (civil unions) bill, positive in its essence, will further delay full legal equality.”

Sean Mandell



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