Watch Obama Say Exactly What The Supreme Court Needs To Do About Marriage

Watch Obama Say Exactly What The Supreme Court Needs To Do About Marriage

obama-smiling1Just in case you weren’t paying attention, President Obama is now super-on-board with marriage equality. He endorsed it in 2011 before the last election, he had the Justice Department submit an anti-DOMA amicus brief in 2013, and he even said that married gay couples are “America at its best” during his State of the Union.

And now he’s gone even further, by explaining his position to a YouTube personality, which is pretty much the most official proclamation a sitting president can make.

In a conversation with GloZell Green, a YouTube celebrity who is, like all YouTube celebrities, inexplicably popular, Obama made his position clear. “I’m hopeful the Supreme Court will come to the right decision,” he said. “My hope is they go ahead and recognize what a majority of people in America now recognize. Two people who love each other and treat each other with respect, and aren’t bothering anybody, why would the law treat them any differently?”

He also pointed out that his administration has done a lot to create a climate in which marriage equality is possible. “We’ve done a lot to push it along,” he said. “We argued against the Defense of Marriage Act,” which is no small thing. And although he didn’t mention it, they’ve also reformed immigration policy so that married non-resident spouses can stay in this country.

Considering that the last guy in the White House wanted to put a marriage ban in the U.S. Constitution, it’s pretty nice to hear the president talk this way. Now, hopefully the next guy (or gal) to get the job will be just as good.

Here’s the video:

matt baume

Emma Watson Says Women's Potential Is 'Astonishingly Untapped' In HeForShe Davos Speech

Emma Watson Says Women's Potential Is 'Astonishingly Untapped' In HeForShe Davos Speech
Emma Watson followed up her September 2013 HeForShe address with another equally impassioned speech — this time at the World Economic Forum.

On Jan. 23, the UN Women Goodwill Ambassador took the stage in Davos, Switzerland to speak about the HeForShe campaign, the influence it has had on her own life and the new initiative Impact 10x10x10. “Women share this planet 50/50 and they are underrepresented — their potential astonishingly untapped,” she told the crowd.

The HeForShe campaign encourages men to join the movement towards achieving gender equality. As the campaign’s website reads, it “brings together one half of humanity in support of the other half of humanity, for the benefit of all.”

In her speech, Watson describes the far-reaching impact the launch of the HeForSpeech campaign had. Her remarks from the September conference were watched over 11 million times, created 1.2 billion social media conversations and encouraged men from almost every country in the world to sign the HeForShe commitment.

Watch Watson’s full speech at Davos here (story continues below video):

The campaign has inspired many celebrities including Desmond Tutu, Hillary Clinton, Prince Harry and many more.

“It is my belief that there is a greater understanding than ever that women need to be equal participants in our homes, in our societies, in our governments and in our workplaces,” she said. “And they know that the world is being held back in every way because they are not.”

Instead of engaging people on an individual level, like HeForShe’s original campaign, Impact10x10x10 is taking on bigger groups. The initiative is a one-year project that will engage businesses, universities and governments, and encourage them to make real commitments in order to achieve gender equality.

.@EmWatson launched #HeforShe IMPACT 10x10x10 initiative! More+her full speech+images: #wef15

— UN Women (@UN_Women) January 23, 2015

Watson addressed different groups of people throughout her speech, including CEOs of big businesses: “CEOs: Have you implemented the women’s empowerment principles in your own company? What change have you seen? Are you someone persuading men to become HeForShes and collecting their signatures for our website? How many have you got?” she asked. “We want to know. We want to hear from you.”

“I’ve been stunned by the amount of men in my life that have contacted me since my speech to tell me to keep going,” she said. “And that they want to make sure their daughters will still be alive to see a world where women have parody, economically and politically.”

“My Husband’s Not Straight” Perfectly Lampoons TLC’s Mormon Reality Show Nightmare

“My Husband’s Not Straight” Perfectly Lampoons TLC’s Mormon Reality Show Nightmare

Screen Shot 2015-01-23 at 2.37.40 PMYou don’t have to be a clinical psychologist to peer past the nonsense of TLC’s sideshow spectacle My Husband’s Not Gaywherein men who are admittedly attracted to men try their darnedest to convince themselves and their wives (and now America) that they’re perfectly content suppressing their true identities.

But for argument’s sake, let’s say there was a shred of believability to their pious reformation. All it takes is a little role reversal to squash any measly remnant of legitimacy.

What if it were same-sex couples where one of the partners is actually straight? That’s the premise of this hilarious video from George Takei. The sad part is that the participants in TLC’s reality show don’t realize they come off as equally ludicrous.

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Dan Tracer

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Kyler Geoffroy


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