Gay, Closeted, and Heartbroken in Morocco (VIDEO)

Gay, Closeted, and Heartbroken in Morocco (VIDEO)


I’m From Driftwood is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit archive for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer stories. New stories are posted on the site every Wednesday.

While abroad in Morocco, one of 77 countries in which it is illegal to be gay, Anthony Mercurio was dumped by his first love. “I was pretty devastated,” Anthony recalls:

[F]or a week, basically, I was, like, in tears or crying or upset, and my host family had no idea what was going on, so they were so confused as to what was happening. They were like, “Is he homesick?” Like, they kept asking me questions, and I was like … “Everything’s fine. I’m just sad.” And you can only say that so much.

Unable to express the real reason for his heartbreak, at least Anthony had his host grandmother there to comfort him:

She didn’t actually even speak Arabic; she spoke Berber. So we literally could not communicate ever. There was no point in which we could, like, communicate verbally with each other. … So we couldn’t talk, but she would just … bring me a plate of food and, like, pat me on the back and, like, rub my back and then walk away. And then she would come back like 20 minutes later and take whatever — I probably hadn’t eaten that much — but she would, like, bring another plate of food, and then she would bring me tea or something, because that was her way of making me feel better, and that was glorious.

And as Anthony realized, his grief and distraction about his boyfriend were only ruining his experience:

I kind of buckled up and decided that I’m in Morocco for another three months, and this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. So I decided to kind of jump off and just be fully present in everywhere I was.


For more stories, visit I’m From Driftwood, the LGBTQ Story Archive.

What To Watch This Week on TV: 'Murder' Returns, Ellen Debuts 'Design Challenge'

What To Watch This Week on TV: 'Murder' Returns, Ellen Debuts 'Design Challenge'


Check out our weekly guide to make sure you’re catching the big premieres, crucial episodes and the stuff you won’t admit you watch when no one’s looking.

— Grab the smelling salts, because How To Get Away With Murder is back, Thursday at 10 p.m. Eastern on ABC. What sorts of sexy scandals will gay law student Connor (Jack Falahee) find himself embroiled in this time? How will he and the rest of his class deal with the fallout of the freshman drama’s fall finale?

More returning shows and Ellen’s latest Challenge, AFTER THE JUMP


— Do you think the panel on Fashion Police (Brad Goreski, Giuliana Rancic, Kelly Osbourne and Kathy Griffin) will have the same love for Emma Stone’s SAG Award ensemble as they did her daring Golden Globes jumpsuit? Find out tonight at 9 p.m. Eastern on E.


— Ellen DeGeneres’ talk show is all about the guests sitting in her hot seat, but on Ellen’s Design Challenge the focus is on the furniture. See which designer can best turn the tables when the reality competition premieres tonight at 9 p.m. on HGTV.


— Paging, anyone still watching Grey’s Anatomy. The veteran medical drama is back Thursday at 8 p.m. Eastern on ABC. The show soldiers on in the absence of Cristina Yang (Sandra Oh) with all its signature twists, turns and tumors with teeth, or whatever.

What are you watching this week?

Bobby Hankinson

7 Snow Day Charts To Help You Weather The Storm

7 Snow Day Charts To Help You Weather The Storm
Snowpocalypse, Snowmageddon, whatever hyperbolic name you’re calling it, it’s here.

The Northeast is facing a snowstorm of epic proportions so we’re getting prepared the only way we know how: making sarcastic charts about our impending doom. Don’t you worry, though. As long as you’ve got shelter, food, water and Netflix, you’re probably going to be okay.

So for those of you who find yourself out of work, out of school or out of shows to stream during the storm, scroll down for 7 charts that will help you put #Snowmageddon2015 into perspective.

Images by Andy McDonald

Sam Smith Forced To List Tom Petty As “Stay With Me” Co-Writer, Dish Out Royalty Checks

Sam Smith Forced To List Tom Petty As “Stay With Me” Co-Writer, Dish Out Royalty Checks

Screen Shot 2015-01-26 at 1.17.14 PMThere are famous, woefully obvious cases of musical plagiarism. Vanilla Ice’s unauthorized sampling of Queen and David Bowie’s Under Pressure in his much more forgettable Ice, Ice Baby comes to mind first.

