New Kentucky Bill Targets Trans Kids Using The “Wrong” Bathroom With $2500 Bounty

New Kentucky Bill Targets Trans Kids Using The “Wrong” Bathroom With $2500 Bounty

senator-embry-facebook-800x430Kentucky Republican State Senator C.B. Embry has sponsored a bill that would effectively put a bounty on transgender students who are caught using the “wrong” gendered bathroom. Students who catch their trans peers using the facilities of their chosen gender would be entitled to sue the school for $2,500 worth of damages relating to “psychological and emotional damage.”

The bill would “require students born male to use only those facilities designated to be used by males and students born female to use only those facilities designated to be used by females.”

Embry says he has no problem with trans students, adding that “they’re certainly welcome to live their lives as they choose, if they want to dress as the opposite sex and the school is OK with that, that’s fine.”

In his mind, you have to draw the line somewhere, and that somewhere is the little male and female signs on bathrooms. Because god forbid we educate kids on what it means to be transgender. For Embry, it’s much easier to appease the “normal” kids while pointing a finger at the trans ones, telling them their identity isn’t real.

But before you go calling him a bigot, allow him to shove his foot a little further into his mouth. “I have a friend, and we can all say these things, who is a homosexual and she agrees that she doesn’t want men in her bathroom,” he told US News.

We’re so happy your one lesbian friend with no experience of being trans agrees with you on this. The rest of us, however, do not.

h/t Raw Story

Dan Tracer

Sam Smith Reportedly Splits From Boyfriend Jonathan Zeizel

Sam Smith Reportedly Splits From Boyfriend Jonathan Zeizel
Just weeks after their romantic Australian vacation, singer Sam Smith and boyfriend Jonathan Zeizel have reportedly called it quits.

The 22-year-old Grammy nominee, who is currently in the midst of a U.S. tour, seemed to hint at an apparent split with an emotional Instagram post:

Many have interpreted Smith’s words at a Jan. 20 performance in Toronto as an implying that he and Zeizel had gone their separate ways, too. In the middle of the concert, he introduced his song “Good Thing” by telling the crowd, “This is about a very similar thing I had to do today with someone I’ve been seeing.”

“Good Thing,” a cut off Smith’s smash debut album, “In The Lonely Hour,” features lyrics which reference a breakup: “Too much of a good thing won’t be good for long/Although you made my heart sing, to stay with you would be wrong.”

The Mirror cites a new interview with The Sun, which quotes Smith as saying, “Hopefully I will find someone soon and when I do I think it will be a bit more difficult to sing songs because I will want to sing happy songs.”

In the interview, said to have been conducted following his Toronto performance, Smith added, “Right now when I’m on stage I feel like it is good for me, it is like therapy every night. The music comforts me.”

Smith, who nabbed six Grammy nominations in December, confirmed last month that he was in the “very, very, very early days” of a relationship with an extra he’d met on the set of his “Like I Can” video.

He went public with Zeizel, a dancer and model, in a series of cozy Instagram snaps over the holidays. The couple even re-enacted the iconic scene from “Titanic” in one image.

H/T Towleroad

James Franco, Zachary Quinto, and Charlie Carver's Sex Scene Revealed in New 'I Am Michael' Photos

James Franco, Zachary Quinto, and Charlie Carver's Sex Scene Revealed in New 'I Am Michael' Photos


A set of new stills from the upcoming film I Am Michael, about former gay rights activist turned “ex-gay” poster boy Michael Glatze and starring James Franco, Zachary Quinto, and Charlie Carver, gives us the first look at a three-way sex scene between the actors as well as other key moments.

Franco plays Glatze while Quinto plays his then boyfriend Bennett. The duo bed Carver’s character in a club, according to a November report from E!:

“They first meet in a club. The music is pumping. It’s the eighties!” a source said. “When Charlie’s character questions Franco about having a boyfriend, Franco says, ‘He’d like you, too.'”

Cut to the bedroom, where the three are naked, intertwined and “kissing,” the source said. “You see their asses.” […]

The three enjoy a romance, but when Michael leaves, the breakup is “disastrous and heartbreaking,” the source said.

The film, produced by Gus van Sant, is premiering at Sundance. It’s based on the Benoit Denizet-Lewis NYT article “My Ex-Gay Friend”. Denizet-Lewis is a co-producer on the film. The film is directed by Justin Kelly.

Additional stills show the main characters at a rave party, Carver and Quinto together, Franco alone and despondent in what appears to be a tiled bathroom, Franco and Quinto kissing, and Franco embracing Emma Roberts.

Check them out, AFTER THE JUMP








Andy Towle

'The Rhodes Bros' Discuss Their Viral Coming Out Video With Ellen DeGeneres

'The Rhodes Bros' Discuss Their Viral Coming Out Video With Ellen DeGeneres
The gay teen brothers who became a viral sensation after an emotional video of themselves coming out to their father hit YouTube got even more personal in an interview with Ellen DeGeneres this week.

Aaron and Austin Rhodes, who are known on the Internet as “The Rhodes Bros,” said they felt more anxiety coming out to their father than they had with their mother.

“My parents got divorced when we were really young, so we didn’t really have that close relationship with our dad,” Aaron revealed. The brothers, who are originally from Ohio but now live in Los Angeles, said they came out to each other when they were both 16 years old.

Noting that he was inspired by other coming out videos that have made the blogosphere rounds, Austin said that the now-famous telephone call was “the scariest moment” of his young life.

“Leading up to it, we thought it was just going to be so easy,” he said. “But then, right when we called him … in my mind, I was like, this could potentially be the last time we have a normal phone call like this if he takes it bad.”

Later on, the twins’ father joined the interview, and while he appeared apprehensive at first, told Ellen that “there’s a weight off both our sides” ever since his sons came out as gay.

“Now we can talk about anything,” he said. “I was very proud of my boys.”

View the original coming out video below:

Ellen Meets Dad and Gay Twins Who Came Out in Emotional Viral YouTube Clip: VIDEO

Ellen Meets Dad and Gay Twins Who Came Out in Emotional Viral YouTube Clip: VIDEO


Last week popular YouTube vloggers Austin and Aaron Rhodes posted a video they shot of themselves coming out to their father shortly after coming out to their 56,000 subscribers.

TwinsThe emotional video quickly went viral and has been viewed more than 14.5 million times as of this posting.

Ellen DeGeneres this week welcomed Aaron, Austin and their dad to her show. After hearing the twins’ story, Ellen spoke with dad, who told his side of the story:

“When they called I knew they were crying and something was wrong. As a father you just feel it. What’s wrong? I could hear it coming from them, their voices. When they told me, I just felt as though, the only thing  came through me was ‘I love you both. I love you both unconditionally. You’re my children. I can’t undo being your father and I don’t want to…’ I really feel like now there’s a weight off both our sides. Now I feel like we can talk about anything. I was very proud of my boys.”

Ellen praised his reaction:

“That is the right thing to say … ‘I love you both’. Even if you don’t fully understand it right now there are ways to understand it and time will help with that…I can’t tell you how amazing it is for you to just love them and accept them.”

Ellen also gave the twins a special gift to help them get settled in L.A..


Andy Towle


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