That’s the clearcut, shaking my head sort of copyright infringement. But the waters get much murkier in terms of who owns what in a musical canon that isn’t getting any smaller. There are only twelve notes in the Western scale, and only so many ways to arrange them.

Which brings us to the bit of news that Tom Petty has been awarded a percentage of songwriting royalties and a writer’s credit on Sam Smith‘s 2014 breakout hit “Stay With Me.”

Huh? You might ask.

Well unbeknownst to us, when the track was released in April of last year, many well-tuned listeners thought the chorus bared a striking resemblance to Petty’s “Won’t Back Down.”

Petty’s lawyers agreed, and reached an agreement with camp Smith for a whopping 12.5% of royalties. They settled back in October, but the details have only just emerged.

In addition, Pettey and singer-composer Jeff Lynne (of ELO fame) have been given songwriting credits, as shown here on the song’s credit on ASCAP (American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers):


Consequence of Sound quotes one source close to the case saying:

“When Sam’s track was originally released, it was clear to a lot of musicians that there were notable similarities between the tracks,” referring specifically to melodies of the respective choruses. “After it was pointed out to Sam’s camp, they didn’t try to fight it and amicably dished out royalties. It wasn’t a deliberate thing, musicians are just inspired by other artists and Sam and his team were quick to hold up their hand when it was officially flagged.”

A rep for Smith added:

“Not previously familiar with the 1989 Petty/Lynne song, the writers of ‘Stay With Me’ listened to ‘I Won’t Back Down’ and acknowledged the similarity. Although the likeness was a complete coincidence, all involved came to an immediate and amicable agreement in which Tom Petty and Jeff Lynne are now credited as co-writers of ‘Stay With Me’ along with Sam Smith, James Napier and William Phillips.”

“Stay With Me” was one of the most successful singles of 2014, selling around 4 million copies. It’s also up for Best Pop Performance and Record of the Year at the 2015 Grammy Awards.
Here are the two choruses played over one another. What do you think? 

Dan Tracer

Alabama's First Openly Gay Lawmaker Threatens to 'Out' Anti-gay Colleagues Having Extramarital Affairs

Alabama's First Openly Gay Lawmaker Threatens to 'Out' Anti-gay Colleagues Having Extramarital Affairs

Rep. Patricia Todd, Alabama’s first openly gay legislator, has threatened to expose the adulterous affairs of certain anti-gay state officials should they start speaking out about “family values” in the wake of the state’s ban on same-sex marriage being overturned by a federal judge. reports:

ToddBut after seeing comments by Republican officials, particularly from Alabama Speaker of the House Mike Hubbard, and seeing Attorney General Luther Strange’s efforts to get a stay of the judge’s orders, Todd fired off an emotional Facebook post making a threat to expose politicians’ dalliances.

“This (is) a time where you find out who are accepting, loving people. To say I am disappointed in Speaker Hubbard comment’s and Attorney General Strange choice to appeal the decision is an understatement. I will not stand by and allow legislators to talk about ‘family values’ when they have affairs, and I know of many who are and have. I will call our elected officials who want to hide in the closet OUT,” Todd stated in her Facebook post over the weekend. […]

Hubbard issued a brief statement to in response to Todd’s Facebook post. “I consider Rep. Todd a friend, and we have always enjoyed a good and cordial relationship, so I am sorry that she is upset about my remarks,” Hubbard stated. “We do have a fundamental disagreement on allowing same sex marriages in Alabama, and I will continue to voice my opinion on this important social issue, just as I expect she will continue to voice hers, but we can disagree without being disagreeable.”

Todd said she believes public sentiment towards same-sex marriage in Alabama has changed significantly in the past few years. “The leadership needs to recognize that now,” she said.

Todd married her longtime partner Jennifer Clarke in Provincetown, Massachusetts in 2013. She is also the lead sponsor of an anti-discrimination bill protection LGBT Alabamians that is named after Apple CEO Tim Cook, a native of the state. 

Kyler Geoffroy


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